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haam sup
You're honest, I'll give you that...

What bothered me most was your inference that your stereotypical motives are shared by the other members of this forum, and secondarily, the familiarity of your tone, have just showed up with a bunch of newbie questions.

Some members may well have the same motives as you, but many have a long-standing interest in Thailand, and life there. See, the thing is, in Thailand, sex is just sex. It's there whenever you need it, but for most, it's not the reason for existence. There is less of the Puritanical, hypocritical, in-your-face militancy of the moralists found so readily in the US. But there are plenty of guys who are out-of-control, and who have lost everything chasing pussy.

I think one of the biggest differences is Thai women. And I just realized that my true biggest objections to your attitude is the inference that they are whores. By continually using the term 'mongering', which, as you must know, comes from the term 'whore monger', you are implying that they are whores. If you simply define 'whore' as a girl who sells sex for money, then I guess it's technically accurate. But there is something about the culture in Thailand that makes it hard for me to think of most girls who ply that trade as whores.

I realize that this is getting way beyond my original intent, but my advice to you is to take your trip, think about it for a while, and then write a trip report, with the kind of honesty, and self-perception you showed in your last post. You may find that Thailand changes the way you think about women. Or, you may not like it, because it is DEFINITELY NOT like chasing street pussy on El Cajon Bl. in San Diego. It's also not like sex in Tijuana, you may take my word on it.

The pastime you describe as mongering has serious consequences for your mental, and physical well-being, if performed in a Western, law-and-order, Puritanical setting like the US.

I sincerely hope you come here, and the proverbial lightbulb comes on, and you find that there is more here than cheap sex. If so, your trip report will be interesting reading.



P.S. Anybody remember "Dave from Phoenix"?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:54 pm on Aug. 19, 2009
you're right, we do make a big point in not getting involved with 'putas'=whores in tijuana.

in fact, we have similar reaction when people enter our forums with such attitude thinking they have something special going on with the girls. we nicely tell them to grasp the reality and tell them all girls want is money, which for most part is true.

if your view is the prevalent view here, that's quite interesting. too bad I don't speak a word of thai tho heh.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:25 pm on Aug. 19, 2009
HS, I found your going off on the newbie Mr. stickbbkbkk (a tribute of sorts?) very amusing, and your distaste for the word "mongering" and calling TGs "whores" very close to my own heart.

It reminds me of why I was so pleased to find this forum, and why I stayed on. (Even if it took me a long time to post here, but that's another story.)

But how do you feel about the word "punter"? I am not sure about its exact derivation, but from what I can tell, it is somewhat ambiguous at best (beginner snow boarder?). And yet I find I need a word to describe "us", those of us who "pay" for "sex" on a regular basis. Even if it is in LOS. Because we are not like others. We accept, even embrace, the transactional side of human sexual interaction. Even in LOS. Nothing negative about it. At least not in my understanding of the term. Quite the contrary, it is all about being honest.

But I need its use, to distinguish us from the casual tourist who is mostly sightseeing. Or from the straight out tourist couples who are only sightseeing. From the newbie who hasn't quite made up his mind. And from the Johns who monger on the streets of Tijuana and LA.

Because someone who has fallen in love with LOS may or may not have anything in common with the John who, don't ask me why, returns to a place like like tijuana or amsterdam. Because LOS has absolutely nothing in common with those places. Nothing.

I have f*cked for money in Tijuana, LA, N.O., Texas, NYC (Koreans!), Toronto, Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Bucharest, Budapest, Rio, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, and a few other places I have no doubt forgotten, or choose to omit, for one reason or another. But apart from satisfying my insatiable curiosity, these experiences did little for me (with the possible exception of the Koreans in NYC, who are very addictive, even though they are mostly whores, out of a false sense of protecting themselves), and I do not plan on returning. Why bother? But LOS, ah yes, LOS, has absolutely nothing to do with these experiences.

And yet, those of "us" who partake in the P4P scene in LOS, we too need a name. I am just not sure what it should be. For now I am okay with punter.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:28 pm on Aug. 19, 2009
Frank La Rue
I read stickbkkbkk' s question as a straight foreward one: IS the first-time exposure to Thailands P4P scene addicitve if you have not met anything like this before?

