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Sorry to hear about you misfortune.  Hope everthing works out well.  If and when you feel like writing about it in more detail please post a thread.  I think your experience will give us valuable incite.   LOS is not  the wonderland alot of us want to believe.  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
Yes, LOS is the wonderland spot we all wish it to be. But there are RULES, and one of the rules, perhaps the cardinal rule, is: you've got to have friends, connections, in Higher Places than your opponents.

Butznutz apparently ignored this Rule. If he had had the right friends, no pissant low level cops would have given him the bum's rush, and that's a fact.

I do not know brother B., I do not know what "business" he went into or who with, I do not know what money was involved, so there is little more I can say.

But I will say this: I have survived and prospered in this country for 15 years and I have NEVER been inside of a jail cell.

But I have friends, powerful powerful friends and I have always made a practice of being useful to them.

Such friends are not lying about like so much sand on the beach, and any worth having are not easily acquired.

But without them you are prey to every crook with a badge, and like the hapless Butznutz, that can be no fun.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:38 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
Yeah, have to agree with most of that, as well.

I don't know Khun B.N. either, so this isn't a post to disrespect him.    

Almost every single law enforcement individual I know (from the low to the not so low) will tell you, "Thai jails were built for 2 types of people...  the poor and the stupid."

You really need friends here.   If you don't have friends here, you don't cross/piss off/wrong, etc. anyone who is more important than you.   (It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong)   I'd try to remember that if I were Khun B.N.    Because in the end... it could turn out worse than a little jail time (perhaps more jail time? ...say if you decide to get rowdy when they're taking you in, etc.).    There's not much chance of actually coming out ahead, for sure.    

best wishes and good luck.    

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:27 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
Sorry bro. That was harsh, very harsh. Packripper insight is very interesting indeed.
What paradise is for a few, hell might be for many others....and viceversa....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:00 am on Jan. 6, 2003

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