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I just wonder if a few years residency here and exposure to TGs, BGs and the P4P scene eventually turns you into a guy incapable of sustaining a normal relationship.

(I dont think these comments apply so much to visitors cos you just taste the scene and then head back into the real world)

So here is my FR... (be warned - minimal sex)

So I am flying to BKK after a short trip abroad. I am flying a non-Thai airline but there is this super cute Thai air stewardess on board. I start talking to her in Thai and we strike up a conversation for over an hour. She lives in the middle east, graduated from ABAC, is fluent in Thai, English and Arabic. She is 24 as smart as anything (she works first class - something of an achievement for someone so young) and is just sooo cute.

I invite her to dinner....

She turns up at my place driving a CLK Mercedes (and wearing a Patek Philippe 24) - those arab airlines must pay a lot or else very rich parents (more likely).

We go to the Face in Soi 38 and we spend the evening snacking and drinking and chatting (her love of Long Island Ice Teas means I dont get to say much). She tells me she was a virgin until 23 (uhoh... what a prick shriveller) and that she has only had one BF. She loved him sooo much he dumped her... she is broken hearted, she will never love another guy soooo much.

Yeah well wtf... after a couple of hours she is smooching with me in the corner. At 1.00am while I am having a pee, she pays the bill and we head off home.... Separate homes.... But hey I am not pissed off - I had a great evening (and I am not sure I want to shag a girl who has only ever slept with one other guy - too much pressure/bound to be a star fish).

The next day (Saturday) she returns to Dubai.

Then Sunday evening I get a message on my mobile - 'just bought a ticket and on my way back to BKK for 3 days'. This is terrible timing as it turns out but it seems such a romantic gesture....

She rocks up and my place at 10.00pm, we watch a dvd and at about 2.00am I ask if she wants to stay the night. Fine... she says...but I dont want anything to happen. To be honest I am not that bothered - newbies arent really worth the effort.

She gets in bed wearing one those hotel dressing gowns and I kiss her to see how she will react. She responds and immediately sticks her hand down my boxers (hmmmm...). Errrmmm with 2 minutes all our clothes are off and she is giving me a blow job (showing far too much skill for a newbie). I think she might be one of those... 'I have only had sex with one guy but I have given 500 guys BJs'..type of girl.

I touch her and she is totally and freshly shaved (is she really a good girl?). When we start shagging she does a not all that convincing 'ooh that hurts' but within 3 minutes she is whispering 'harder, harder, harder'. Me thinks she has not been totally honest with me - thank god. It is a fun night - she may have only been average in bed but she is way ahead of any expectations..

The next day she comes round at 7pm but I have to go to a dinner at 7.30. 'No problem' she says - she will go shopping aand then wait for me at my place. I hand her a key. I get back from dinner at 10 pm and - oh boy - has she been shopping. She has bought a whole load of girly soaps and stuff and put them in the basket by the bath. She has totally arranged all my toiletries and put them on one side of the basin with 'her stuff' on the other side. At this point the alarm bells start ringing... At least she will be going back to Dubai in 2 days I think.

The next day I get up, leave her in my room and go to the office. I am beginning to think she is a psycho for no apparent reason. Then I get a message 'I have something important to talk with about'. OMG I think she is going to tell me that she is quitting her job and moving in. Now I am getting nervous....

When I get home.... nothing.... she has taken her stuff with her from last night (including her toiletries). When she gets to my place her 'something important' turns out to be her mum who is pissed off that she hasnt be home for the last 2 nights. She says she will have to stay with her mum tonight - she is really sorry - but tomorrow is mother's day.

Sooo the next day she flies off to Dubai... and says she will be back in a week. She sends me an sms 'babe I love you with all my heart'. I am busy arranging who I am going to shag tonight.

So this FR has nothing to do with 'fatal attraction' only to do with 'farang paranoia'. Here is a girl who is young, stunning, interesting and rich - a girl that would probably say 'I am out of your league' in another country. She really likes me and more to the point, I really like her....

BUT... there is virtually no chance of a relationship - I am too anal. I am too protective of my own personal space to allow anyone in and I am certainly totally, utterly incapable of remaining faithful to any one girl. It is very clear now that I am a GUY INCAPABLE OF SUSTAINING A NORMAL RELATIONSHIP.

