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Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:07 am on Aug. 21, 2009
As Haam Sup pointed out -- in Thailand, sex is a commodity....

Sorry, I recoil at that. It's where that usage of "whore" springs from. I remember a cyber discussion with a western woman once during which I was insisting that a sexual outing with a bargirl was not prostitution in my eyes, although technically I was paying for sex. She was flatly refusing to buy that viewpoint. In her eyes a bar girl who has sex with different customers is a whore because she agrees to go out with them for money. I countered that it was only part of the story. As friendship builds up there would be times she would go out with me without the consideration of money. My cybermate retorted that a street whore could do the same for me if I built up friendship with her. So, to cut a long interminable argument short, in her eyes, paid sex is whoring.

I suppose if the legal definition were to be applied, sex in Thailand, as we enjoy it, is prostitution. And, as Daffy inferred, sex is a commodity. Several posters here have been alluding to this 'inescapable' aspect. I suppose, the semantic struggle is eternal. In the eyes of a vast majority Thailand is a vast pick-up joint, some legendary hotels here are glorified brothels, as a poster once described on BTF. The majority view is what leads to 'mongering,' a term whose etymology was hitherto unknown to me and was starkly explained by HaamSup. Looked at in the light of that explanation, I suppose we can more realistically appreciate why some of us, irrespective of the regions we hail from, detest the majority of our respective countrymen descending on this paradise, each with their own 'monger profile.' I daresay monger in English perhaps sounds more respectable than some of the crude analogies that other languages offer.

Coming to Quim's question, I would venture that while 'punter' doesn't quite sound objectionable, a more pertinent allusion to the minority of us who appreciate the treasures here and refuse to use the term "prostitution" would be just 'admirer.' The mind is its own place and in it can make heaven of hell or hell of heaven. Up to you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:00 am on Aug. 21, 2009
haam sup

Quote: from Kaymanx on 2:00 pm on Aug. 21, 2009
Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:07 am on Aug. 21, 2009
As Haam Sup pointed out -- in Thailand, sex is a commodity....

I shouldn't have let that one get by...

My statement was that in Thailand, sex is just sex.

The influx of the mongerer[erererereer]s [sic] is, I believe, due to the assumption that, in Thailand, sex is the same commodity that it appears to be on the streets of LA, or in Tijuana, etc. I think it is distinct.

And as to whether or not it is prostitution, who cares? Do I care what some uptight, threatened, Western female thinks? No.

Oh, the hypocrisy of it! The BMW, 5 br ranch house, Nordstrom charge card, wait-until-I-get-the-ring, and then-only-if-you're-lucky mentality is short-circuited by a couple of crisp B1000 notes on the dresser. Of course Western women are threatened...

Sexual politics are for those who subscribe. I don't. I suppose you could make a Darwinist argument that sex outside of marriage, and without procreation deselects for the participants. Good. Too many 'mongers' about already, in any case

Lest anyone think Haam Sup is a Puritan, let me say that I know the Chicago Club, and HK Bar, and Adelita, as well as the streets of several major cities. Couldn't care less. Diversions, not obsessions.

But I love Thailand. I can eat joak every morning, feel the cool air of the river on my face, watch 1000 faces go by, smell the garbage, see the rats, human and otherwise, and, oh, by the way, stop at SoL to see my fav, before a nice lunch at Beirut. All in a day's work...


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:57 pm on Aug. 21, 2009
I like to point out to those uptight farang women the following old adage....

A bar fine is cheaper than alimony.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:41 pm on Aug. 21, 2009

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:07 am on Aug. 21, 2009
As Haam Sup pointed out -- in Thailand, sex is a commodity....

Where isn't it?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:11 pm on Aug. 21, 2009
If it flys, floats, or f***s !... Its better to rent, than own !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:18 am on Aug. 22, 2009
i'm glad both sides are represented in this forum. I suspect hs's views are on one end of an extreme as are mine apparently on this forum.

as for previous comments about hypocracy of the western world, I agree. all women are whores and by a whore, I mean woman having sex for money regardless of circumstances/morals/whateverelse.

however, what isn't your way doesn't mean it's the inappropriate way to live. I find most people are quite happy in the present world where guys end up providing most of the living, especially when there are kids involved and more importantly, when the wife is doing her job well. and of course, there are some of us who may try to walk the fine line between what we think as the best of both worlds by traveling to various destinations for momentary satisfactions. although it has become conducive to skipped beats at times, at this present time, I find it the most comfortable, satisfying, and exciting route in which I can partake.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:47 pm on Aug. 23, 2009
" all women are whores and by a whore, I mean woman having sex for money regardless of circumstances/morals/whateverelse. "

This is the stupidest thing that I have ever read in my life. Not just stupid in the fact that it makes absolutely no sense, but stupid in the fact that it is so offensive in its pure stupidity.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:45 pm on Aug. 23, 2009
I sympathize with your reaction BFH... stickbkkbkk's posts continue to lack any discernable receptiveness as to what makes this forum tick. And I highly doubt he will every appreciate why LOS is much more addictive than crack ever was.

All that said, I continue to believe that we are all pretty much "whores" who sell whatever we have to sell for money, and therefore do not agree that it should be a pejorative term for women any more than for us. Although there are of course some out there who ply a trade so cold and mercenary that I don't mind calling them something pejorative, as they leave me feeling worse than before I came. But they are in the minority, and rare enough in LOS that I barely pay such distinctions any mind while I am there.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:10 am on Aug. 24, 2009
The stick probably means to get the hackles and seems to meet with a fair degree of success. To describe HS' views as representing one end of an extreme and then to describe himself as stationed at the other end was quite presumptuous, and well "above his station," to use HS' words. When you admit that you are "someone who's never been to bkk," I really wonder whether you should start a new discussion thread instead of simply reading (not to be confused with asking newbie questions or advice). Now, after almost three pages in a thread that must seem like a big ego trip to the OP for the time and focus that it has drawn from other posters, the stick does not seem to have quite got the grasp of things - neither of what is being posted here nor of what he is himself driving at.

How "someone who's never been to bkk" "agrees" that "all women are whores" beats me. Agrees with whom? I just re-read this thread to ascertain who ever suggested, for the stick to "agree" with, that "all women are whores." Couldn't locate that. Must be a pre-conceived assumption.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:07 am on Aug. 24, 2009
I have to agree Stickbkk was ok until the "all women are whores" comment. Not great but ok, I understood his original question to mean can you suffer from an addiction to Thai ladies similar to other addictions. The answer is definitely yes for some people. However some are definitely more addictive personalities than others.

Quim has it correct we all do whatever is necessary to generate an income. We are indeed all whores in one way or another. Some of us in a more direct fashion than others. Myself I sell my services directly to a large corporation through the services of my local pimp. Something that I believe is the norm here in Thailand. That definitely makes me a whore for money.

However in the context of Stickbkk's last report the term "whore" was derogatory in the extreme. Especially when used in conjunction with the angels who ply the bars, hotels, massage parlors, karaoke joints etc of Thailand.

I have been numerous places around this planet and have never found any playtime friends that come close to providing the same level of service and or GFE that is offered here.

I am hopefull that the ladies in Thailand are not percieved around the world in the same light that they have been portrayed by Stickbkk. I applaud the efforts of the posters here who have tired to lift the veil and enlighten the poor man.

Sincerely a long term resident/admirer of Thailand and everything it has to offer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:40 am on Aug. 24, 2009

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