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It was a long trip from Chicago-LA-HK-BKK, but there I was. Just one more short flight to Koh Samui to go. This was on Bangkok air. They must have a requirement to only hire hot girls to work the counters and as stewardesses, so I didn't mind the 1.5hr delay for the flight. The "airport" on KS was something else, I'd never seen an open-air airport before. This was my first trip to a third world country, and on the ride to the resort on Lamai beach I was thinking that this place is a real dump. But the folks at the resort were super nice and the bungalow was right on the beach (1200B/night).

It was about 6PM so I decided to walk down to town to check it out. They said to go out to the main road and go left and I would come to it in about 15 min. Too bad I didn't realize they meant the little road next to the resort, so I went and walked 2 sides of a triangle to get there. There Beer Bars were just getting going with the girls, so I walked through and had a few little chats with some girls and moved along. Just north of the McD's there, I stopped at a BB and one of the girls came out from behind the bar and sat out front with me. I liked her enthusiasm. She was a bit taller than most of the girls with wavy hair, and lighter skinned, named Nit. I told her I was just walking around and would be back fro her as she seemed fun. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I started to walk back to the resort. Unfortunately, the resort sat a bit back from the road, and I didn't see the sign and walked about 2.5km past it before I stopped to ask where I was. So I took a pick-up taxi (PUT) back for 50B. It was about 9PM by this time.
I took a much needed shower and then headed back out to hook up with Nit. I took a PUT down to town, seeing where I should have turned. It was just 5 min ride. I got back to Nit's bar and she was up on a little stage in the middle of the bar giving the pole there a workout. When She saw me she jumped down and ran out, giving me a hug and a lot of kisses. She didn't believe I would come back so was happy to see me. The kisses didn't stop coming and were increasing in duration, so I was thinking I was very glad to be in Thailand.

So I bought her a drink, and I got a cola. They poured her a glass of voBKa on the rocks. That should have told me something, but I wasn't being too analytical at the time. We went through the usual what where why conversation, telling her it was my third trip to Thailand (a lie). A few minutes later she was pulling me up on the little stage with her to do a little 2 person routine. That was fun. When she was finished with her drink, I said let's go walk around a bit, as I was new in town. As we walked a group of girls at a bar started to call her over, so over we went. I turned out that this bar was owned by the same guy as her's.

There I met her friend Ning, who was quite hot. Nit asked me to buy her a drink and I said no. She kept asking and I kept saying no. I told her I would when we left. This is part of my general policy of not doing what a woman wants at first, and to do it under my conditions when I do. I finally relented and was cheered by all. I was making a lot of eye contact with Ning and Nit asked if I liked Ning and not her. I said of course not, and let's go. Off we went, back to the room. There Nit had a beer from the mini bar. We just talked about nothing for a while and then began to make out a bit. Nit asked how much I would pay her and I said 1KB LT. She said to take a shower and I did.

When I got back out she went in and came back out with a towel wrapped around her waist but her shirt still on. We went back to making out, but she didn't seem to have much enthusiasm any more. I asked her if she didn't want boom boom? She said, I want, and got into it again. But she lost steam again, so I asked her one more time. This went on a few more time. I thought to myself, "Wow, a true GFE, a Western GFE!!"At this point, the Gospel according to Rockhard (WSA) ran through my mind, I'm a man in Asia, I've got the gold and I make the rules. I told her to get dressed and I?d give her 100B for a taxi and to leave, since I wanted good boom-boom and she didn't want to do that.

She said she would stay and make boom, I said too late get out. And I sneered to her that she didn't even take a shower before. She went into the bathroom and got dressed. When she came out she said she wanted 500B for her time and that I had "seen her" I reminded her that she was never naked and it was 2 choices leave with 100B or stay all night with good boom for 1000B. This went on for a while, and she wouldn't go with out 500B. I was nervous about physically throwing her out, so I said let's just go to sleep and work it out in the morning. I told her I still wanted sex with her and it was her choice how much she made.

As we lay in bed, I would make out with her a bit and then stop, a bit more each time after a while her pants were soaked through between her legs and she started to pull off my clothes asking if I had a condom. I did and we were soon naked and going at it. She was now showing a lot of enthusiasm, and after I came and took off the condom, went down on me. Before I came again she asked if I had another condom, and this time got on top. We went through a series of positions until I came while doing her doggie style. What a turn around in behavior! We fell asleep and when we both finally were awake at the same time it was 4:30PM and she needed to get going to head down to the bar again.

I wanted to get something to eat, so I walked with her and we stopped at a marketplace with a lot of food stalls. We each had a nice meal for 50B total price. At her Bar we split up and I said I?d see her later that night (knowing I wouldn't). I walked over to the bar her friends were at and they asked me where NitWit was. I said her bar, I guess. I asked Ning if she wanted a drink and she got a big smile on her face and came out from behind the bar to sit with me. After a bit of cuddling I said I was going to get some dinner and would be back. She said she'd wait for me. After dinner I walked over and she was not there, the other girls said she went with someone. The lesson here was if I wanted to have a certain girl to barfine her before I went off.

