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My first post here, although I've been reading posts off and on for 6 months or so. Don't know anything about HAG, but I have been to CJ 3 times in the past 14 months. Everytime was great--the last visit about 10 days ago for 1.5 days. The price may seem high at first glance, but one could not begin to find this kind of deal in the US or Europe--2 great-looking dommes for as much as you can handle.  And the attention of the dommes was overwhelming! They really do love their work. If BKK was any closer to home for me, I'd no doubt be their more often. I agree with kaisersoldaten: Why spend $230 on a Taurus when you can spend a little extra and get a Springfield Armoury or a Colt?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:22 pm on Nov. 28, 2002
butznuts, you sound like some sort of asshole. Disdaining Thai Dommes when all you have had to judge by are the rejects and dropouts, eh? You certainly have never been to Chateau Jade if you speak of "memorized work routines". Every session here is unique and the Dommes are true creative artists who greatly enjoy their sessions.

The same goes for your insults to Mistress Christy. She has a lot of friends here, including me, and for that matter the forum administrator BK, so you aren't making yourself any points, all you are doing is destroying your own credibility.

The HAG weebsite is DOWN. I have been unable to access it for a month. Finally someone who had it in cache emailed me the pages so I could check it out. If you are seeing it it must be in your cache.

Since it is down and the only four alleged dommes they had have quit, it is evident that HAG is moribund. Staffing with dropouts from copycat Midori was not a brilliant move. Midori has refused to take those girls back, first smart thing I have ever seen her do. We refused them, and so did Christy. So maybe they will go elsewhere? There is no elsewhere. Anyway they are pretty lame.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:13 pm on Nov. 28, 2002
BTW thanks, MrMark and kaisersoldaten.

(Springfield Armory? Ugh. Not much improvement on a Taurus.)

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:33 pm on Nov. 28, 2002
Well it had to happen, big CJ finally gets a blow to his ego, by little ol'me.

Note: I have never been to CJ, so yes I cannot judge your domme's. But most of the ones I have been to so far are lame, why is it that you take offense for that????

Ok CJ, now since you are so all-knowing. How much of your life-savings do you want to wager that the HAG site is still up, huh. Have you ever given consideration that your ISP has the address range blocked so that YOU cannot see it. And since I happen to work at a major ISP I can guarantee you thatís it up and kicking. So don't go rolling around and superimpose your opinions on other people. In other words "get down from your power trip", and admit that for once you could be wrong., jeez.

Ahh, you might want to try this site as well

And did I ever insult Christy......No. I really wonder where you pull that crap from. Yes I have been to her a few times but on all occasions she froze up, looked baffled as if not knowing what to do.

I for one am really curious why you always jump to blatant insults when somebody state's their opinion. Its people like you that scare away other posters. Anyway I'm not going to get bullied in a debate with you. So stop behaving like a sour ass, or less become just another ëtrollí.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:31 pm on Nov. 28, 2002
You are the troll, cocksucker.

1. You described Christy as a HAG.

2. Now you say she "froze up". BULLSHIT. I know this very professional Domme well, I trained her as Mistress Chastity of Chateau Jade and she has six years experience. Now in her own practice for 2 years she is a thoroughly competent Domme. I have never heard anyone criticize her except you. So I say you are a liar. and if she is making herself unavailable to you it is for a reason. Most likely because you are a CREEP.

3. You are in no position to mess with my ego. You are an insignificant cyber bug.

4. Yes, I considered possibility that HAG's site blocked out but I decided that would be a foolish and counterproductive thing for a startup dungeon to do, just to attempt (and FAIL) to deny access to ME. I have their site and pics despite their self defeating efforts. Anyway as all four Dommes shown on that site have QUIT it does not matter whether the site is up, or not. HAG is f_cked. Self f_cked for incompetence.

FWIIW HAG's owner told "Mistress" Porn that they took down the site.

5. I pity the ISP you work for, dufus, and I will enjoy watching Oracle's stock plummet now that they have been stupid enough to hire your lame ass.

6. Damned right you have never been to CJ you snotty little piece of shit, yet you presume to judge Thailand's Dommes without ever seeing 5 of the only 6 that are worth seeing. And the 6th, Christy, you malign falsely. You LIE. And there are lots of people on this forum who have been to her and who know that you lie.

So it's a good thing you are leaving Bangkok, you asshole. Have fun in Tokyo, they eat idiots like you alive.

By the way your Nihongo sucks.

Have a look at the posts from kaisersoldaten and MrMark. People who enjoy the Scene come to CJ and have FUN. Meanwhile you were in Thailand for four months and never bothered, but you posture on THIS forum about how Thailand has failed to produce a "REAL" Domme up to YOUR pussy idea of what standards ought to be?

What an ASSHOLE.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:44 am on Nov. 29, 2002

Let's enumerate your statements:

1. "HAG is Mistress Christy's House." WRONG.

2. HAG's girls used to work for Christy. WRONG. Christy is the only Domme in Thailand they NEVER worked for. They worked for Midori until a few months ago, starting two and a half years ago.

3. You said 'hag' was appropriate adjective (for Christy). WRONG.

4. Now you say, Christy "froze up" in your session(s). IMPOSSIBLE. Christy is a very scary lady and a qualified Registered Nurse -- she doesn't freeze up.

What did you do. ask for sex? That you won't get from Christy.

That's what I mean when I call you a LIAR and a TROLL.

You made a sweeping statement insulting to all Thai Dommes. Then you wonder why I am on your case?

You are not very bright.

And sorry to hear you still are just someone else's employee. You punk.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:05 am on Nov. 29, 2002
And no, Mistress Christy does not work for me (anymore) but she is our FRIEND. A concept obviously alien to you.

I am offended by LIARS like you whenever they arise. You are not giving your opinion, you are spreading deceit and untruth and someone needs to uproot you like a weed.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:13 am on Nov. 29, 2002
Why don't you go suck a turd cj,

You like to twist words so that they fit your lame ass view points. As to what I said about christie, they are true, and I stand to that. You are the one who has no clue, are you clairvoyant? ÝYou see cj, I really don't give a hoot about you or your standpoints anymore. And I am not going to continue giving you the pleasure of escalating this discussion further, if you've got some issues with me, then bring your fat ass downtown but keep this forum free of your insultive commentary. And don't worry the only person who is loosing credibility here is you. If you havenít noticed, people are getting sick and tired of your over-opinionated responses and your vociferous self glorification.

I am sorry for the way this thread turned out folks, it wasn't my intention, but cj has (once again) gotten a buttplug up his ass.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Nov. 29, 2002
Is this another day where people are having a bad one.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:07 am on Nov. 29, 2002
Not at all Byron, I am just sick and tired of CJ bouncing on and insulting people like some bully just because people donít share his viewpoints.

I for one will no longer comment on this thread, let the fat man sing all he wants.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 am on Nov. 29, 2002

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