So there you have it... we all see and complain about the BGs who act so badly after years in the P4P scene but at the end of the day it gets to us all. LY is clearly a deviant and proud of it. Dirty Guru says he is going to give it up soon (but I dont believe him) and N/M is taking a few weeks off. Nobody truely escapes. I guess I will just have to lie back and enjoy it!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:40 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Abrak excellent report and more so observations. Sometimes the pace is so fast here a week can seem like a year in other places.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:56 am on Aug. 12, 2004
The Machine

There is no problem.

You are doing fine.

You are living everymans dream.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:08 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Abrak I know what you mean.

I'm not new to P4P but new-ish to Thailand, and must say that living in LOS changes you at least a bit, especially if you're a member of BTF

IMO, it's not so much that you/we are incapable of sustaining a normal relationship, rather, it's because we realise it's more fun and convenient NOT to have a 'normal relationship'. For those of us who are unmarried, we tend to have more disposable income for ourselves too.

And it's not just the men anymore. Lots of women out there, especially Western or westernised women, think and behave the same way we do.

If you both like each other, fine.
I remember hzink's signature quote, from Oscar Wilde: 'A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.'
I've been gradually realising the wisdom of liking a woman is fine; love is for something else.

Well, if you consider LY a deviant, then people like you and I are not so deviant after all!

Yeah, lie back and enjoy her - I mean - it!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:10 am on Aug. 12, 2004

Quote: from Jafa on 5:10 pm on Aug. 12, 2004
IMO, it's not so much that you/we are incapable of sustaining a normal relationship, rather, it's because we realise it's more fun and convenient NOT to have a 'normal relationship'.


I think you are missing my point.

I, like you, would like to think that I am making a 'conscious' choice - I am capable of a 'normal relationship' but I choose not to cos I am having so much fun. My point is this - even if the girl of my dreams entered my life, I dont think I am 'capable' of maintaining a 'normal relationship'.

Are you? Are many of the BGs? Is there anybody who knows someone who f_cked around in BKK for a few years - then met someone fantastic - and gave it all up (without leaving the country) ? I dont think so...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:20 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Frank La Rue

She is young, smart and is moving out because of mothers day! What more can you ask for! I think you're just too surprized to believe your own luck that good fortune can happen when you're staring it in it's face!

Compare with the complications I am getting my self into, leave aside Dimitri the Greek!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Yes, I think you pose some great questions.
I have given it some thought myself!
Is it too easy here?
Does it make it too casual?
Am I really getting too hardened?

Then every so often I find one who really crawls under the wire...and I get so f_cking screaming jealous when they start to play by MY rules,
say "sorry, cant tomorrow, "I am going away" GRRRRRR

or for the working girs, when I turn up in the bar and see a name on the bar fine list and her friends wont tell me where she has gone. GRRRRRRR
Or when you phone her, and she will only speak monosylabillic Thai with you so as not to tell who she is with she is speaking to a "friend"...GRRRRRRRRR

Just a question? Would you have firmer, longer, more serious relationships in another "western" country? I think you answered that one yourself!

JMHO...Surely only if it was less available, and then by necessity?

Yes, Bro. Abrak. You made me think…
you got “under my wire”
Thank you for a great posting!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:25 am on Aug. 12, 2004
Abrak, that is called getting older and staying very single. The longer you do it, the harder to get out of it, unless you fall madly for someone.

When I was younger I could have a girlfriend that I didn't love much and let her come into my space. It was a decent trade-off. Not now, I wouldn't unless I really liked her a lot a lot a lot. But as time passes it becomes more difficult to fall like one used to.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:32 am on Aug. 12, 2004

Quote: from Abrak on 5:20 pm on Aug. 12, 2004
I think you are missing my point.
Are you? Are many of the BGs? Is there anybody who knows someone who f_cked around in BKK for a few years - then met someone fantastic - and gave it all up (without leaving the country) ? I dont think so...

In answer to your questions:
- Dunno.
- Dunno.
- Dunno.

Geeez man, you need to lighten up...gotta buy you a drink someday...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:45 am on Aug. 12, 2004
I was deviant way before I had ever even thought of moving to BKK.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:09 am on Aug. 12, 2004

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