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Quote: from harold444 on 11:22 am on July 17, 2006
a 6 is considered just mediocre in my book. thats why she went for your offer of 1k. she probably just not pretty enuff to get the standard 1500 for full service type activities.
It wasn't full service, it was only a body-to-body oily and a jack. Whether she would have screwed me for 1000 baht was not determined.

guys u can tell a lot by what the girl will accept bahtwise.
One thing that can be indicated by the price is if she likes you. I have a nice-looking male friend the girls are wild about who has been offered free f***s by decent-looking gals.

i made the rounds of the oil massage places near the emporium. if you find anything above a 6 you got damn lucky or your standard s are very low.
Care to define the "standard" for us, harold? According to my standard, which is no more or less valid that your standard, I have found a solid 7...maybe 8 not far from EmporNium. And I am not telling you where she is because you may agree with my rating, and then go soil her. - Thor

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:34 am on July 17, 2006

Quote: from harold444 on 11:22 am on July 17, 2006
a 6 is considered just mediocre in my book. thats why she went for your offer of 1k. she probably just not pretty enuff to get the standard 1500 for full service type activities.

I fail to understand your Logic here Harold.....
You book the girl for an hour (any girl, regardless of the rating) and we ALL know that she's not after the Kickback from Regular Massage Price.

She's after Extras, right? do we agree on this?
now if refused the 1,500 deal, what is she supposed to do? get upset and get 0?

Thank god the girls do not follow your logic and are still happy to squeeze 1,000 or even 500 out of their hour of work.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:10 am on July 17, 2006
Everyone's 6's different, harold.

"a 6 is considered just mediocre in my book"

How'd you know what standard his 6 is?

Are you sure you're old enough to fcuk around when you're making such childish comments?


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:03 am on July 17, 2006
Mel Gibson
AHHH it's bash Harold time,, Harold me old mate you have been looking for it for a while,,,,.

Ok, using the 0-10 ratings system SURELY a midiocre is a 5 ???? hence 5 out of 10.

So a 5,, now lets say its a THAILAND 5,, so average Thai gal,, that would translate to a 7 in most western countries,,,,as in not the size of an Elephant,, reasonable facial features, pleasant smile, nice firm body and even toned skin, and tits that don't drag on the floor. Can we mere mortal males be happy to pay that price of 1,500 Bht for a mere 5 ( farang 7 ),,, YES we can,, can we be happy ?, yes sir many of us are,,, do we need Harold to tell us we f*** ugly chicks NO Harold we DO NOT want you to tell us what is plainly an untruth.

Above all this we love ya Harold BUT please please stop telling us your crap.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:26 am on July 17, 2006
average thai girl aint no 7 in any other kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey if a 5 or 6 turns you on then so be it. followiing this you dont need a rating scale as 70% of girls would be acceptable to you.

hey guy if that girl really gave you service that was mind blowing and left you disoriented you should have given her a 500 tip. she would have felt like a queen instead of the unattractive girl she

guys if a girl gives u a deal its because thats all she knows she can get. usually they less than attractive.

mel, r u the one who said guys go to bkk for cheap taxi rides. and you say im full of

im thrilled girls do what they have to do for their money. its the guys who make it sound like they getting good deals becoz they nice or whatever. they givel deals coz the y know they funny looking and the guy knows it too. hence the

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 am on July 18, 2006

please tell us where this 7 or 8 of yours hangs out.

od r u hiding her becoz u know there arent that many attractive massuese int the area.

u r correct in that if you did disclose her location she would be ruined by all the dicks that would follow.

they do get worn

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:20 am on July 18, 2006
Mel Gibson
ok Harold smiles mate,,, best we agree to disagree.
Ask RTB about the girl I showed with after the RT in March. A member of this forum said FARK mate thats a 9,, I saw her as a 6,,maybe 7,, and yes LT 2,000BHT.
Was she with me because I handsome,, NOT LIKELY,, was she happy with 2,000BHt because she knew I would show her a good time and treat her nicely,,YES SIR. ( she also knows I tip well on good service).
I should make the October RT and if your around Harold I can bring her along.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:30 am on July 18, 2006
nothing against u mel.

but try not tipping your girl well and see what happens. if she as hot as you say she wont hang around long if you not paying what other guys payin.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:04 am on July 18, 2006
Mel Gibson
No worries Harold and good point re the tipping,,,, the October RT should actually be the test,as after the night at Toxic ( March) I got side tracked lining up some business so had no time to take her back to Hotel and set her free without tip,, so will be interesting if she is still keen for the October RT.
Time will tell.
Either way still have my little beauty in Isaan where my land is,, she's SUPER impressed with 1,000 BHT,, I guess because of lack of exposure to over=paying farangs and local prices around 200 - 300 BHT, combined with the lower MUCH lower cost of living there.

Smiles and enjoy

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:24 am on July 19, 2006
Joe Wood
I get worried about our brother harold 4X3 at times.

Either he has picked up his Grandma's bi-focals by mistake instead of his own eye-glasses and really cannot clearly see the beauties that adorn Bangkok........................................................................ or he is holding his measuring equipment up-side-down so that his readings of standards and scale are completely reversed.........................................................................or he just has a compulsion to say that whatever anyone finds, he always goes for something greeener on the other side - a side that happens to be known only by him.

Never mind. We all have our own littel fantasies. In fact mine are really big.

But to return to the thread's theme of the best oily/body massage :

One can go to a maasgae place and the experience can be out of this world.
You can go the next time and it can be the worst one you've had.
So it is down to the service provider.
It's also down to how you enter the place..what frame of mind you are in, how unstressed you are, how in need you are, what mood you are in is what you bring in with you that will make or break it..and that is not just your physical equipment.

And then of course, there is the chemistry between you both which counts for so much. If it is there, it makes it perfect. If not, it all goes down the drain.

What is good for me, may not be good for you and vice versa. So recommendations of places or individuals are really a waste of time.

Sorry guys,bt it really is down to finding out yourself what and who fits you at the time. And that means looking and trying out. Trial and error. But of course, when you have found her, value her and become a regular and establish contact even outside.

I know that massage parlours can be and are by nature impersonal, as you know that the last customer has just left and the next customer is coming along just after you. But let's say it, a successful massage is down to just how personal it is. And that is not an easy thing to achieve, especially on the hoof, as most visitors are when they visit Bangkok, whether it be for the first or the hundred and first time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:15 pm on July 19, 2006

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