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MainField Reports outside Thailand – one night in amsterdam All Topics

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big pablo
i was in amsterdam recently, alone and with just over a day to waste before my flight back to liverpool. i was very sweaty and perhaps still a little drunk from the previous nights activities in heerlen when i stepped off the train at centrum station to be greeted by the almost tropical heat. within a couple of minutes of leaving the station i saw a tramp sitting on the floor playing a digeridoo and dozens of beautiful girls making the most of the fine weather by wearing as little as possible. i knew right away it would be a good day. i headed straight to teasers for a nice cold heineken while i thought about looking for a hotel.

finding a hotel was very simple. i just walked into a gift shop and the girl behind the counter phoned around looking for a room for me. she asked if i wanted one for 39 euro  that was about  a 20 minute walk away or one for 50 euro that was opposite madam tussauds on dam square and about a 5 minute walk from the red light area. i shuffled my feet and looked down at the floor  and asked for the one near the red light district. she arranged it and directed me toward the doria hotel and pizzeria and i had a cool shower and changed my clothes in the tiny hotel room.

i spent a while walking around in the sunshine admiring the beautiful buildings and canals as well as the wonderful people in the city. if theres a more diverse city in the world ive yet to see it. id decided that i wasnt going to waste any of my sexual energy during the day because i wanted to save myself for the night time when the place really gets going, so when i saw the sign for a traditional thai massage i thought ''this is the place for me''. i went inside and was taken upstairs by a decent looking thai girl called anna who was from the north of the country (she really made a point of telling me she wasnt from bangkok) and who was probably in her early 30s. she told me to strip naked and lay face down on the mattress while she took her own clothes off.

as it was my first thai massage it was quite a surprise when she stood on my buttocks and started walking up and down my legs and lower back. after a short time she started to bend and manipulate my limbs and massage my feet, back and neck. every time i felt the warmth from her pussy near my skin i grew harder and harder until she asked me to roll over. i did so, revealing a raging hard on. anna giggled and took it in her hand. ''would you like me to massage him?'' id already asked her to give me the full hour (75 euro) instead of the half hour (50 euro) id originally requested. i think i gave her another 25 euro on top to massage my dick. she did so expertly for quite a while as elton john and lionel ritchie sang in the back ground until i asked her to stop because i didnt want to come too soon and waste any of my hours time. she said that if i came now id be more relaxed and enjoy the massage more. then she made me come at will and it wasnt long until i fell into a light sleep while she massaged my feet and sang quietly to me.

she made me a cup of coffee as i took a cool shower and i was soon on my way out into the blistering heat again. i sat outside a cafe with an ice cold heineken and reflected on my first traditional thai massage. i thought it was a lot of money to pay at the time but i only had one day to spare and only wanted happy thoughts in my head. i drank my beer and smiled.

continued ...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:59 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
big pablo
i dont smoke pot and havent done since i was maybe 16 or 17, its not something that ive ever really been big on but i thought ''when in rome, etc'' and found myself in one of the many cafe/bars that sell weed. i explained to the guy there that i wasnt a smoker and wanted something that wasnt going to kill me. he gave me a ''baby spliff'' for 3.50 euro and i picked a dark corner at the back of the bar. i was grateful that it was so dark in there and the music was pretty loud because before long i was coughing my guts up with tears rolling down my cheeks. it took me 2 joints to get the hang of it and then i started watching how other people held theirs and smoked theirs. i tried to copy them so that i looked good at smoking and then i realised that i was stoned. i tried to explain to people that i felt guilty because they spoke such good english and i was just a daft brit who was too ignorant to learn another language. i dont think i was making much sense but i still had a good time with some people i met in there. my main reason for being in amsterdam was the red light district and all the seediness that it had to offer but i really struggled to motivate myself to get back outside. i was dosile and content where i was.

when i did drag my lazy, stoned arse out it was night time and the sights and sounds of that place kick started me. the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and i was excited and alert again. some of the girls on show in the windows are out of this world and put the so called ''super models'' to shame. they wouldnt look out of place on the cover of playboy or in the latest videos on MTV. i would think id found the most beautiful girl in the world with blonde hair, blue eyes and lovely big tits .. until i saw the girl in the next window down.they just got better and better the further i walked. i walked around for quite a while trying to choose which one of the lovely ladies i would treat myself to .. then i turned a corner and saw a black girl with big, if slighty saggy tits. she said ''30 euro suck and f***?'' and i was in there like a shot. not because she was 20 euro cheaper than one of the white girls but because she was black and not all that good looking. christ knows why i chose her but i did and she had a massive arse with cellulite and stretchmarks all over her thighs and legs. i wanted to kiss her but she said that would cost another 20, i wanted to suck her tits but that was another 20 and i asked if i could lick her arsehole but that was 20 euro more too. i looked in the mirror as she knelt down and sucked my cock and i enjoyed seeing the contrast in our skin. her deep purple lips sliding up and down my white cock really turned me on and i spend just about my whole time in there looking to her side in the mirror, even when she squatted on top of me and hammered my cock into her i could only look at her fat arse wobbling in the mirror. i took her from behind too and slapped her backside gently as i f***ed her and she eventually let me suck her tits for no extra cost. i dont remember her name or where she was from, i think it was uganda or somewhere like that.

when i was getting ready to leave she took the condom in a tissue and tossed it into a small bin and put her foot up on a wash basin. she splashed a little water on the arsehole and pussy to clean it and i thought ''you dirty, dirty bitch'' i was glad i hadnt licked her arse because i realised it wouldnt have been very hygenic.

i left and started walking toward my hotel feeling very pleased with myself and looking forward to telling my friends of my adventures .. but i didnt tell them what im about to tell you ..

continued ....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:02 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
You been reading too any Nokna FR's, leaving like that!

