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Quote: from French Goat on 9:51 pm on Oct. 16, 2004

............. they won't respect you either if you give far too much money as it is most of the time considered as stupidity, not generosity.

This is very true.

In general the better ones also prefer less but more often than a lot once in a blue moon.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:03 am on Oct. 16, 2004
Quote from French Goat

Here is a little test to have a better idea about your Thai girlfriend's feelings if you want to go further with her. Offer her a gold jewel before leaving her, for example, after a full 3-weeks vacation with her. When you come back after several weeks or months, if she still possesses it, it is usually a good sign. If she doesn't have it and explains that she "lost" it or admits that she needed to sell it... well, it probably means that for her, your gift meant "money" and not "love".

This is true to an extent. " it is usually a good sign" is right on the money, but not necesarily because of "love" in the context leading to mariage.

My bodyguards were wearing their gold trinkets I gave them on my previous trip 5 months earlier. They were expecting me the next month, so I know it wasn't being worn on the anticipation of my arrival.

They explained to me that they always wore them because of the merit, and luck that was associated
with me giving them to them. Something about jai dee, and the passing of luck. They know I'm just with them to party, and relax while on vacation, so it's not a serious relationship kinda love thing. They always tell me "up to you", and I always tell them "yep, up to me", and we all laugh.

As French Goat wisely stated concerning money, they won't respect you if you spend extravigantly. They will just take it from you, and they are very good at that,'ll gladly give it to them. It's like a natural high balancing on that edge between love, and lust.
Lust only costs a few thousand bhat a night, with love, just add zeros.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:57 am on Oct. 16, 2004
Well I don't think I've given to much money. I think I may have gone overboard on gifts and trips. I think about half her wardrobe is from me, and a good chuck of her jewelry and makeup. I just put a few thousand baht for each day she was with me in her bag at the end of both trips, she never asked after the first BF. I spent way more on gifts, food and travel…

"You take good care of me. Jai Dee, you have good heart" Opps! (Sucker)


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:17 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
French Goat

Quote: from koolbreez on 12:12 am on Oct. 17, 2004


This is true to an extent. " it is usually a good sign" is right on the money, but not necesarily because of "love" in the context leading to mariage.


Sure. It is simply that: a good sign. It doesn't mean for sure that your girlfriend loves you, but at least, she didn't sell your gift too quickly!!! Could mean also that she is patient and clever enough to wait for a better price...

But the other way (not having your gift anymore) can be considered as a bad sign, IMHO!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:00 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
French Goat

Quote: from compexec1 on 12:32 am on Oct. 17, 2004


I just put a few thousand baht for each day she was with me in her bag at the end of both trips, she never asked after the first BF. I spent way more on gifts, food and travel…


Hummm... a few thousand baht for each day? It seems to be a lot of money (IMHO) according to the cost of living in the LOS, especially when you stay more than two weeks with her.

I don't know your girlfriend (well, probably not!) and I am not so familiar with the "very long time" rates for Bangkok girls, but when I have met my then "future wife" in Pattaya, she was quite happy with around 10,000 baht by week (yes, I also have paid for the food and for some gifts). Ok, it was 2 years ago (I know her since the year 2000, but only had several one-night LTs before with her), but even now, if you give her more than 2,000 baht a day, pay the everyday expenses and offer her some clothes and gifts, it is a very generous attitude, especially if she seems to appreciate you and says that she loves you.

By giving her too much money, you cannot be sure about her real motivation. If she stays with you even when she could earn more with one or several customers, it is also a "good sign".

Don't be fooled by the girls who don't ask any money! It could be because they love you, but most of the time, they know that you will give them money and/or gifts anyway. They have a real psychological talent and can guess what your attitude would be in this case...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:51 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
Met mine in Pattaya. She was new to the scene and unexperienced. You could tell that from everything. Hired her for a month. When I returned home, she did as well. I supported her with THB 3000 each month while she was in Thailand. At the time I met her she was 'in a dip' (mentally insane) and she still is now and then. Besides that she is a great friend and fun to be with. Once a year she tries to break up (always money issue's caused by her mean family) but in the end decides to stay because we have a strong bound she is unable to cut. We are together for 4 years now.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:00 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
The point is do I really want it to be more, I have some feelings for the girl, but does it even matter if she does or does not have “real” feelings for me?

