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You know, all things considered, I think it's wonderful to have some new posters on here, to regale BTF with their sordid and entertaining tales - so I want to extend a hearty welcome to Lowry.

It's not often that we get a new personality posting on here in such a particularly entertaining style, adapting his style dynamically to the feedback from other members (well, BobFiveHead comes to mind, of course).

You're posting some great tales, Lowry, and I for one am looking for your tales of conquering yet another TG, wrestling alligators, petting elephants, and heck, maybe even going on a hike - since you travel in Europe, maybe even regale us with stories of your adventures in Europe (Venice is beautiful this time of year, as are Paris) or elsewhere in the world.

Welcome, and keep the good tales coming.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:07 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
The forum must really be doing very bad when threads are opened to welcome a single member.

BK, had it been that long since a new member joined and posted?

BTW, having read on another thread the comment that I quote below, I am confident that Lowry will be thrilled to be welcomed by DD.

Quote: from Lowry on 4:28 pm on Jan. 29, 2009
After the advice you gave to Mel on his wife for sale thread, perhaps you should stay away from this and any other threads I start for awhile, give me a chance to calm down, and you a chance grow up.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:18 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
somebody wipe off daftys brown nose, please.


get a live, or a bunny.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 pm on Jan. 30, 2009

Quote: from Lowry on 7:51 am on Jan. 31, 2009

At the moment, and seemingly for quite a while here, anyone sticking there head up above the parapet is getting smothered by some long term members that think they rule the roost, it is they that are to blame for the demise of the forum.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:26 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
Hang about

I smell a Rat!

I had thoughts Lowry could be Yurune or MN but now ?

Daffy being nice

What the heck Happy days!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:45 pm on Jan. 30, 2009
Edited in on Friday 13 Feb 2009

Well by now you will all know my other ID here, I came back to try and breath some life in to a dying forum, I have failed.
My failier was due to 2 main reasons.

BK, the forums creator wants this place to be a sterile fact based place, dont come here for fun, he has sold out to 2 boring twats.

About 3 years ago BK decided he wanted to make money from here, The f***ing twat known as Daffy Duck bought the soul of BKT, BK got his 30 pieces of silver, but it has been on a downward spiral since.

Then Doc Love sucked BK's dick, and with the Duck licking his ass at the same time, it was to much for BK, he loved it so he now gets a daily double suck from the 2 forum c***s.

They will all lose out in the end, death is stalking them.

I predict that the first to go will be Doc Hate, he is an old lonely sour man, his heart will get him this year, the c*** known as Dorky Dick will die of avian flu, BK will go soon after of a broken heart.

May they all rest in hell.

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:07 am on Jan. 31, 2009
You're posting some great tales, Lowry, and I for one am looking for your tales of conquering yet another TG, wrestling alligators, petting elephants, and heck, maybe even going on a hike - since you travel in Europe, maybe even regale us with stories of your adventures in Europe (Venice is beautiful this time of year, as are Paris) or elsewhere in the world.

Funny there should be a Duck in this forum, and not just any old Duck, no this Duck is a special one, it's one of them decoy Ducks, like the ones I use for Bate when out Duck hunting, which is a sport I enjoy.
If I was the suspicious type, I would think that as I have made it clear to a certain medically named member, that I will not be replying to his dribble, and knowing he has a penchant for a certain Disney cartoon, I might think that said Cartoon chap, might be trying to take over as chief bater, but of course, I am not the suspicious type!

BTW Mr Duck, if your use of written English does not improve, a certain friend of yours may well spank you, I refer to this;
"Venice is beautiful this time of year, as are Paris"

Oh, and may I add, if you want to quote from something I have posted, please do not edit it first, thank you.


That's the third time someone has mentioned the initials "MN" or even "NM" I have had 2 pm's asking if I am him, now I am suspected as being someone called "Yurune", is this place full of paranoid people? Do you all have more than I name?