I said, "ok, next!" and walked over to the next cluster of BBs. As I walked over I saw Jin who was pretty hot and in great shape. Seems she trains for tae kwon do and muay thai. She had a nice slutty look to her, which was right up my alley at the time. We had a great time joking and fooling around. I bought her a couple of drinks (Jack and coke- she could really put them away), and had my usual cola. At her request, I bought her friends a drink or two over the evening until I thought it was time for some quality time together. So off we went and I gave her a physical and gynecological examination that left me drained and satisfied.

Next day we woke up around 11AM and eventually ended up back in town for some lunch. I wanted to walk around and maybe buy some things and check email. She wanted to come along but I cut her loose. I wanted to do some scuba diving, but the weather was a bit stormy and the shops told me no diving for a few days. So it was back to the resort to relax on the beach and do a bit of swimming.

Later it was back down to town to line up Ning for the night. She was just getting her make-up on and we sat and had a few drinks together. I paid her BF and told her I'd be back after dinner. I'd gotten to talking to a guy the night before who was from Germany and was meeting him at a restaurant on the beach. Later I wandered by Jin's bar and had a drink with her. She was a lot of fun to hang out with. One of the other girls at the bar came over and told me to buy her a drink. So I said No, of course. She walked away mad I told Jin if she had talked to me a bit first I would have given her a drink but, not when told to. She said sorry about that.

I left to go meet Ning and had a fun night playing bar-games. First it was connect 4, where I got my ass kicked for a while. Then I watched how she was playing and got a hold of the geometry involved. I then won a bunch in a row, or tied. So they suggested jenga. I'm a dentist so hand-eye coordination is my specialty, and I beat her 4-5 times in a row and said it was time to engage in some indoor sports.

Back at the room, Ning was into the shower followed by myself. She looked even better naked, and wasn't shy at all. We had some fun sex. She was able to really clamp down on with the kegel muscles and drew some great climaxes from me. As we lay there we talked a bit and she now was showing a lot better command of English than she did at the bar which was an eye-opener. She was from near BKK and tried to talk me into taking her up to there with me. I said no. So it was some more sex and then to sleep.

The next morning I sent her on her way telling her I'd take her again that night. She asked what time, and I said 8PM. I spent the day relaxing on the beach and taking a walk up towards Coral Cove to take some photos. After another BBQ seafood dinner I wandered back down to town. It was starting to rain, so I took cover at Jin's bar. It really started to pour. I bought Jin her usual Jack and coke. She told me that her friend who had tried to get a drink fro me the night before had really wanted to go with me last night. I told her that her approach sucked and called her over.

Her name was Sherry. I bought her a drink and put her up on my lap. She had a tongue stud and used on my nipples. Jin said she gave good BJ's and I should take her. But I had Ning lined up already. In my newby mindset I didn't think to take Sherry back right then and get to Ning later. Lesson learned. By 9PM the rain let up a bit and I went off to get Ning. She was having a beer with some guy. When I walked up she told the guy that she would go with him tomorrow since she was going with me tonight. She told the bartender to charge her for the beer she was drinking. Another little hottie from the bar moved into Ning's place with the other guy and they were soon making out. International incident narrowly averted.

A few games of connect 4 and Ning said let's go to your room. Off we went. It was a shower for me and when I came out she was out on the bed. I gave her a shake to wake her up. She said she wasn't feeling good and to let her sleep until 2Am and then we'd have sex. I told her it was ok if she was sick, and could go home since I'd paid her BF, I'd give her 500B, and go get another girl since I was leaving tomorrow I wanted a fun last night there.

She said when I didn't show at 8 she started to drink a lot and was "vely dlunk" I said no problem but I wanted some great sex and was going to get it from her or someone else, so what did she want to do? She went into the bathroom, and I heard her throw up. Then the shower went on and she was soon out, all smiles and feeling better. Another amazing turn around in the face of no money!! I made her brush her teeth, and we went through a series of sex positions. Finally I said that was enough and we went to sleep.

Next morning we had breakfast at the resort and She left when I got picked up to go on a jungle trek. That was an all day event, and when I got done it was time to get to the airport for my flight to BKK. I was looking forward to the hot stewardesses on the flight and wasn?t disappointed. Overall my trip to Koh Samui was a success in my mind. It was a good intro to the P4P scene in Thailand. I'm glad I went there first since while the number of bars and quality of girls was ok for me, if I had gone to BKK first, I'd have felt a let down.

The most important thing was that the things I read on the board here served me in good stead, as situations would develop, I knew just what I was going to do next. Any problems with a girl's behavior and I just said to her, "no problem, I'll go get someone else." That really got them back in line fast.