The answer is YES - for qyite afew.

There are similar scenes a few other places in the world (philipines, some places in Africa) but if you have only been in the west it is a mindblowing experience for some, for others it does not stick that much.

I have seen it in my younger days when 10 - 15 of us landed in BKK / patpong together.
Personally I loved it.
As one colleague put it (45 years old, MD of a company with 2 kids in university in his home country) "If I had know this existed - mayby I would have chosen adifferent way of life"

Mongering in LOS has made my life richer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:47 pm on Aug. 19, 2009
I thought this thread asked a very simple, logical, and straightforward question which is summed up in the OP's post title...... crack vs Bkk.

Yes I do think Bkk is as or even more addictive than crack.

For that reason, I never tell my married friends back home about the glory that we here know to be a sexual Disneyland. I feel I would be interfering with the 'sanctity of marriage'. I could not forgive myself if I caused a marriage to breakup and few men could resist the tempatations here IMO.

Funny, but all my single freinds who I have implored to come visit and see for themselves have not taken me up on it.

In Biology there is a concept known as the 'Alien Species'. It is the situation when a species is somehow transplanted to another location where it finds that it has no predators and an abundance of prey and/or mates. Many examples too numerous to mention here. But the result is the transplanted species flourished wildly and it upsets the ecological balance there. We farangs in a female target rich environment are truely an Alien Species here in Thailand due to the abundance of poor beautiful sweet women available to almost anyone. Very unusual situation that will last until Thailand becomes a first world nation.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:26 pm on Aug. 20, 2009
Thailand is the sexual moral free Eden among the worlds puritanical.... the freedoms have been around since the old Siam/ Khmer days... India and SE Asia and rest of Asia to the lesser...religions have played part and women have set the worlds laws on prostitution....pussy control !... family and infidelities are big issues in Thailand as well... many children are born out of wedlock and support

has anyone asked stickbkkbkk ? have you been to Asia or SE Asia or Thailand or Bangkok ? if not

venture out ! Thailand is one big pickup joint ! many ladies also come to work in free Thailand from other neighboring countries... many find husbands to care and be taken care of... environments are as clean and upscale as USA standards...3-5 star hotels condos villas everywhere... elaborate MPs that will blow you away just like Hong Kong... even a freelancer in the bars or street areas treat you good!.... but like anywhere watch out for the druggies !

.... it beats the Fem A Nazi crowded western working womans attitude ! enslave the mans...make em pay dearly for my pussy !
you will soon realize men pay mucho over thier lives for a woman / marriage / GFs/ etc... everyone knows about the post honeymoon and the duration of love in marriage...

use the net in the USA for a pickup ! enough MILFs with headtrips for all... Thai ladies carry less sexual psychological burdens in their heads.... working sisters ! GFEs /GIKs we call nice play nice and no head trips in Thailand ! just Eden and way less pickup hassle as the western world

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 pm on Aug. 20, 2009
haam sup

You must have Cold Hands as I'm Sure You Have a Warm Heart!

I like your style and out look!

I feel most not all Thai Lady's working in a bar whatever only look at it as a job, sure there's the sharks like the crack hookers mentioned, but on a whole it's just plain Survivor mode for them.

Hey to them and to any Man sex is a Normal thing, which a lot of farlang women know it's there bartering tool to get what they want, so at the end of the day we always pay Right!

How many times do you wake up with a roaring Fat give the western Wife a rub on the bum and she says Not Now I'm tired leave me along etc

Also can anyone really Knock another human being for trying to help and support Mum and Dad Sister and Brother that Have NO social security and or Pension and never will, and have to work long hrs for what 200bht a day.

Call me a Square head if you like but I hear of the trouble many punters get into and it all comes down to lack of that One word in the old Aretha Franklin Song Respect.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:39 pm on Aug. 20, 2009
haam sup

Quote: from Quim on 11:28 am on Aug. 20, 2009
And yet I find I need a word to describe "us", those of us who "pay" for "sex" on regular basis.

