Quote: from expatchuck on 3:41 pm on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from FP on 2:33 pm on Feb. 11, 2005 Do you guys really believe thai working females do not know what punters are up to,especially falangs?They could not careless as long as they get their share of your baht.So give us a break with the dramatic reports.
FP: Might I give you a suggestion? Go to "Start", in the bottom left hand corner of your computer. Left press on your mouse and you will draw a small screen calling up a number of items. The bottom one says "Shut Down". Left press on your mouse yet again on "Shut Down" and, voila, you aren't forced to read any more FRs from CG. It works almost every time.
LMAO Was going to make a post but now nothing to say you said it all!!! bimmher PS. Yes they care about baht!!! but they are still real people who do care how you treat them and it does makes a difference but obviously you have no experience in that department.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:59 am on Feb. 11, 2005
I've always said that I avoid the jealousy factor when it comes to P4P, and I encourage the TGs I hang out with to not act jealous, whether feigned or real I think the best show of that was when I turned over my favorite FLB gal to Obiwan for the evening She knows me well enough not to consider it an insult, and he had the best night, LOL I've a friend near home who feels the same, even shared with him the other night that I banged his ex live-in BG with the big big bOObs wanted to know how he got around her shallow hole, and he told me he'd have her suspend herself from his neck in an almost sitting up missionary where everything went in just fine damn, she's got a tight pussy but anyway, sometimes the GFE just has to end abruptly as well I remember getting up, showering and getting dressed while the two gals from November RT were watching me quizically. When they inquired I told them I was going outside to bring in a 3rd gal, since they'd both stopped putting out they were welcome to stay and watch or sleep, but instead got dressed and left with me, and were pointing out FLs as we rounded the corner onto Suk. Road I do however take the time to clean up the used condom wrappers etc. before going out to look for new accompaniment when I'm switch hitting, i.e. escorting one gal out so I can go get another
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:39 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from FP on 2:33 pm on Feb. 11, 2005 Do you guys really believe thai working females do not know what punters are up to,especially falangs?They could not careless as long as they get their share of your baht.So give us a break with the dramatic reports.
You're absolutely right, these damn reports by CG are way too dramatic - I eagerly await a less dramatic, and more down to earth field report from you. Go ahead. I'm waiting. The Quack!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 am on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from FP on 2:33 pm on Feb. 11, 2005 Do you guys really believe thai working females do not know what punters are up to,especially falangs?They could not careless as long as they get their share of your baht.So give us a break with the dramatic reports.
I notice you've never posted a FR FP. Why is this? Are you just a numbers counter, seeing how many scores you can make a trip, not really caring about each individual session? Because you don't have a very personal opinion of the girls, just stereotyping. I know, I bet you've been burned, and just ripped off everytime in the past. I personally enjoy very much reading CG's FR's as do many many ppl on this board. I don't believe he over dramatizes the situations. More so just tells it like it is, but at a different level than you've been able to play at........555
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:20 am on Feb. 11, 2005
CG - you have always posted excellent FR's. But lately they are up in the stratosphere. Don't know whether to laugh cry or cheer. Keep 'em coming. As for the shirt - Mist has no reason to be jealous. She wasn't the first in the queue. Her shirt is the one you buy her while out on a shopping spree.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:24 pm on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from dotcom on 11:18 am on Feb. 11, 2005 As for the shirt - Mist has no reason to be jealous. She wasn't the first in the queue. Her shirt is the one you buy her while out on a shopping spree.
I broke down and bought Mist a shirt all her own. It is a baseball-style Real Madrid jersey. I can't wait to see her next week in it! It might be time for another "bargirl-transition" trip for Dew and Mist, where I change girls after 2 days.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:54 pm on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from koolbreez on 11:14 pm on Feb. 11, 2005
Quote: from FP on 2:33 pm on Feb. 11, 2005 Do you guys really believe thai working females do not know what punters are up to,especially falangs?They could not careless as long as they get their share of your baht.So give us a break with the dramatic reports.