I have strong roots here in the US, I don't think I would be happy as an expatriate - financially or emotionally. What are the odds of her being happy in the US, her family seems to be very importent to her also. In other word even if I did want to go for it I don't see a happy outcome.

Probably the best thing would be to break contact and move on. I really don't want to hurt her, and enjoy my time with her but I think she wants more then just a good customer; either sponsorship or marriage. Should I just let it play out and enjoy it for now, and not worry about how things end up?


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:17 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
French Goat

Quote: from compexec1 on 2:32 am on Oct. 17, 2004
The point is do I really want it to be more, I have some feelings for the girl, but does it even matter if she does or does not have “real” feelings for me?

I have strong roots here in the US, I don't think I would be happy as an expatriate - financially or emotional. What are the odds of her being happy in the US, her family seems to be very impotent to her also. In other word even if I did want to go for it I don't see a happy outcome.

Probably the best thing would be to break contact and move on. I really don't want to hurt her, and enjoy my time with her but I think she wants more then just a good customer; either sponsorship or marriage. Should I just let it play out and enjoy it for now, and not worry about how things end up like?



Hummm... IMHO, if you don't want to live in the LOS and if she is not willing to live in the States, it is a REAL problem.

Family is very important for Thais. Even if she really loves you, she probably won't be happy with you if she cannot see them often.

So, I am sorry to tell you that, but I don't think very reasonable to pursue this relationship because the dices seem loaded. The more you wait, the more it will hurt you both.

Better to be frank as soon as possible. You can explain that she certainly wouldn't be happy far away from her family, in a foreign country and that you cannot or don't want to leave your job (your friends, your family...) in America.

You can even stay good friend with her, but you have the moral obligation to tell her the truth. You won't marry her, so, it is better for her not to believe that she will be your wife sooner or later.

Just be honest with her and honest with yourself.

I can assure you that I would have prefered giving you better news, but the issue that you have pointed out is a big and important one.

If you really want to marry a Thai lady, you have also to be sure that you and her can live together and that you are both happy in the place where you decide to stay.

Hope this helps...


French Goat

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:54 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
Actually we are back together w/o a sponsorship. I have her on probation until December. I did not give in, she did. I have been with around 100 TGs in 8 years and this one is very very special. I met her just when she started as a BG (only 3 months). She got right out and got into a reg job. She is now a sophmore at Ramkamhaeng and persuing her BA.

I put her through a year of lie and Bullshit tests and she did well. I am good at this. It turns out that she was not really getting greedy but her family was and pressuring her to pressure me.

We will see, but I am not taking this so seriously and will take it step by step. I am not desperate because I get plenty of poon her in LA, but she is marriage material for me. I am 40 and ready to start family, but will never stop playing.

Be careful and let your brain guide you, not your heart and shvanze.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:16 pm on Oct. 16, 2004
Compexec, are in the same painful spot I was/am in with my special lady. She treated me bullshit...she is 32 yrs old and as such is past her expiration date. She was ready to be with me forever...moving to the US was in her words her greatest dream...I SOOOO wanted to do that but have strong ties at home as well.

Another big thing to keep in mind is that once you get her to Falangland you will be engaged in a REAL life with her. Not this vacation thing which is tantamount to a honeymoon with a dream girl...the honeymoon runs out and the dream girls suddenly may appear to be the ignorant (No offense intended) country girl she is..What is there to talk about?? Having simplistic conversations was cute on your vac/honeymoon but I imagine it could get old. I place a high value on having a relationship with intellectual substance....most TGs I have met just wanna watch soaps, listen to music and please you so you wont leave. Nice but it doesnt sound like much of a relationship in the end.

I broke it off with my lady cuz I lubbed her too much...if you care about her you must be strong and let her go...she needs to be freed to pursue other options....of course this is IF YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT HER..

Good luck and be good to yourself and her...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:22 am on Oct. 18, 2004

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