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MainElsewhere in Thailand – Bok Hah screws up All Topics

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Bok Hah
You may recognise this from stickman , I had it published there a month back , thought it might make a few of you laugh.

My last night in Thailand, myself, wife and kids are staying in the Rimpao Hotel in Kalasin.  I have splashed out on her parents, sisters and brother-in-law to stay as well. It's only 500 baht per room, very decent hotel as it goes.
Myself and B-I-L have a history of getting pissed and generally get on real well.
After dinner, kids go to bed, one sister looks after them, parents retire also.

Myself, wife , sister and B-I-L, go downstairs into the music lounge, get quite pissed on Black Label, wife is tired, so is sister, they bin it, allowing myself and B-I-L to "go out on the town".

We hit various dives, ending up in one of those C&W style pubs, a live band is playing. I'm pissed enough to get on stage and have a sing song. When I return to our table, there are 3 lovelies chatting to B-I-L. We get on well, they seem early 20's, after a while B-I-L asks if I would be interesting shagging the one who seems to like me?

Ummm yeah! My Thai is reasonable, she seems up for it, a bit strange as they aren't on the game. They suggest a hotel / bungalow set up, we go there, its pissing down with rain. They "open" 2 bungalows, by now I'm absolutely bolloxed, probably drank a bottle of JW on my own , plus beers.

B-I-L takes his bird into one bungalow, I go into the other, with the 2 girls, one shoots off, my one takes a shower, I'm sat on the bed wondering "what the f_ck am I doing here?". Blokes are crap really, a few drinks and I'm anyone&' s.

She comes out of the shower, towel on, looking very nice, as they do. I go into the shower, hear some talking from the bedroom, she pops here head into the shower room, says a few words and disappears. I dry off , go into the bedroom.

She is gone. I get dressed, thinking "Oh well". Check my pockets, I've got a pair of those combat trousers with loads of zips and shit. My money is gone. I had at least 5000 Baht left. I'm stunned, then angry. and still pissed.

I notice 2 handbags on the deessing table. I go through them, no money, ID cards are there, bits and bobs. I empty both bags into the duvet, open the door, still pissing down, and fling it over a wall.

Then I decide to trash the room, being a hard man. I smash a mirror, the TV, and empty the contents of a CO powder fire extinguisher into the air-con, every where.

What a hero!

I then go next door, interrupt B-I-L, mid-shag. He's a bit upset, I tell him of the theft, he shouts at his girl and gets dressed, we get in the car and drive down the lane.

There&' s a motorbike coming towards us, its them. I tell him to drive on, explaining that I had f_cked the room up, etc. As we drive past I notice they have bags of food with them. Oh shit.

We drive back to the hotel, in silence. As I get out of the car, I find my money in my back pocket. B-I-L suggests we just go to bed and forget it. It's about 5 AM.
I go to my room, wife and kids snoring inside.

"Bang Bang".  It seems only seconds have passed, I look at my watch, its 9 AM, still Pissed. Wife answers the door, its the hotel manager, I hear the words," Farang" " Rong Rairm", "Pooying", Shiiiiiit.

Wife says a few words, the manager goes. She rips into me.......I just grin and admit everything. She is only interested in whether or not I had sex with the girl.

"NO". I would have done though if the circumstances had been different. We dress,  wake up B-I-L, his wife is furious as well. In the Lobby the three girls are there, with three policemen, and apparently, the owner of the other hotel. Christ the owner has already taken photos with a digital camera pointing out the damage. Very neatly presented on several sheets of A4, I almost compliment her on the presentation.

I stifle a smile when I see the contents of the girls bags in a muddy field. Then I remember, they didn't steal my money, I'm married, we're supposed to be flying back to the UK this afternoon. This is a BAD situation.

Police don't seem that bothered , probably on a small percentage. As with most things Thai, a price is agreed, I am accompanied to the ATM. They leave, I get a funny look from the girl I was with, a thought runs through my still addled head "I'd still like to screw you, love!"

We return to the hotel room. I look at my wife&' s face. I'm in deep shit. I survive the onslaught, hopefully I have learnt a lesson. Somehow I doubt it.

btw she was f_cking cute , I wish I'd drank less and screwed her silly

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:50 am on Oct. 3, 2003
hahahaha....I remember this story....that was you????

Now that is really how to get yourself in trouble!!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:59 am on Oct. 3, 2003

here's the link

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:08 am on Oct. 3, 2003

Quote: from Bok Hah on 2:01 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
Yes , i still have genitalia intact , shame I can't post the rest here.

I read that one. I recall reading it, and thinking to myself "What an incredible dumb-ass"

Seriously, you have some issue, and you should do something about that outta control temper.

Your reaction was entirely uncalled for - obviously, her girlfriend was still next door getting boned by your buddy. So, the chance of the girls having made off with your stuff was slim to begin with. Then, the whole situation with the hotel room - even *IF* the girls had ripped you off, there's no reason the hotel manager was in on it. Lastly, the proper thing to do would have been to return when you saw the girls pass you on the scooter, instead of running off with your tail between your legs, like a cowardly dog.

Sorry, that story does NOT paint a pretty picture. I'm not surprised you were in the doghoue with your wife - this has  nothing to do with moralizing, your actions were just plain dumb.

Now, that being said, let's leave this behind, as I generally enjoy your comments.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:27 am on Oct. 3, 2003
Bok Hah
Agree 100%
I'm just hoping it was a whisky thing!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:26 am on Oct. 3, 2003

Quote: from Bok Hah on 4:26 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
Agree 100%

You have my respect.

Quote: from Bok Hah on 4:26 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
I'm just hoping it was a whisky thing!

In that case, if we ever meet, you're buying - and then you can write an FR about me making a fool of myself.

Yeah, I can see it now... "hzink insisted that the he had to buy the waterbuffalo, and sleep with it..."


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:58 pm on Oct. 3, 2003
Bok Hah
5555 Can't wait!  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on Oct. 4, 2003
Nice story.  Wish I'd found my $50 on Samui.  Never did.

You've proved that in Thailand, it's a real struggle to remain faithful.  

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:44 am on Oct. 4, 2003
555 BH.
looked at the story after your mention of it in reply to one of my FR's.
in one way very entertaining and a good read and i enjoyed it,but also thought your reaction was a bit drastic.

but i think your excuse of the drink is sufficient.
i often have too much and do things i would normally not do and feel the fool the next day.
question,is your wife Thai?,did she really accept the story so easily?.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:42 pm on Oct. 4, 2003
Bok Hah
Nokna , yes she is Thai ,  she believed that  didn't screw the other girl , if I had I think she would have told the police. But she was extremely mad , to the point where she said herself and the kids would not be coming back with me to the UK. As the flight was that evening I had major grovelling to do! It was the first time I had been out of line in over 5 years of marriage , so I eventually was let off!
But no mistake , I realise I was a total shit that evening , if I hadn't been such a paranoid arese , I probably would have had my cake and ate it too!
And she was damn cute....  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:39 am on Oct. 5, 2003

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