Wow, so many interesting comments!

Quim: After thinking about it a bit, I don't see the need for a name, 'punter', 'monger', or anything like it.

The beauty of Thailand is that the more you live it, the more you just embrace the lifestyle. As I said, sex is there, but so are temples, great food, and a complete way of life you can choose to embrace. Why break sex out, and make a big deal? It's there in as much abundance as each of us needs...

StrayGypsy: I share a lot of your feelings about the more political side of sex, and the Western woman's need for 'PussyControl', as a means of bargaining. It's why the word 'whore' is tossed around so lightly. It's a word used mainly by women who have lost the control they feel their pussy entitles them to, when men figure out that they have other choices.

bkkfella: I am not sure about the 'Alien Species' analogy, but certain of our attributes give us an evolutionary advantage over the local species, the stereotypical Thai male. We are (rightly or wrongly) perceived as more honest, better breadwinners, and more easily led, than Thai men. We are big fish, in a small pond, although that state of affairs is eroding fast. Enjoy it while you can...

jingjo: I agree that for men, sex is a natural thing, and like all natural things, holding it back is unhealthy. The great thing about the scene in Thailand is that the transaction can be perfectly clean: you meet her needs, you get yours met, everybody goes home happy. No mixed messages, no subtext, no ambiguity. Sure, there will be those who try, but you have choices, unlike those at home. Mutual respect, as you point out, is the key. Calling someone a whore is NOT respectful, so why not just leave the old programming behind, and go native in LOS?

And thanks for the kind words.

best to all,

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:17 pm on Aug. 20, 2009

Quote: from haam sup on 10:04 pm on Aug. 19, 2009

I prefer to make it known that there is an element of appreciation of Thailand, and a certain decorum here, however meager. As I stated, I have never seen anyone be unkind to newbies - quite the opposite - but this guy needs to know the score.
Thanks for explaining this - I was not aware of the deeper meaning of 'mongerer' or 'whore monger', but agree with you about your reaction, then, based on your experience.

Fully agree with you about the difference and what you call a level of appreciation about Thailand, and your effort to maintain a certain bar with regards to that - personally, I have a similar problem with certain class-less morons referring to girls and women as 'bitches' or 'whores' in colloquial terms when describing encounters.

I can see, though, where stick comes from -- like I said, I was not aware of the deeper negative meanings of the words. I know what they mean, albeit I personally would not use them, as I associate those words more with the seedier elements that you encounter in the States, or elsewhere in the West. Though, of course, it would help that once the word has been explained by haam sup, to actually stop using it 5 times per line. :-(

Quote: from haam sup on 8:54 am on Aug. 20, 2009

But there is something about the culture in Thailand that makes it hard for me to think of most girls who ply that trade as whores.
I think that's what it really breaks down to -- and the culture is very different from the world TJamigos are used to.

Mind you, I enjoy heading down to TJ for a quickie out of Chicago Club, but that's really all it is - 30 minutes worth of distractions with a puta (come to think of it, I should go this weekend

Quote: from Quim on 11:28 am on Aug. 20, 2009

And yet, those of "us" who partake in the P4P scene in LOS, we too need a name. I am just not sure what it should be. For now I am okay with punter.
I think EPC calls us 'sex tourists', probably because it reminds him of his spent youth, or something...

As Haam Sup pointed out -- in Thailand, sex is a commodity. It's not anything special, which is the aspect of that culture I find rather refreshing.

Good thread.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:07 pm on Aug. 20, 2009
Going native won't cut it. As soon as you do, then you have to take class into perspective, because your class is probably the second most important thing about going native in Thailand, and adopting Thai culture. Sex workers are at the bottom of the class structure, and your open association with them puts you in the same class (unless they work for you). Looked down on, with money the only thing that can raise you up a little class wise.

Sex tourist is the most widely accepted term if you go, and openly associate with sex workers on a regular basis. Once being a regular basis if the wrong people see you.......lolol.

And again, there is nothing from your experiences in any other place that will prepare you for Thailand.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:17 pm on Aug. 20, 2009

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