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Quote: from snpark on 1:27 pm on Sep. 16, 2007
so the question is do you like thailand because the sex is so cheap or because they are so good at it / gfe etc?

just curious if its a financial decison or an emotional one!?


Now on to haam sup. I got your humor. Did you get mine? Your joke was funnier. Both of them were.

Sharks in SOL? Yeah, any girl in there that charges 5 - 10K to f*** her asshole! haha

I typed the 'haha' to make sure everyone knows I am telling a joke again.

I don't know why you didn't think anybody got your joke; everybody answered with something humorous. Oh well, don't feel bad about it. My jokes are ignored all the time. So are my other spontaneous comments. But the social order must continue, and that's probably best for everyone.

As to your comments, there are indeed a couple in SOL that, even though I've been with them in the past, due to their changing behavior and self-image during the few years of their experience there and their risen popularity and expanded vanity, I have made a decision not to choose again. Never harmed me personally of course and not that I'd kick them out of bed. But there are plenty more nice and fun chix there whom I prefer.... And vice versa, come to think of it, meaning that my relationship with some has improved over time when I didn't much care for them at first. So. But this is a discussion best continued in the appropriate thread, I'd say. Though the phenomenon happens everywhere.

Your favorites, my favorites... As has been discussed on a few threads, girls are different with different guys. Behavior and pricing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:37 pm on Sep. 16, 2007

Quote: from seajohn on 11:31 am on Sep. 17, 2007
"I typed the 'haha' to make sure everyone knows I am telling a joke again."

...."My jokes are ignored all the time. So are my other spontaneous comments."


You are being too hard on yourself.

I laugh at your posts all the time, even those I understand.

I thoroughly enjoy the give and take we have on BTF and the fact that there are both givers and takers on as members makes it so much more interesting.

One other thing...have you noticed the spiffy way I have used the emoticons? I have found the use of them very handy in warding off evil spirits and angry members. If that doesn't work, just put the duckhead on Ignore.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:07 pm on Sep. 16, 2007

Thanks for Clarifying. I am happy to be on the 5k side of the Fence
What if I only insert half of my Small dick? do I pay 2.5K?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:15 pm on Sep. 16, 2007
Joe Wood

Would that be cross-sectional or vertically measured ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:30 pm on Sep. 16, 2007
haam sup

Quote: from Joe Wood on 1:24 pm on Sep. 17, 2007
Would that be cross-sectional or vertically measured ?

Now we're getting somewhere! Applied mathematics in a buggering thread! I love it...


No feather damage, just a combination of a bit of non-related stress, and an inherent hyper-sensitivity to even a HINT of condescension...sorry to have unleashed the wet noodle of my prose so indiscriminately.

At the end of the day....there are still about 8-9 hours in which to enjoy SoL, and our respective favs.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:32 am on Sep. 17, 2007

Quote: from expatchuck on 1:01 pm on Sep. 17, 2007
I laugh at your posts all the time, even those I understand.

I see what you mean... So do I!

And the thing is--probably for similar reasons...


Haam sup... Hi. Thanks. One great thing about BKK is you get to enjoy the marvelous asses of so many ladies, and then you can sit back and enjoy BTF where so many of us are making asses of ourselves simultaneously. Golden.

Ah, that's two things.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 am on Sep. 17, 2007
Joe Wood
Ham need for sorrys.

I welcome your postings.
Isn't that what the forum is all about ?
Exchanging views and opinions. Sharing info.
Listening to other view-points, and not just to the ones who agree with you.
So no problem.

Actually,I think it's healthy for us all, and for me essential, if, from time to time, we are made to re-think and adjust, after having heard other people's points of view, different perspectives or even down-right criticism, positive or negative, for if we shut ourselves off from listening to others, especially those who might disagree or present an opposing argument,, we possibly run the risk of creating dangerous little cocoons of impermeability that protect our safe comfort zone of perception and construct of reality. So, thank you.

We all have stress, even the super-cool laid-back members who don't admit it.

Sorry about the plummage remark. ( Must have had my feathers of condescension ruffled. )

Enjoy the 8 or 9 hours at SOL. Such durations of pleasure, I leave to the young and energetic.

And I look forward to your wet and not so wet noodles of the future.

Now...... as for you, seajohn !

I think you've got a serious problem there with this preoccupation about accessing the female ass.

I would suggest investing in the KY Company, heavily, and inviting ladies of your acquaintance to join you in this exciting venture by offering their assets as collateral.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:04 am on Sep. 17, 2007
You could be right, JW. But you know me, with shareholders like that I couldn't stop at KY... Why there's also Duo and AstroGlide and others. We would have to form a mutual fun.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:19 am on Sep. 17, 2007
haam sup
Well, I'm not quitting my day job to pursue stand-up comedy writing...

"Enjoy the 8 or 9 hours at SOL. Such durations of pleasure, I leave to the young and energetic."

What I meant was, at the END OF THE DAY (usually 5 pm or so), there are STILL 8-9 hours in which to enjoy SoL.

"Closed captioning and joke diagramming brought to you by....haam sup!"


And I always enjoy your posts, too, JW...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:27 pm on Sep. 17, 2007
Is the pricing limited to Thailand only? I remember having to pay HK$ 2,000 for a ST which works out to about 10,000 B in those days, of course, it is now about 8,000 B if you convert it today.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 am on Feb. 28, 2008

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