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Manuel bkk

Quote: from LocalYokul on 11:04 am on Aug. 12, 2004
I'll go wank first though.....
Don't worry.. We know that is all you do!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:35 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Local Yogurt,

Looking at your avatar, you are no more than a few inches tall. You can't possibly consumate any of those physically intimate acts that you described in your stories with any TGs. Plus, you are a naked blue little boy with a white hat.....not very sexy, IMHO. Also do not see any wallets on you with any $$$, either. Too many strikes. My conclusion : Nothing ever happens to you that's why you are typing 20,000 words a day on this forum.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:00 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Well, Banchang was a complete loss yesterday.

All the bars on "The Strip" were closed...

I made up for it in Pattaya though

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:00 pm on Aug. 12, 2004
popped into "The Strip" on the way home today.

into Mac's where some of us caught up on who's doing what where...

One of the MC guys shows up and people are marvelling at his DynoGlider while he has the buffet lunch (with pork chops).

The gals start to arrive finally and the customers start to disperse.

I head out to nextdoor

There I have a chat with some mates and one is smooching up on ShallowHole's girlie mate.

We discuss typical sh!te like politics, music, and of course BGs.

mr. kisser guy is off and now SH's girlie mate is ready to talk to me...

We discuss a little about why SH quit (got fired) and then she asks me to ST her.

I'm not inclined to, for once, and pay up and head back to Mac's

There I discuss various BS with the owner and some fellow customers.

The hottie I banged in the back room before comes over

this is the same big titted gal that I invited to RT and I also called her on Mother's Day
She couldn't make RT cause of her kid...

and she asks about the trip to BKK-RT

She started to ask how many times I managed to bang those two gals I took...

I think she's already been told by one of them, which would maybe have sparked this interest.

She asks me how much I'd pay her to bang her X times in X0 minutes, and I tell her X00 Baht.

No response...

As if she's thinking.

Then she asks if I know about "GaJeeyup"

It's an item that fems buy from the drug store when they want to stop menstruating to be with a customer...

Right away I get the jyst that she's on her rag, so pay up and head out.

almost forgot,

A member of the Raven's showed up in the meantime with his ole lady who was also on a Hog (2 bikes). She treated him hand and foot wherever they went. Great body, but rough face (acne at an earlier age).

and here we are back home now...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:08 am on Aug. 14, 2004
Don't believe it. Never happened.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:31 am on Aug. 14, 2004

What's not to believe manorwhore ??

You obviously didn't read it, so how can you judge if it's true or not..??

BTW, if you read it, you'll notice I didn't get laid. Not even a HJ...

or is that it ??
You can't believe that I went to The Strip without getting some action...

Guess I'm still satiated from Thursday night's romp

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:13 am on Aug. 15, 2004
got a call from CMG (ChipMunk Girl) to remind me that she's still at VG.

I agreed to meat her there later, and popped into the bar while she was seated out front.

Her boobs had grown since I saw her last, hmmm

TT (Tiny Tush) was finally back from Korat. This is one of the gals I took to RT last month.

Her friend ShallowHole (SH) is on her way down from TonBuri to work at the VG soon.

Maybe I can pull some more 3somes with them once she arrives.

CMG wasn't into going to the sofa in the back for a BBBJ. Said she was embarassed to do it where others might walk by.

Finally she agreed to gimme a BJ in the bathroom where we could lock the door.

I got her boobs out and they're nice for such a tiny gal.

She couldn't get her lips very far past my foreskin, and every time it started to feel good she would stop to wipe her her mouth with a wetnap.

I tried to get her to suck on the sides, but this was a no go...

This was certainly no Star of Light experience

Just when I start to get into those shallow swallows from her, she says she can't do it any more !!

We come out of the bathroom and everyone is saying, Damn that was fast.

I told them that is was unsuccessful, so my regular BJ gal pulls me over to a stool at the end of the bar and starts to wipe me off with a wetnap...

I decline as wee willie is already losing momentum fast after that let-down in the bathroom.

Went over to JigSaw Bar from there and the WarmMoistMouth (WMM) girl is there. She's slow and meticulous with her BJs so I ask her to finish what got started at VG.

She's very concise when doing the job. One swallow is at a 20 degree counterclockwise, and the next is 20 clockwise, and every once in a while you can feel her tongue wagging back and forth on the underside of the shaft. Oh Good !!

It takes an extra long time since I had the recoil from not getting finished earlier, but ends with a lot more joy juice spurting out than normal.

WMM wasn't able to swallow fast enough and dribbled some out onto the floor. Just missed my pants...

Monetary settlement is in order, with a 20% tip for the extra work necessary this time out.

Over to the local Restaurant Pub from here to shoot the sh!t over beers with some buds...and dinner


and of course it's true MSB,

if you've been there, you should know...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:42 pm on Aug. 18, 2004
LY - Never mind if it is true or not... I love reading your posts.

I am going to have to get myself down to BC soon. I went there only once about 2 years ago. Reading the above I am not sure why I haven't returned !


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:00 am on Aug. 19, 2004
LY - you have been quiet this week...any update ??

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:55 am on Aug. 26, 2004
not quiet, just pulling my GIKs from Pattaya this week.

may have something for tomorrow.

a visitor from BTF is coming to Banchang

I also spent last Sunday in Pattaya

hoping to see you in B'Chang some day...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:32 am on Aug. 26, 2004

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