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MainShopping – shall I declare ???????????? All Topics

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dan the dodge
hi guys, im plannin on bringin about 20 dvds back half pornos, and about 10 ps2 games back to the UK. Question is do I declare and risk paying tax or getting them conviscated, or do I just walk through? Im thinkin if I walked through and got stopped itll be worse for me. on the other hand if I dont get stopped thatll be cool. Does anyone know what the chances are of gettin searched?

oh yeah, and I wana bring back a bb gun and a stun gun!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on July 15, 2004
How about drugs?

I am sure if you declare fake DVDs and PS2 games they will be confiscated as they are illegal (they are hardly going to charge you tax!!). In the UK roughly one in every 240 air passengers gets searched and, assuming you are white skinned, the chances are considerably lower. If they search you they will not be looking for CDs and are unlikely to notice them but if they find them, they will probably confiscate them.

As for the guns - well good luck mate....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:35 am on July 15, 2004
what ever you do. DO NOT try and Declare porn

if you want to play a silly game, try and declare a few of the things you know aren't admissible, but iffy

when they see your naivety (supposed) they'll let you pass. but keep all that porn and illegal copies of games and sh!te well out of site. put as many as you can into small binders (like calendar notebooks). don't let them look like a big cylinder of obvious CDs to the X-Ray.

oh, and don't align them all perfectly in your binders/notebooks. That would also be a visible round disc. Alternate them, up and down and middle to fill the voids.

Stun guns could be a worry too, but I know for sure about the illegit software, movies, and porn

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:36 am on July 15, 2004
Shove the stun gun up your arse, that should be good for a laugh and if they decide to cavity search you, you can just squeeze and set it off, that'll give the inspector something to think about.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:42 am on July 15, 2004
dan the dodge
good stuff, cheers! wow didnt relise the chances of getting searched were so low! time to do a bit more shopping :D

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:52 am on July 15, 2004
it doesn't mean that you can come pulling thru tons of baggage with a grin on your face and expect to skate thru.

just be careful that some items don't look like an obvious huge collection of things, especially discs

if you get caught with a gun, even a pellet rifle, hmm, hate to think what they do to ya...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:17 am on July 15, 2004

Quote: from dan the dodge on 5:28 pm on July 15, 2004
oh yeah, and I wana bring back a bb gun and a stun gun!

Hey, while you're at it, why not pocket a few K's of crack, and hide it in your suitcase?

Seriously, if the guns are an afterthought and you are more concerned about your DVDs setting off the customs radar, then your lack of experience will certainly assist you in gaining some experiences really fast.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 pm on July 15, 2004
I travel a lot on business, and if I have something that is going to get questioned, like copied DVDs, then I try to bring them though in my hand baggage. So if I am going to get stopped, and they open up my suitcases, they are not going to find anything. This has worked going in and out of several airports.

I have a face that tells every customs man to pull on the rubber gloves, but so far, they have never checked my hand baggage. This goes for electronic stuff, and also for DVDs. So when I buy DVDs that are copied from Chines or LOS, I usually do not take the hard case with them, but just take them in the cellophane (sp?!) wrapping so they do not take up so much space.

I am pretty sure this all stems from being caught with a load of porn at Luton Airport several years ago. Worse thing is that it was porn with mega fat people in it, and was bought as a joke for my old man. Obviously the customs official really belived me when I said it was not for me!!..

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:21 pm on July 15, 2004
For every customs official that you can visibly see there is one hiding behind a bank of CCTV cameras or in plain clothes hanging around the baggage halls.
They are not interested in small scale smugglers such as yourself. However, they are highly trained to recognise suspects based on their body language. If you are the type of person who breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought of doing something illegal & you are observed by an eagle eyed officer then they may stop you. I would wing it if I were you. If you get stopped they will confiscate your stuff but that will be it. It is exceedingly unlikely that they would take any further action. They have got bigger fish to fry like catching the guys from the West Indies who are travelling with a bunch of bananas up their arse!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:42 pm on July 15, 2004
Get a connecting flight i.e thai airways to Dussoldorf germany, your luggage gets put in another plane in Europe without checking, no dogs can smell doggy dvds
right. When you arrive in London just say guten tag
they think you came from germany no sweat, like the boys said this is insignificant only if they are bored you could get screwed
Other alternative wife and children in tow many many bags, when you arrive early morning they ususally pull
out single people, my kid is 4 great distraction not that I do anything wrong wouldnot dream of.
20 yrs ago I took wakky bakky in my underpants from amsterdam to london, had a pile of hard core porn walked through red zone to declare it so I had an excuss to be nervous, got this lovely young girl looking through all the material complete hard core semen the works, is it for your own use ? yes maam I replied, ok then she said. I put it on the table at work it was gone in a couple of hours hehe.
Of course I am now a family man and an upstanding citizen in the comunity...bla bla bla
Good luck. but the best way if you are worried is to forget it that you have it, this is in your mind just do not think about it, and something happens act suprised like sorry I did not know that.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:21 am on July 16, 2004

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