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Took a taxi meter from PTY to Rayong and Ban Chang

Let me see if this sounds about right, Rayong is a big city where Thai and Farangs go to work, not to party

Ban Chang, IMO a little slice of heaven

Taxi driver and I stop in A Ship in the Hole for what I was thinking was going to be a couple of sodas before looking around town a bit

We approach the front door and try to engage in some small talk with the 10 or 12 ladies out front, nobody speaks decent English including the driver who sort of misled me, when I hired him 'oh ya speak English o.k.'

Well 2 of the girls finding out I'm staying in PTY get up and guide me in the bar, we all get a soda and start up trying to communicate again which is near useless. After a few minutes one girl who was massaging my back puts her arms around me and discreetly pushes a wad of baht in my hand, I'm completely confused about this but everybody is laughing and smiling so I try asking the driver whats going on, he tells me they want to go to PTY and are willing to pay their own b/f, but don't want the mamasan (who's out for a minute) to know

I start laughing to myself because this wasn't something I had any thought about doing, but now I'm thinking, I take a good look at one girl, she's average, nothing special but o.k., from BKK 2 weeks in Ban Chang, then I take a real good look at no. 2, she's from Korat and realize this girl is f***in hot, white skin, perfect body sexy eyes, but my intuition tells me 'starfish'

Well I figure what the hell it's late afternoon and if I take them my 'shopping' for the day is done and maybe I'll get lucky with KoratSuperHottie. Mamasan has returned, I push the one girls hand away with her money, we've agreed 1000bt L/T and I pay the 300btx2. bf In the taxi we go off to PTY

We get to hotel clean up, go eat at the new Central Mall where I thought a mass exorcism was taking place, heads where spinning and eyes popping at KSH, and she knew it. They announce they want to go to Lucifers, I said fine, I'll escort you there and do some GoGo recon, had to explain dipomatically I think discos suck. Agree to meet later which they did and off to room

Showers for everyone, both put on nightgowns, wierd, AverageGirl snuggles up next to me while KSH gets to furthest edge of the bed possible, my intuition was almost right, she was beyond starfish whatever comes after that, my fantasy of her having a kinky checklist of things to do like maybe starting with telling me what a bad girl she'd been went out the window, AG tried her best to make something happen but I'm afraid normal sex with an average girl doesn't work for me

I'll be back to Ban Chang, just my first short visit wasn't enough

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:36 pm on April 1, 2009
Don, I admire your sense of adventure, and sympathize with your starfish dead end, but it sounds like it was worth the risk. You might have tried testing her some in the bar first, not that that is any guarantee either. And are you telling us the nightee never came off at all?!

How long was the cab ride from PTY?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:51 am on April 2, 2009

I was just in B'Chang last weekend & I saw no "A Ship in the Hole", unless you are talking about Offshore which has a bit of Maritime decor, but I also never saw 10-12 BGs in there as it's more geared to be a restaurant

I'm keen to know where miss KSH works, as most BGs in B'Chang are about a 5 on the 10 scale, LOL

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 am on April 5, 2009
Maybe I got something wrong, but I even wrote it down while I was there, it was the last bar on the strip, I'm almost positive of the name, it did have wood decor and some pictures of ocean scenes, I think I still have both girls full names and phone If you like I'll pm them to you, although I don't know which is AG or KSH, are you sure, again A Ship in the Hole, Offshore doesn't sound familiar but maybe, my brain was a little fried from the long taxi ride, the mamasan mentioned she operated another place on the strip

Quim, it can be done less than a hour, KSH never took off her night gown, it was more like a body hugging Hawiian floral sundress
AG, I forgot, I think I fell asleep while getting blown

Edit in
I found the numbers

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:18 am on April 5, 2009

first bar from Suk. Rd. is Camel, set up like a British Pub with food & waitresses in uniform

Offshore is the last one which has some nautical stuff in the decor & waitresses don't have much in the way of uniforms & they aren't much on getting barfined in there if at all

The bars in order are :

Camel, Faces, Noot's, Jigsaw, McAllister's, Wherehouse, Kiwi, Rainbow, Rabbit, Beaver

next block :

Sunshine, Good Luck, Mama's, Nasa, Moonshine, Black Cat, Cupid Stunts, Candy, The Bar, & Offshore

oh wait, I just remembered that Camel's owner bought that last bar beside Beaver recently, but I was not impressed last time I was in there & I didn't notice they changed the name, it used to be called the Outlaw Saloon but the owner got f***ed over by his mrs. while he was away working in Japan

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:17 am on April 5, 2009
LY, I pm'd you phone numbers, I did write the girls name, unless I mistaken Gan is the hot one, from Khon Kean not Korat, so she is KKSH

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 pm on April 5, 2009
I will only be having a short break in June. Never having been further than Pattaya on this coast before I'm curious about Ban Chang.

Info here is either old or sketchy.

So the questions are as follows. Nightlife nowadays particularly out of season. Does it happen?

Daylife, ala SoL or Lolitas. First page of this thread talks about BJ bars 7 years or so back. Still happening?

Just chilling. Decent cheapish hotel. Coming from England so the pound is worth about 3 baht at the moment.

Any up to date random details would be very appreciated.

Thanks, Larry

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:48 pm on April 19, 2009

nothing out of date, on this page alone some guys just went

can't imagine why you'd want to go to B'Chang when there's Pattaya with much more women & bars

BJ bars are (in order)

Faces (gotta work for it sometimes)



next block

Nasa (gotta work for it sometimes)
sit in the "cockpit", chair by the door beside the bar in the corner

You can get a BJ at Rabbit also, but you have to go upstairs, & the barfine is slightly less than if you take them for a shag

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:45 pm on April 19, 2009
L.O., Banchang Grand Hotel, if my memory is correct 450bt Fax 038 882302

B.C. is definitly a change of pace from the madness of PTY, keep in mind there're only a hour travel time apart

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:20 am on April 20, 2009
LY & Don. Thanks for getting back so quick.

To answer your question LY, I really don't like Pattaya. Been there several times, mostly stayed at the Areca which I always really enjoy, but the town itself leaves me cold.

In (all of your) opinions, what are my best options.

I have 9 days max. I need to spend about 3 whole days in BKK/Suk.

I want a bit of peace & quiet, but a little bit of naughty when I fancy. BUT I don't really want to be more than 3/4 hours max outside of BKK.

Anyone want to write me a flexible itinerary?

Cheers guys, Larry

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:17 pm on April 20, 2009

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