BTW, does the rat you smell have feathers?

The longer I am here, the more complex I find it, which makes it quite interesting psychologically speaking.

It would make an interesting case study, with so many "different" characters, its not every day you come across this kind of micro climate.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:05 am on Jan. 31, 2009

Quote: from Lowry on 2:05 pm on Jan. 31, 2009

Oh, and may I add, if you want to quote from something I have posted, please do not edit it first, thank you.
Yikes - sorry, but where did I make a mistake in quoting you? I went back to double check, and the quote I quoted is indeed as it was quoted in your quote.

Here it is again, as far as I am aware, it's the notable quote that I quoted, and I don't mind repasting it here for verification, since it is such a beautifully written quote:

Quote: from Lowry on 7:51 am on Jan. 31, 2009

At the moment, and seemingly for quite a while here, anyone sticking there head up above the parapet is getting smothered by some long term members that think they rule the roost, it is they that are to blame for the demise of the forum.

As for where you caught me out with an error in writing of my own - touché! I meant to list additional tantalizing European destinations, but then forgot to finish that sentence. You caught me out fair and square, and for that you deserve another Gold Star. Touché - indeed!

Thank you for your corrections, and if you could point out the source/cause of your reprimand, I would much appreciate it - either way, it's great to have you aboard, here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:15 am on Jan. 31, 2009

Quote: from Lowry on 2:35 pm on Jan. 31, 2009

It would make an interesting case study, with so many "different" characters, its not every day you come across this kind of micro climate.

Look on notice " different" I thinking duck!

what U think?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:21 am on Jan. 31, 2009
Frank La Rue

Quote: from Lowry on 3:05 pm on Jan. 31, 2009

its not every day you come across this kind of micro climate.

-.......which brings us nicely to the question of exactly where or how you came accross us, Mr Lowry. You see, as the paranoid bunch we are with entrance fees and all, one does not come accross us easily, and it certainly was not at an Emerson Lake and Palmer - concert. Albeith you may have met me there, without knowing I belong to BKKtonite.
I think we have all by now considered the possilbility or even likelyhood for that you are a former member or an existing member.
If we in BKKtonite are compared to Black Sabbath, then BK here is Parianoyer - in - Chief as the Ozzie Ozzbourn (Daffy, I am not sure of the spelling here, so please check) of BKKtonite - hence he has surely checked your IP address allready.
However if you are allready one of the Zombies of the forum (remember I said you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave), you'd allready know that and use your wife's or son's pc or some othe way of returning unidentifiable.

As I have obseved your writing style I have found your psyche and reaction pattern to be strikingly similar to Expat Chuck - and seemingly so thinks RTB, but I have ruled that out as both of you would not bother to make that extra effort appearing, in the pretense of being some one else.
Besides you might both be busy feeding Emat which has left the board, so it wouldn't do anything for her either.

That brings us back to the initial question - me thinks, exactly HOW did you come accross the board?

I ask this question as an old hand in distribution, I am interested in how we can market the board better and facilitate better access than through the wormhole in Udon which we setup in Expatchuck's backyard the year before last (he had a lisence from Langley).

BTW that was as a result of Keith Richard falling down from a tree in Bali, but that's another story, which thread you can find ifyou use the search button.

.....Edited in:

I forgot to mention that in my humble judgement you can both audition successfully for the role as frontman with The Sex Pistols. You know, the late 70'ties influetial punk-rockband. They, I hate to admit topled Emerson Lake & Palmer from the throne.

The lead singer used to be Johny Rotten, later replaced by the famous train robberer Ronald Biggs. So, there is an imressive list to measure up to.

As Expatchuck also likes the accordeon you could both consider combining the lead singer role at the Pistols with playing the accordeon. That would really be a re-invention of the Sex Pistols which would take the world by surprise.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:47 am on Jan. 31, 2009
Sorry, Frank. He is not me and I am not him.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:17 am on Jan. 31, 2009

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