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only in LOS (almost) can this be true...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 am on July 10, 2004
i think you were missing my point.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:55 am on July 10, 2004
i was ignoring your point

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:59 am on July 10, 2004
off to prepare for a mission to BKK

went to have a beer at Mac's which is where the hOOter queen that I banged on Sat. nite works

she's not available (day off). darn

ok, finish beer and over to next pub

the Burirum darky that I like there is not in, and they don't' know when she's cumming back

Ask another ole standby if she's up for a trip to Bangers for a night.

Surprisingly she said yes right away without any thought given, or so it seemed.
See, i'm a nice guy, with the ladies...

asked for her number and she said that she'd lost her phone 2 weeks ago. Gave me the bar's card and said she'd be hip on BKK if I take her to MBK for a new phone...

hmm, need to discuss further, but she's massaging a mate of mine's shoulders. OK, we agree to meet again tomorrow at 1pm to discuss further.

I see the C-Cup from VG walk by a few times and she's got a great bod.

go into VG then and ask same, can she go to BKK for a night.

no prob, writes down her cellphone number. Ask how much she'd expect, says she doesn't know.

next question, "would you be willing to join a threesome with me and a Nana/Eden gal ??"

again, no problem... ah looki'n good.

She's been rubbing my weapon the whole time and I've sucked on each of her tits by now.

She coaxes me to the back and I tell her I've not much money in my wallet as I was just passin' thru...

she sees what I've got in my wallet and agrees... WOW

A little better than last time. She pulls out her mamms and starts to choke my pole down.

i explain that the deeper the better, and she goes deep... oh yeah..

i ask her to swallow this time, but she says NO.

She keeps stopping on the anticipation that I'm about to blow, but I tell her if she keeps doing that we'll never finish.

ah, now she's slow and steady, no breaks......and... here... we.... go... aaaahhhaahha....

gave her almost all the cash left in my wallet. (after paying for the beer), and then bucked off to home.

will continue interviews tomorrow at Mac's and next door.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:23 am on July 12, 2004
continue interviews today with the remaining candidates

Cutie next to Mac's is there, and is acting sort of shy, as if she thinks I forgot about yesterday's convo.

i give her the wink so she knows I remember and wasn't joking. She cums over and rubs my shoulders. Ah, good, I needed that...

finally she sits down next to me and asks if I was serious about "one night in BangCock"

i assure her that I'm serious and inquire as to what sort of monetary reimbursement she expects. Ah, today the rate is reasonable, no asking for a mobile phone...

I tell her to be ready at xx:-- and I'll call a day in advance to confirm. Still no prob. that I plan to bring another from a bar nearby also.

on to Outlaw bar for a BBBJ break, but the beer is warm and the owner is there, no go

back to Jigsaw where I get a nice BBBJ, but unfolds in the loo since the police are parked out front...

now it's to Mac's for final interviews.

Miss D-Cup is there with her massive mammaries tempting me..

unfortunately some other punter had her engaged in a back-rub.

i write down my wishes on a bit of paper and pass it to her.

she asks what date, via a friend in the bar, and then agrees... I was a little surprised considering she just wanted a quick root the other night so she could get home to her kid/s.

she's not too hip on the idea of another gal going along, but gives me her phone number so we can discuss.

hmm, looking good. 3 candidates. If I can talk hOOter queen from Mac's into the 3rd party deal, we are good to go...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 am on July 13, 2004
interviews are complete, but...

on the way home today I automatically started getting wood as I got near the bars where I can get BBBJs.

reflex reaction, 555

swing around and make a U-ee.

Was hoping to get the big tittled gal with the model's legs and waist from VG, but she's not around.

Down to JigSaw and there's the young cutie who asked me if I wanted seconds yesterday. Make the motion and she's in the back with me. Prepares a soda for me and gets to work. She's one of the only ones of the "New Crew" that i've actually FJ'd and she's more receptive because of it (at least I think that's why).

she's no Deep Throat, but she twists her head just the way I like and pulls the skin down from the head just at the right moment to get great "lip & tongue to pink flesh" contact. She's also very tenacious and doesn't take breaks until the job is done.

I was just about to ask her to try a little deeper when she started short bobs right on the sensitive area. I was at the point-of-no-return in a flash. It was like an orgasm that snuck up on me. She took it all into her mouth, and was kneading my sack and shaft to get it ALL out.. Then wipes it off with a wetnap and bucks off to the toilet to spit.

ah, zip up, get the monetary settlement ready, pay for the soda, she's out of the toilet, money in her hand, winks and smiles, check the zipper and belt one last time and head out the door, back to the Vulva (volvo) and was home in 10 minutes.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on July 14, 2004
ok here I am again, and realizing I need to do some follow-up on the interviews.

The DD-Cup gal from Mac's came into the shop without make-up and I was shocked. She looked like a big titted teenager. Asked if I could switch to the other gal I'd known for a while, She reluctantly said yes...

The other gal, hot body, C-Cup (nice), was good to go, but wanted me to take her to MBK and buy her a phone on Saturday morning...

no can do, i'll be shaggin UniGal then...

ok, time to give up.

now into the pub next to Mac's, where the gal I'd appointed hadn't been to work in 4 days, Sh!TE...

I ask her buddy with the tight (but not so deep) vagina if she expects to see her back. No one knows. OK, miss tiny vagina, can you handle it This time, Yeah, Yeah, is the response.

She recommends her friend from the VG, says they enjoy sucking each other's titties. Ha Ha, can't go wrong with that recommendation., and i've shagged this friend before, she's a balls-to-the-wall kinda gal, and she plugs away at your root like a well-oiled piece of machinery...

ok, next I confirm prices and time with the two and all is set. See you blokes on Friday...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 am on July 20, 2004
SomTom BBBJ while getting my root checked out...