BKK report to follow.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:35 pm on Dec. 3, 2003
Good FR poskat, thanks for posting it. Look forward to reading about the BKK part of your trip, because I'll be able to relate better

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:18 pm on Dec. 3, 2003

Enjoyed your report. I agree with you about those stewardesses, most of them look incredible. Too bad you can't have them on the long flights to and from the states.

just curious, what resort did you stay at in Lamai?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 pm on Dec. 3, 2003
Nice report poskat. I also would like to know the resort and how it was? I always stay in Chaweng and think a change might be in order.

Samui for me is a nice relaxing, slow paced break from Bkk and elsewhere.

Dagul, try Singapore Airlines or Cathay Pacific out of the States. Great eye candy but no play.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:59 pm on Dec. 3, 2003

Glad the info from the board is helping you navigate the shoals! BTW, your tale about Ning getting drunk and sick because you didn't show may be closer to the truth than you think. My TGF did exactly the same thing (she doesn't drink) in a similar incident several months before I met her. She ended getting smashed on whiskey , puked all night , and slept all the next day. All because her customer, whom she'd taken a quick liking to, didn't show up that night. So they really do these things for reasons of the heart...

Looking forward to your BKK report.

- Balls

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:03 am on Dec. 4, 2003
Quote from Ballburstin - 1:03 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
She ended getting smashed on whiskey, puked all night, and slept all the next day. All because her customer, whom she'd taken a quick liking to, didn't show up that night

BB - you just made me remember an incident I had myself in BKK.

I met a girl in Patpong (at King Garden) and she apparently took a liking to me. We were together for a couple days doing the usual. We went out the second night to a few clubs on PP 1 (can't remember names). We had a few drinks (not too many) at that point. I was sitting with my TG when another girl from across the club raised her glass to me to do a cheers, so I did the same and raised my glass back to her. The girl I was with got pissed as hell! She ran out the club and for some idiotic reason I followed her and tried to smooth things out once I caught up to her. I know that sounds pathetic...

Once things were semi-ok she then began to drink quite heavily (drink after drink). She obviously was still pissed about the situation, which I thought was absolutely harmless. By the time I convinced her to go back to the hotel room (where all her stuff was) she was completely slammed. On the way back we stopped at Foodland where she made a scene (being all rude to the cashiers and other customers). After we left the store she could barely walk, stumbling and stopping along the way and nearly passing out a few times. All I wanted to do at that point was get her to the room so she could get all her stuff out. It was so embarrassing, even the ride up the elevator with the other guests at the hotel was awful.

Once we were in the room she started crying and was too intoxicated to go anywhere. She eventually passed out on the bed muttering to herself "I am no lucky, no love for me, blah blah blah". I started to get angry and impatient about the situation but I went ahead and let her sleep it off.

When I woke up a few hours later in the middle of the night I noticed she had taken off all her clothes. I woke her up to see if she was ok and she started trying to cuddle with me. I think she was trying to make up for the situation that had occured earlier. Needless to say I asked her to leave once she was sober. No need for that kind of drama when you are on vacation.

Quote from Ballburstin:
So they really do these things for reasons of the heart...

maybe they do, I don't know, but it surely didn't make me like her anymore after all that mess.

Side tip: don't ever let your TGs (especially ones you don't know very well) leave their stuff in your room, that way if things turn ugly, you can bail fairly easily.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:57 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
great report Poskat.

'This was my first trip to a third world country'

we both work in the medical field and I can assure you that the Hospital Services are very good.
i had reason to visit a Hospital and the same Dept in which I work.
far superior service compared to where I work in the UK.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
EeIiyaa !! Only way to butterfly with tough Thai BG's play cheap charly at little and refuse to be starfished or clammed up. Besides its your vacation and if you don't get lucky to have a kinky sweetheart which takes work to find get em all for the time u got.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:19 pm on Dec. 4, 2003
Dagul & Herodotis-Koh Samui was definitely a great place to just chill out. I stayed at Sand and Sea resort which is just north of the action at Lamai. So it was completely quiet, but just a quick walk down to find some fun. Here is a link to resorts on KS.
If you click on Ziggy Stardust it links to a page with more place as well. I used this site to query 6 places about facilities and availabilty and got prompt responses and made my reservation with no problems. S&S included breakfast too.
Lamai was nice and compact with a few clusters of Beer Bars that had some nice girls, just have to look around. There were some good places to eat and not expensive. I didn't get up to Chawang, but from what I saw as I drove through it a few time, I'm glad I was in Lamai
I flew on Cathay Pacific and have to agree that the Stews were hot and the service was great.
Balls- Ning and I did hit it off, that's for sure and I believed she was in bad shape. I just didn't want to deal with it since it was my last night there, and to her credit she came around to my point of view.
Nokna- I know a few dentists in BKK who teach at 2 dental schools there so I saw Mahidol and Chula School facilities which were top notch I thought.
Stray- the girls were calling me a butterfly, but I told them I was just looking for the "right " girl. With ti being my first time to LOS I felt multiple girls multilpe times was a requirement to earn my "union card".

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:14 am on Dec. 5, 2003

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