I notice you've never posted a FR FP. Why is this? Are you just a numbers counter, seeing how many scores you can make a trip, not really caring about each individual session? Because you don't have a very personal opinion of the girls, just stereotyping. I know, I bet you've been burned, and just ripped off everytime in the past. I personally enjoy very much reading CG's FR's as do many many ppl on this board. I don't believe he over dramatizes the situations. More so just tells it like it is, but at a different level than you've been able to play at........555
So predictable,course from a guy who constantly brags about his bodyguards from what I have been told are about a 2 on a 10 scale.Your profile is so easy to predict,it's not even funny.Well,people who have things in common stick together chai mai?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 am on Feb. 13, 2005
This is not a continuation of the above FR, but a few weeks later. It is back to Hua Hin, but instead of starting a new thread, I will just post it here. -------------------- continued from: http://bkkx.com/cgi-bin/forum/topic.cgi?forum=9&topic=1211 After a great night in Bangkok with Dew, I wake up with her and I have two days to spend with her. I tell her we can fly anywhere in Thailand today. Chiang Mai? Phuket? Hat Yai? Koh Chang? Up to her. She says "CG, I never go HuaHin, I want to go! By HuaHin Dai Mai?" I tell her we cannot fly to Hua Hin and she says "never mind, we can take bus". I decline to tell her I was just in HuaHin two weeks ago with Mist (Dew's replacement) and I say OK. I liked the Hua Hin, and we can go to different places than I took Mist. I I pull out the HuaHin guide from when I was there with Mist and call the Thipurai City Hotel. They have one room available (1650 baht/night). I tell them I will be there mid-afternoon, and we take taxi to Victory Monument and get the minibus to HuaHin. It take more than 3 hours because of endless traffic, construction and this driver keeps picking people up and dropping them off. Nonetheless, we arrive about 3:00pm. The Thipurai City Hotel is very clean and in a good location. Walking to everything in town. Recommended. We walk to the beach to get something to eat. On the way, I ask Dew to go over to the taxi stand and ask the guy how much for a taxi back to Bangkok - she comes back and says 1300 baht. Hmm, not bad, maybe a better option for going home, we'll keep this in mind. One the beach, we take two chairs and order som tum, fried rice and some fish. A few beers and Bangkok is a memory. Dew asks if there is a better beach (this one is covered with umbrellas, vendors, and loads of farangs), I tell her we'll find one tomorrow. Back to the room, a nice sleep and screw and we go for a quick swim in the nice (very small) rooftop swimming pool. About 8:00pm we head to the night market. Roam around there for awhile, we buy some fruit shakes and we look for some food. Dew is content to go back to the room and eat, OK with me, we get pad thai, spaghetti, some corn and a couple of other things, everything totalling about 100 baht. Back to the room, eat then sleep. What an exciting night! Dew wakes me up with her tongue (I love that) and I screw her, then go off for some Internet work. Back to the room, Dew has already been out on the street for some fruit for breakfast. We walk near the hotel and rent a motorbike (190 baht/day) for the day, we ride to the pier just north of town and watch the fishermen with the nets they throw. Interesting. No one is catching anything and no one seems to care. I have an idea that I think will be fun. I take Dew to the golf driving range (near the railway station) and I get a 6-iron and a driver. I get a box of balls and hit a few. She is looking on with interest. I get her up, show her how to hold the 6-iron and show her where to stand and show her how to swing. Dew swings and misses and almost falls over, she is laughing so hard. Now a few people are looking on. Another try and Dew hits a nice shot! I take a bunch of pictures. We take turns hitting 3 or 4 balls at a time. Dew is having a great time! I thought that hitting something with a club would be right up this girls alley and I was right. Dew's love of sanook is her best quality. We take the motorbike south of town to another beach about 5 km away (near the Marriott), park the motorbike and we walk south along the beach. Hot. Hardly any people here, we get to the mountain and we sit in the restaurant there and have lunch. Dew has never riden a horse so I'm thinking we can ride back. Plus