Well written and very interesting. Keep up the good work.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
big pablo
as i was heading back to my hotel and hoping they were still serving pizza at silly o'clock in the morning something caught my eye. i was going through an alley way full of black women, many of them mature and chubby and i was just starting to think about getting one last blowjob when i came accross two windows with illuminous blue tube lights at the top of them. i think that deep down i may have known what that meant but i was drunk, stoned and feeling adventurous so i stopped to get a better look. there were two dark, latin looking girls sitting at one of the windows chatting and a young lad from london was coming out of the other one, followed by an asian girl with blonde hair and huge, round tits. she saw me looking and invited me inside. i asked the cockney lad something that i cant remember now and he laughed nervously when he answered me and disappeared down the alley. 50 euro for a suck and f*** is what the girl (who i was already besotted by) wanted so i told her i would go to the bank and id be back in a few minutes. while i was walking i was thinking about not going back, but i knew that i would really. i told myself that i wasnt sure if she was a shemale or not so it wouldnt be my fault if she was really a man, it would just be an accident. i also told myself that i was very drunk and very stoned so i couldnt be responsible for my actions. when i got back the curtain was drawn and she was busy sucking and f***ing someone else for 50 euro.

one of the dark, brazilian looking girls asked if i wanted to go with her instead and they both laughed. the other one looked like a skinny black man in a dress and she went to her own (rarely used) room. we went downstairs and talked about some stuff that i cant remember and then she started kissing me and sucking my tongue. before long i was standing in front of her naked and she was licking my balls and putting a condom on me. after a few minutes she took off her hot pants and revealed a cock. i surprised myself when i took hold of it immediately and started wanking her and rubbing her cock against mine. i said that id never done this before and she was the boss, id just do what the said. she instructed me to lay on the bed and we were in the 69 position for ages sucking each other off, every now and again she would lean back inviting me to lick her arse which i did to the best of my ability. i wasnt really thinking about sex at the time, i was thinking more about the fact that i was doing this and how little it bothered me. i didnt really get any satisfaction from sucking it (although i did enjoy her tickling my arse with her finger and sucking mine). it was just the thing that i should do, maybe i was trying to be polite, i dont know. i was really surprised that it didnt bother me though, i didnt find it any big deal at all.

she got on all fours and, after rubbing some cream into her arse, guided me into it. i hammered away for a while and remember thinking that it was just like having sex with a girl, only a little more of a firm grip on my dick.  she turned around and lifted her knees up to her ears and i f***ed her from the front. i tried to play with her cock but found it awkward and lost interest. she asked if i wanted a ''special''. for another 50 euro she would f*** me too. i declined and thought that really would be gay. ive got no intention of being anally intruded whatsoever. i couldnt come and after a while i decided that id had enough and the novelty was wearing off so i left. she washed her arse the same way as the african girl and i remember thinking that at least it was a bit cleaner sucking dick than doing down on a girl, if a condom was used. i did lick her arse quite a bit though.

when i left i looked at a big, black woman with big, soft tits who had been smiling at me and flashing a little earlier. she called me a ''gay f***ing gay'' and turned her head in a dramatic show of disgust. i laughed to myself and carried on walking. i went to a place right on the edge of the red light area called the mekong river where i drank another couple of beers and smoked the joint a still had in my pocket. the place was full of really unconvincing, man looking ladyboys and one was working behind the bar. i ordered some spicy thai ribs and although i only managed a few bites it was delicious. i liked being in there and even if the ladyboys werent attractive at all it excited me to be sitting there with them. im sure that the one who served me has been on a porn site but ive been unable to find her since. i walked home to the doria and wondered what id think of all of this when i was sober and id had time to think about it, and the thought worried me. when i woke up and showered i went downstairs for my breakfast that was bread, cheese and ham. i just had a few glasses of juice ans a glass of water. and sat down to reflect on the night. i sat there and laughed out loud. since ive been back home ive felt really refreshed and as if a weights been lifted from my shoulders.

im going to thailand for a couple of weeks in january and i want to visit laos, cambodia, vietnam and singapore in the future so hopefully ill have some more firld reports to share.

sorry if this is a bit too long, its my first time so please forgive me.

thanks, pablo.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:38 pm on Aug. 27, 2003
Hey Bro well written keep up the good work and welcome to the forum.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:39 am on Aug. 28, 2003
big pablo
thanks sirusman. im sorry if it was a bit long winded. i think i might have bored a few people to sleep judging by the high number of reads and small number of replies.

ill work on it so that my reports from thailand and cambodia are a bit more to the point.

thanks for the reply mate.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:39 am on Aug. 28, 2003
Hey Bro big pablo, you write as you see fit,everyone has a different writing style .If it bores any one they will just skip it.I look forward to your FRs from Cambodia and Thailand

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:33 am on Aug. 28, 2003
You're goingto love Thailand bro, for 15 Euros you can suck her and she can suck you and you can f*** her and she can f*** you and you can kiss her and cum on her and she can cum on you all by a girl with a cock that really looks like a a girl.  Then afterward you can go for a massage that will cost you 3 Euros!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 pm on Aug. 28, 2003
big pablo
rockhard, thanks .. but now youve depressed me.

the money i spent in one night in amsterdam would probably have supported my deviance for a couple of weeks it seems.

if my money will go that far in thailand, for far will it stretch in cambodia and laos?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:42 am on Aug. 29, 2003
yea but if you're horny in amsterdam you can't wait six months to get your rocks off.

never been to cambodia or laos, but even if it's cheaper there there is something to be said for the ease of LOS and being able to find out exactly where to go

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:15 pm on Aug. 29, 2003

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