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Nokna, I WAS behaving. I mean what else is there to say? This is a lousy medium for drawing lunar phases. Shall we take it this fellow has never sliced a pizza in half? Or a melon? I mean, damn?

Does he know the difference between night and day?

Is he blind? Never looked up in the night sky?

Come ON. I was polite. I didn't lambast him, but now that he has complained after asking the STUPIDEST question I have ever seen on this board, well, f*** him.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:16 pm on Nov. 1, 2002
chateaujade: sounds like you are wantin a spankin.... I'll be in BKK soon.  Will oblige.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:24 pm on Nov. 1, 2002
From Farang Online Magazine:

Full Moon : the party continues
November 30, December 29

The November 30 Full Moon party should be the usual madness, but the New Year celebrations are legendary – New Year is planned to run three nights from the 29th. So unless you’re there by the 20th, you’ll be staying elsewhere on the island. Hat Rin beach becomes a complete nuthouse as 5,000+ devotees dance like spastics, while looking lovingly into each others’ pin-prick eyes.
Finding it:

Book on the bus/ferry at any travel agent around Khaosan for Bt550. The bus leaves Khaosan at 6pm, arriving about 11am. The sleeper train/ferry costs Bt788 and leaves Hua Lampong Station at 6:20pm, arrives at 11am. From Samui to Hat Rin, the speedboat runs until the wee hours for about Bt200.

DUH; and I thought that all of this was on a calander.... or so I was told.....  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:03 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Deleted Member
Just in case there resides any residual itchings to ask more questions about "well when, exactly, is..."

The first one gives you dates right up to 2007, in case you don't actually make it this year and find at a later date that you are, once again, lunar-ly challenged with all of your fingers broken and with your eyes having been burned out during a freak accident involving a red hot poker.........

The 2nd one probably takes a little more explanation, but I must dash..................................

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:30 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Sorry, califdann. Strictly het. Try a gay bar, Patpong 3.

People who come looking for me with less than friendly intentions tend to leave on gurneys, or in bags. And that especially includes the kind of halfwit doper trash who go to half moon parties.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:21 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Gee, wasnt inviting a homosexual relationship, was referring to you being a dominatrix (as your profile indicates).  Your reference to a gurney or body bag shows definite signs of repressed fear, and false bravado.  But, I guess if you were not able to answer a simple question without some insulting language, and OBTW, didn't even bother answering the question.... well what can one expect.  BTW, I was wondering if English was not your primary language.  

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Obviously drooling is your primary language.

I am not a dominatrix, and my profile does not say I am; a dominatrix is a dominant female and that's not my gender, nor, although it is certainly none of your f***ing business, my orientation. Anyway, one does not give a dominant a spanking; one takes a spanking from a dominant. You seem as vague about this as you do about near-earth astronomy.

"Repressed fearand false bravado"? Fear of you? What a funny idea. Fear of some Ca. dimwit who can't spell, wants to go howl under the moon like a coyote and take Ecstasy? The phony-psych jargon is a dead giveaway. What a nebish you are! Go rolfing with some other trendy too-sensitive twit, or join the Scientologists, you sound like custom made fodder for their schtick.

CALENDAR not CALANDER you pathetic puke. Still haven't passed your GED? Well, that's what happens to dropouts and druggies. A cerebral transplant might help but there's a chronic shortage of baboon brains, so I suppose you'll have to simply keep on losing to a shrub on an EEG.

Just the sort of total loser I'd expect to go to Samui to dance all night and bay like a banshee. Lose yourself in the fray with 5000 similar simpletons. Bacchus would barf.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:46 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Deleted Member
Since the actual full-moon parties are on Ko Pha Ngan, it would not be totally unreasonable to surmise that the so-called "black moon" parties, billed hip-ly as an alternative" to those oh-too-trendy-for-me KPG parties, are in fact a make-do for those who failed to properly consult an authorised copy of the current ferry schedules.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
Rufus: My own assumption would be that black moon parties are held at the time of the month when the moon is absent or least moon = dark of the moon...raving by starlight.

As to location, I dunno. PN I guess.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:44 pm on Nov. 3, 2002
   If they (whoever ) will wait till they actually get there before tanking up and chewing rope then they should'nt have a prob. finding the place. Like CJ says, they're all the same party in dif. luner cycle, so whaduhf*** over?!.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:17 am on Nov. 4, 2002

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