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Um - paying for sex is culturally accepted if you do it in certain ways. Going to a gentleman's club is culturally accepted by many thais, just as going to a lap dancing club is back home for many people. But getting a girl from a go go bar, or off the streets - amongst middle or hi so thais, this is less so. If you care about what middle class or hi so thais think.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:12 pm on Aug. 24, 2009
that's what I had thought before this forum. but some of members think otherwise.

eh sounded too good to be true anyway. whichever continent women reside, p4p will always be looked down upon!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:16 pm on Aug. 24, 2009
Very astute guy told me once ;
"If it flies / floats / or f***s,
dont buy it - hires it "
Which is pretty sound advice, - as is the notion that in the morning your not paying them for the nights frivolities, your paying them to leave !
All that said, allowing for the general attiutde of most TGs, coupled with their looks, its probably hard to get better value anywhere else in the world.
Certainly very few MP/Escort girls in the west measure up anywhere near in comparison as far as the overall looks, weight, fun, and 'fee' are concerned.
LOS is a great place to P4P - I think best to accept it for that and make the most of it. -

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 pm on Aug. 24, 2009
Well, it is a funny thing: when you are with the girls, it doesn't feel like you are being with a 'whore'. They're just so sweet and lovely and friendly, it seems like a one night stand if you meet them once, they want to have fun etc etc etc. And especially if you get to know them and like them, why would you want to go around calling them words with negative connotations?

And if you spend a lot of time with them, and hang out with a crowd of sexpats and prostitutes, and the prostitutes are hanging with you and not just f***ing then f***ing off, and they are doing things with you and behaving like your ideal friendly hot young girls, and you just slip them some money now and then, they why focus on the fact that you're paying them, and that that makes them prostitutes, and it makes you someone who is paying prostitutes to be with you?

It is half being in denial, and half just looking at the glass being half full and not half empty. Coz lets face it. A middle aged man over here doesn't just get looked at with interest by the prostitutes, he gets looked at with interest by most young, sexy girls. It doesn't seem strange that girls half your age are flirting with you all the time - shopgirls do, everyone does, it is almost as though you are good looking and young yourself... It would be an odd guy who focussed on them being prostitutes, IHMO.

That said, let the fact that they are, and they are doing it for money, and that were we not hundreds of times richer than they are that they wouldn't be with us in such droves, and you're risking being taken in by some scam before you realise what is going on, and risk losing both your heart and your money.

Further, there are whole areas of Thailand where the major industry is servicing the sexual and emotional needs of comparatively wealthy westerners. You need not leave these areas. You need not meet anyone who looks down upon it. And if you do, the people that you meet are likely to be so pleasant to you that they would not make it at all clear that you are behaving in ways they find unacceptable in their acquaintances and friends. And, really, why would you care what they thought anyway? (And many of them have to perform a little bit of double think, as a lot of money from prostitution goes right up to the top of Thai society, just as - you've seen The Wire, right? - money from prostitution and drugs in the States makes its way to the top of American society. Doesn't stop top yanks from turning their nose up at it though, does it?)

Thailand is a VERY conservative country in many many ways, sex included. It is just that they are very, very poor, and very, very pragmatic.

All this is just my view. I think I am right, obviously, but I might be completely wrong. The more I spend time in this country, the less I feel I know it. But I'm pretty sure that most of us, most of the time, are living in a sort of Truman show over here. And the wisest people go, I think, with the flow while not letting that fact escape from the backs of their minds.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:35 pm on Aug. 24, 2009

Quote: from farangman4 on 11:35 am on Aug. 25, 2009

why would you want to go around calling them words with negative connotations?
Some people do it to insulate themselves, and their fragile judeo-christian egos; some people do it as they feel it's the only way they can make themselves appear 'superior'. Do the math...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:53 am on Aug. 25, 2009
Farangman4, I think you hit it right on the head. The major difference that keeps me going to Thailand in not price. By the time you add up all the costs I could spend the same amount of money at home and have about the same amount of sex. The difference is the attitude which makes the quality of time spent with the girls much better and generally longer as well. Yes, I have met the occassional mercenary girl as we all have but in the USA its everyone of the professionals, in Thailand it 1 in10 or 20. I think many of the girls will enjoy their time with you if you treat them well and they will show you their appreciation in many ways.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:01 am on Aug. 25, 2009
all women are prostitutes in one way or another

even if u r a normal western guy with a western girlfriend, lets say u take her for dinner, you pay, she is going to feel "obliged" after the date to at least kiss you and maybe f*** you too as "thanks" for the meal

so why not just ask her - would you like to go for dinner, or do you prefer the money instead, and save 3 hrs time?!

better to pay a professional and get what you want, than to pay an amateur with not even a guarantee you will get ANYTHING let alone something that you like or enjoy

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:31 am on Aug. 27, 2009
snpark wrote: why not just ask her - would you like to go for dinner, or do you prefer the money instead, and save 3 hrs time?!

better to pay a professional and get what you want, than to pay an amateur with not even a guarantee you will get ANYTHING let alone something that you like or enjoy

Well as much as I would like to be able to ask a western girl that very question. I do value my life, or at least the quality of it for the hours/days it would take her and her friends and the rest of society over there to get past the question.
That being said you could not ask the same question here outside the P4P areas without some negative conotations.

However the great thing about Thailand is you can ask this question in large areas that cater to P4P. The even greater thing is you will get a positive response to this, along with a positive experience. Other posters have summed it up well Thailand is one of the best locations to go and enjoy yourself in the P4P filed. Also many ladies in the tourist/retail business here will respond to a polite friendly farang, or anyone else for that matter. Got to love LOS.

Talk about value for money along with a great country with a great society. Sorry got carried away there. I do love it here in Thailand and yes I will never be happy in the West again.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:39 pm on Aug. 28, 2009
I don't think you got carried away nearly enough...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:53 pm on Aug. 28, 2009
for me at least, reason why I keep this separate is because this only provides momentary satisfaction. my life in the west as a whole is something I can die happy with. i'm afraid I can't say the same for my mongering life.

as for view such as all women are prostitutes. I agree once again, but a woman can complement what I can not do such as raising children full time or cooking dinner for the entire family when I return from work. you may argue so can a maid, but there's some comfort in having a wife that's quite special until you get the divorce which i'm lucky to have avoided thus far.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:39 pm on Aug. 28, 2009

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