The tall modelesque babe was there at the VG.

I went by the gal who was recommended as an accomplice for Friday's road trip, took a look, and went inside.

Model gal is pressing her tits in my face, and asks about the Fri. drive. I told her that the other gal in the bar next door would have her friend go instead. Then the questions start, and I told the gal to go and consult with her friend, since i'd been with her friend recently and she knew all the details.

in the meantime Model Gal is asking if she can't swallow my tool, and is already unbluckling my pants. Oh, OK, I guess the other gal won't mind...

She remembers that they were eating SomTom (Papaya Salad) outside just before and is going to rinse. The other gals remind her that I enjoy the tangy "chillies on my willie" feel.

wetnap to clean up the organ, and then the two lips get planted. hmmm, she's getting more talented over time, or maybe it's just those SomTom chillies, because it feels great.

Just then the gal pal comes in to get a look at my erect organ. It's a tad awkward with 3 gals standing there looking at my erect member which was just dislodged from Modelesque's mouth. It's bouncing up and down a little from the quick disconnect and gal pal then steadies it with her hand to get a better look.
The response is "OK, chai dai !"
I ask if she'd like to help Modelesque finish the job, but she's going back to confer with her friend some more.

I guess her friend told her that I bottomed out in her pussy before, so she was cumming to check if there was any danger of that for her...

Modelesque then continues with the BBBJ before I finish my beer and then go to confirm the deal with the gal.

hmm, find myself wanting to root the gal from Mac's, nice tits, maybe she'll have changed her mind on the mobile phone idea before Friday, like original gal did (before buggering off).

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:53 pm on July 20, 2004
well, not surprisingly, BG#2 from Mac's said she was gonna be a no show for the road trip.

Good, one less mobile phone and trip to MBK

Back to VG to get a second look at selection #2 (not the model figure one). She looks ok, so I agree and confirm the pick-up, but didn't tell her that we had to pick up some persona non-grata named Klepto on the way... (just kidding)
I ask about her checking out my tool yesterday, and she says that judging from my Nic around the strip, she wanted to check if she was gonna have ShallowHole syndrome...

Into my local where ShallowHole is smiling from ear-to-ear. Ah, I like this reception. Small talk, meet a friend who encourages to go to another bar across town.

oops, we did it again, got smashed and decided to pick up a 3rd BG for the trip. This one's a stunner with amazing tits, but outside of her BBBJs is a starfish.

well, that one cancelled this morning too, We got her too drunk last night...

Back across town to the Strip where my mate's lover had just come back to work in the bar. I started talking her up, and after I get my hands on both her lovely C-Cups (on a tiny gal) and my lips on her neck... I asked "Does Xxxx know you're back here working ?"

she was a little shocked.. When Xxxx and I were in there before, she was in the South on a holiday. Didn't know we were buddies. Ha Ha, but I f_cked myself, she's not hip on tripping my trigger for me now.

She tells me some BS story about how he kicked her out. hmm, could be true I guess. I'll ask him next week.

The other big titted gal is there, we'll call her ShootYerFoot. Her tits look great when she's lying on her back or fully clothed, but they point down like she's aiming a weapon at the Earth when she's butt naked.

She wants to ST me, but I want the Road Trip action...says she'll think about it.
Lucky for me, she cancelled also this morning, Buat Tong (Stomach Ache, again too drunk).
I couldn't have fit all the pussy on the bed for an entire night I think if a 3rd had agreed. We'd be lying in there like stiffs in the morgue. No tossing or turning,

well maybe some tossing, but with a fembots hand, not mine...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:07 pm on July 22, 2004
well, turns out my friend did kick the big-titted tiny gal (BTTG) out of his apartment..

Went thru "the Strip" yesterday to check the results since the gals got back.

TT hadn't gotten back yet, but understandable as her house was much farther to go to...

SH was in a strange mood. Smiling all the while, but not talking, using her phone a lot. She was rubbing on of the nearby publican's shoulders and he was loving it.

After he left I asked how her box was, and she said she'd only just returned to normal (peung hai jep).

After some more calls on her phone she starts to tell the boss that she's going home, and he fires her..

Turns out she'd been to see her TBF over the weekend, and they got into a row when her Shallow Hole was all banged up and worse for wear...damn !!

Well, there's my idea of gaining some points in this bar out the window.

Probably never see this gal again. The publican pretends not to be angry with me, but he knows it's partly due to my actions of the RT Road Trip that she was given to opportunity to go home to TBF and let the sh!t hit the fan.

Off to select a new team for RT_PTTY, if there is one...

The cutest one at Jigsaw, with the starry gaze. Always looks at me with the starry eyes when I cum in there. I like her. (Starry Eyes- SE)

and the gal who just got fired from Mac's. She's cute also, and seems like a lot of fun. Unfortunately she got called out for sitting by instead of rubbing customer's shoulders etc. hmm, a bit harsh, considering she draws plenty of customers on her charm alone...
(ChipMunk Girl-CMG)

now just to see how the planning goes (or doesn't) for a PTTY_RT...

edit/add :

almost forgot about the BBBJ followed by CIM at VG. It was early on when I went in to see about TT.

My fave BBBJer in there gave me the works, ah good. She just loves this activity, and is great at it because of this.

When I finish she just sits right up, wetnaps me off and doesn't bother going to the bathroom to spit.

The others ask and she says joy juice is good for the complexion.

I explain that COF might be a better option, you know to apply the cream directly instead of ingesting it.

She agrees, oh boy, next round will be great...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 pm on July 26, 2004

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