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Conan the Barbarian
Sauron, I'm sure this is another aquaintance of yours?
You seem to have many but then you are The Gen. William "Wild Bill" Donovan of Bangkok ?
I saw the first showing of Conan in London at the National Film Theatre. Second film foe Arnie after 'Pumping Iron' then his career really took off !
I love the ending of Terminator when the little Mexican boy says there is a storm corming.
Spooky...It may happen one day?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:21 am on April 14, 2003
Mossad maybe. More likely Saddam himsell, the Iraqis were starting to distrust Gerry.

Of course the following all had motives to kill Gerry at that Point: Egypt, Syria, most definitely Iran!!, Saudi, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, in short any country within range of the Supergun if pointed in their direction.

You may be aware that Gerry, originally a Canadian government scientist on the HARP project, US Army BRL funded, was a genius at his subject, HARP was a parallel effort to rockets intended to put capsules into orbit from cannon. It was terminated in favor of rockets but Gerry knew more about the design and engineering of large (very large) cannon than anyone else. He was later granted US citizenship for work he did for CIA, but got cross of them over the S.African affair, courtesy of Col.John J. "Jack" Frost, USA Retd, and spent 6 months in prison because of it. Did same work for IMI, PRB, Tampella -- extended range basebleed artillery ammunition and extended range mortar shells. His technology is now used worldwide -- the South Africans sold Iraq a lot of 155mm high tech artillery, for example. G5 and G6 cannon back in the 90s. Now either destroyed or in our hands.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:02 pm on April 14, 2003
rami know It's seems you fighting with yourself on this thread..Maybe I'm Israeli-Russian cock sucker or whatever you said before,but at least I'm polite and respect my opponents,unlike yourself.
2.What the connection between me,Mossad,or Russian president etc.???Ahhh by the way I wanted to translate to other members few Russian words you said:"Barbaric son of the bitch"...So nice..
3.For all about house in Nontaburi:place belongs to son of big paramilitary boss,I have been there twice already,no underaged girls,no movies,no shit.Regular guest they're falang,thai and japanese ladies and men,usually 25+.
4.BTW I dont understand why ppl atack me and suspect me of something "unkosher" when I share with them confirmed and truthfull information???

5.I think things're more clear now,lets try to keep this forum out of political,personal and racist shit.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 pm on April 14, 2003
rami, of course there is no connection between the FSS, Putin, and you. (Isaid nothing about Mossad but it goes double for them).

This is because they may be slime but they are a higher form of slime than you are.

No "racism" involved, the Russians are not a "race' and neither are the Israelis. Get your facts straight. The Americans are not a "race". The Iraqis are not a 'race'.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:43 pm on April 14, 2003
The 3:30 at Wincanton is a race. Never backed the winner though?
Rami try govn'juk .....
Dear govn'juk Sauron etc etc.
Ol' Sauron must be a fan of the film 'The Shape of Things to Come' ? They fired a capsule from a large gun to the stars in that film. I think in general the 'g' forces on the astronauts would be too high. But for launching sattelites..a good idea. The Super gun had a fixed direction = Israel. So I doubt it was the Iraqis who shot Dr Bull. I doubt if the Mossad has an equal. Ask Syria about Eli Cohen !

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:02 pm on April 14, 2003
The Supergun was never built or fired. The junior version was built and succesfully test fired. This was larger than HARP and its predecessor the Paris Gun (which can be seen at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds Museum, Aberdeen, Maryland).

That Hermanolobo knows less about giant cannons than he does about, oh, the price of tea in China, does not surprise me. HARP was real, and could have put unmanned payloads (like satellites, or MIRVs) into orbit, but the project didn't have the political moxie that rocketry did in the 50s.

If the Mossad are so brilliant, explain away Lillehammer to me, o wise man of the west? Remember when they whacked the wrong fellow? Turned out to be an innocent palestinian waiter and not a Black Sptember guy at all? Oops.