this was a very long walk and I'm not too keen on walking all the way back. We've been watching this guy with a horse outside the restaurant. I'm waiting for a second horse to come up, maybe we can ride back to where the motorbike is (about 2 km). I go up and talk to the guy. He speaks no English. Instead of bringing Dew over, I will try to do this on my own in Thai. I ask the guy if he has two horses (but I think I asked for two dogs, oops) and then point to Dew. HorseGuy says he can call his friend and bring another horse over, if he can use my phone. We agree on 200 baht for 1/2 hour (standard price, not bad). HorseGuy calls his friend and about two minutes later, two more horses come walking over. Dew comes over and fakes being impressed with my Thai language skills and we choose our two horses. Dew picks the smaller Thai horse, I get on the bigger mixed breed Thai/??? horse and we walk down the beach. I have some great pictures of Dew on the horse walking on the beach. Nice. Back to town, I do my business at the Internet café and she does hers (answering emails from the guy who I will call her "business partner). Yes, she paid for her own time!) We go back for another swim in the pool. Dew invites me (again) to her sisters wedding in her village three hours outside Bangkok. I do not want Dew as my girlfriend, but she tells me why she wants me to go, can I believe her? I don't think about it any more. Me thinks the chances of me going to Dew's village are slim and none (follow-up: I went to the wedding!) That night, we both have a taste for steak so we go to the main road to a place called Mr A's. It was recommended by our hotel. We order one Thai steak and one Australian cut (to share)... this is the worst steak I have ever had in my life! No complaints from Dew. The food is not recommended, however they have a band tonight and the singer/guitarist gets up and does some acoustic numbers. Really, really good. We even get him to sing a couple of Thai songs. We walk to the Grand Hotel as we heard there is a Karaoke place there. Dew's sandel breaks on the way and there is a big night market outside the Grand Hotel. Lots of DVDs, clothes, etc. and I offer to buy Dew some replacement sandels. Into the Karaoke place and there are a few customers here. This place is a hostess typle of place, there are about 10 girls working here in dresses. I can't tell what they look like, though, because it is so dark. We order a large Heineken (250 baht!) and Dew sings a few songs. We decline another beer and we walk back to Mr A's. Now the whole band is playing and they are excellent! We share a couple of large Heinekens (90 baht each) and have a great time. Back to the room and both of us crash asleep. I'm awakened by Dew's tongue again. Nice. Check out, back to the place where Dew got the 1300 baht quote for a taxi and the guy refuses to give her that price, saying that he cannot do 1300 baht if a farang is in the car, only if it is only Thais. He wants 1600 baht. I exchange some words with him and he tells me to f*** off. At least I got him mad! We end up taking the minibus back (Dew doesn't seem to care we are not in a taxi) and we get back to Victory Monument. In Hua Hin, I put an envelope with some money in Dew's bag (as I always do) and I bid her goodbye and tell her I will call her in a few days. We get on BTS in opposite directions. I thought of bringing Dew to the roundtable tonight, but I did not for a number of reasons. One, I need to get some work done this afternnon. Plus, I want to meet with the guys instead of occupying Dew. Finally, 2-3 days with a single TG is quite enough for me, and I am meeting Mist on Saturday night (after she finishes work) and we are driving to Chonburi then Sunset Village (south of Jomtien). But, I'd kinda like to stay with Dew. She is starting to feel like my "girlfriend", a feeling I do not particularly like. This feeling will pass with the next BG. I hope.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 pm on Mar. 14, 2005
"She is starting to feel like my "girlfriend", a feeling I do not particularly like. " LMAO! - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:54 pm on Mar. 14, 2005
CG, Great FR - as usual. In a lighter vein :- I don't have a tattoo and I speak English - will 2 out of 3 do ?? And just for information :- It is likely that you already know this - BUT did not want to use it for your own reasons. BUT there IS a shuttle flight from Don Muang Domestic Airport to Hua Hin.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:58 pm on Mar. 14, 2005