Speaking of palestinians, the US just nabbed Abu Abbas in Iraq. Remember the Achille Lauro? Remember the American Jew in a wheelchair those heroes of Palestine shot and dumped overboard? Abu Abbas (Father of Fathers - unless my arabic fails me) was the architect of that hijacking and murder and leader of the faction that carried it out. On the other side, it was SEAL Team 6, commanded by my old pal Capt.Richard Marsenko, USN. which rescued the ship and passengers at sea.

So, 2003, the Iraqi gangsters left their palestinian dogs behind when they scurried off to Syria or hid in holes in the ground like their old political idol (of the Syrian Baath) Adolf der Fuhrer...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:42 am on April 16, 2003
Back to Supergun: special nitroguanidine triple base propellant was needed, slow burning cool burning stuff, and even so bore erosion was HUGE, and tube life was negligible. This was not something Gerry stressed to Saddam, though, rather implying that the project was a boondoggle intended to distract Iraqi attention and resources away from better technology. Perhaps why CIA and 'Six' the Firm both turned a blind eye to it. If so then when Saddam found out he was being conned...

Sure, it could have been "the Institute" but as I said, the list of potential state sponsors of that piece of wetwork is a long one. Yeah the prototype and any likely follow on had a fixed direction, but that was Teheran not Tel Aviv. However, what was to stop Saddam from building one for every capitol in the region within reach of the full size Super? Nothing.

The proposition that the project was Israel specific flies in the face of the facts and Saddam's track record. His main victims were his Moslem neighbors Arabic and Persian. He sought hegemony in the Arab world and bent the oil economy of the nation to that end. Of course the Israelis warned Gerry off, after all they knew him well, he supplied them with the same extended range arty and mortar technology that he did the South Africans (so often the collaborators of the Israelis, viz nukes, assault rifles etc.) so they KNEW that Gerry was a genius.

But to oversimplify the situation as a bilateral Iraqi-Israeli thing is simply dim and to play into the myth of Mossad primacy in the intel world, is purely ignorant. For many years Mossad gave the bulk of its take to KGB/GRU in return for exit visas for Russian jews, who swelled the ranks of the Likud to the dismay of the European jews who were and are Labour Party. Who else put the Irgun terrorist Begin in office as well as Yitzak the Sternist assassin?

Remember the King David Hotel bombing, o Brits.
Remember the murdered UN High Commissioner?
Remember the UK High Commissioner Lord Moyne (Walter Guiness)?

Begin did the hotel, Yitzak did the hits.

Begin hung a portrait of old man Jabotinsky on the wall behind his desk, when he became PM of Israel. Founder of the Irgun, of which the Sterns were a splinter. Founder and leader of Revisionist Zionism.

Yeah really cute people.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:03 am on April 16, 2003
Yes Begin nasty piece of work. Some claimed he machine-gunned a bus load of Palestinian school kids and threw them down a well?
In 1951 I understand that the Israelis did to the Palestinians much the same as the Sebians did to the Kosovans in the 1990's ??
But it seems non-PC to critisize Israel. I notice thinks got worse when Itshak Rabin was murdered-I wonder who was behind that ?
Since Sauron you are definitely not PC- what do you call a Likud guy with a tube of KY-jelly in a Ladyboy Bar?
Answer: A Lube-ovich !

So the propellant wears a Super-gun quickly ??
I would imagine some form of sabot is used?
If it was so good I cannot understand why more countries did not show interest. Is it because they were committed to missile technology ??
Or committed to certaiin companies ?-Lobbies ?
What indeed are the advantages of Dr Bull's guns ?
Cheap longrange firepower ?

Talking of HARP......Do you know much about the other H.A.A.R.P ??? Somewhere in Alaska I think ?
Your posts are interesting if not a bit grumpy !
Occupational hazard ??

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 pm on April 16, 2003

This thread is really giving some good information about how to find a swinger party..... )

Anybody who DO know? and would like to share it with others??!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:51 am on April 23, 2003
1. PM me your stats so I can make sure you're not rami.

2. The heretofore secret location of the Number One Swinger/Orgy Club is:

a parsec down Sukhumvit Soi 0/2 sandwiched in between the really great Sex Toy Shop and the Amsterdam style Coffee Shop.

Translation for the terminally stupid:

one cannot find what does not in actuality exist.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:11 am on April 23, 2003

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