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Actually this isn't a field report. It's more a warning...

We heared some reports about Mumbai and even Delhi, but let's have a look on some other parts of India. I was staying 3 weeks in Chandigarh, a city 250km north of Delhi. It's called "the city beautiful", whatever this means.

Officially 1 million people living there. The night life does not exist at all. Very funny. Discos are only open friday and saturday nights. And what kind of discos... we've been to one called "Aerizzona" (sector 9), it's more a school disco or something like that. Of course they have couple entry, means a single male cannot get in. Ah, the experienced Indian traveller knows a workaround: just wait outside for a group of girls and build up a couple. Not there! All arriving girls where together with brothers, fathers, mothers, wow. Anyway, we finally persuaded the bouncers at the door to let us in (without additional fee... a real wonder). Inside nice dance floor, good music, approx 20 people on the dance floor, around them the same number of parents and brothers. One weekend my friend and me were able to pick two girlfriends after the disco closed. But results? We had some cafe in a shop and were driven around by them in their car, doing some sightseeing in the night. It was like teenager times... looking for a quiet kissing place. It was somehow funny, but it was the maximum we could achieve. Sitting in a car and looking at the lake at night. Oh man.

Other places they have are Las Vegas (sector 34) and a real good one called Copper Club (sector 26 if I remember) - the last one attracted real hot stunners, dressed up like hell, standing outside and looking at them was already an attraction. Outside? Yes, outside. No, the problem was not the couple entry - we could have managed that. But this place was not allowed for foreigners and NRIs - only for national Indians. We had no chance going inside.

Other ideas? No newspaper adds. No hotel bars. No hotel discos.

Ok, never mind. Today back to Delhi and I had the idea to look around in some discos. Taj Palace Hotel disco - closed, it's sunday. Ashoka disco - 1 couple inside, nobody there. Another one I don't remember - closed. Please, this is incredible.

Back to the hotel... now I really want to see (never did an Indian girl). Open the newspaper, look for classifieds. Price range for girls going to 5 star hotels: 150 to 200 EURO. Ouch. But after 3 weeks of only chicken meat I didn't care.

Call... 100 EUR for a standard girl, I asked for LT, no problem, 20% up and she will stay till 9:00 AM. Not so bad. Also no problem with the hotel, she comes to the room, no pickup outside. Agreed.

What happened... half an hour later a "girl" was outside. Actually more two girls... if you consider her weight. Together with a guy (for fooling the guards). Ok, this can happen in Taiwan too, so far no problem. I don't like this for security reasons, but depending on the hotel it may be necessary. The door spy couldn't show her real size but after opening I could see it. Wearing a sari, where the fat hangs out on the lower back. AAAAAAH. What have I done to deserve something like that? The guy was asking for 200 EUR, suddenly no word about LT anymore. They even requested taxi money. I had some work to move them out again... 1000 Rps taxi money to get rid of them. Shit.

End of story? No way. In these 3 minutes standing in the front part of my room the room was polluted by a smell of sweat, incredible. I have burning a aroma candle (at least the roomservice is very good) for one hour now and the smell slowly vanishes.

Worst of all, I don't have beer in my fridge (they not only have problems with sex, also with alcohol), so I can't shoot my brain off. For sure I will have nightmares this night.

So my recommendation for a weekend in Delhi:

or take

I wish you all out there a good night. A better night.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 pm on April 10, 2005
Remind me to never take a vacation there.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:51 pm on April 10, 2005
I was in Goa. Didn't know much about the scene. So I got a taxi driver to pick up a girl for me. When she arrived. She just went straight into the bed and didn't even get undressed. I later noticed she had huge scabbs on her ass yuck. Didn't touch her.

I heard that the main scene in India is in Faulkland street. Its a dirty dingy place with girls in cages. Looks a little like something out of the planet of the apes. Leave India for the hippies. Lots of HIV too 60%

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:19 pm on April 10, 2005
I have spent some time in Mumbai on business. Last time I went there was a big festival for Ganesh. I followed the procession for a while and ended up by Falkland Road. I had a wander up it as I had heard about this place before. It is a street of shophouse type places with girls standing outside the door. Most are wearing a LOT of very garish make up. Wandered up and down the street and had a couple of girls shouting prices at me. One shouted 100 rupees and another 200 rupees. The exchange rate at the time was 80 rupees to the pound. God knows what the locals pay. Through the doors seemed to be rows of beds with some sort of sheet blocking some of them, presumably for privacy.

There were maybe 2 or 3 ladies that were passable. I didnt feel unsafe there, but who knows what it is like inside. I went back to the end of the road and rejoined the procession. Definitely a place for those who like it seedy and cheap. Made me feel quite bad for the girls there.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:19 pm on April 10, 2005
Oh dear, these reports are most unsettling.

There must be stunners around though in a population of close to a billion. I saw an Indian special on fashion TV a while back and all I could stutter was “moehahebraaahoe”.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:26 pm on April 10, 2005

Quote: from hypershade on 10:20 am on April 11, 2005
Oh dear, these reports are most unsettling.

There must be stunners around though in a population of close to a billion. I saw an Indian special on fashion TV a while back and all I could stutter was “moehahebraaahoe”.

You are right mate. There are stunners available in India, especially in good ole Mumbai. But for that you need to have contacts. The last time I was in Mumbai I was speaking to a friend from the forum. He told me that he knew this model who was in the market. But you have to pay the price. The asking rate was 15,000 rupees for 4 hours or so. For the night it is approximately 25,000 rupees.

Too rich for my blood so I passed. Also got another contact, not a stunner but definitely doable, who charges about 5,000 rupees for 3-4 hours. Only available for outcalls. We are talking $100 to $ 350 range here mates. For those who can afford those rates there is a lot available in Mumbai and even in Delhi. But you need contacts.

I talked with a few members in Delhi as well and the rates seemd to be approximately the same. It all depended on whether you were ready to pay that amount or not. I was not so I passed. As it is I was in india for only about 10 days and was coming back to dubai. I know where I can get great service for much less in Dubai. I could take 10 days of deprivation


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:01 am on April 11, 2005
I am sick of hearing:
- go to top hotels and find broads there
- go to discos and pick up girls there
- u need contacts
- ask the hotel concierge
- check the newspaper ads for massages
- blab blab BS

the bottom line is: top quality p4p in India is very difficult for a farang, an NRI, or even an upscale local.

i was born in India but raised in the US and go back to India on business about once a year. I have had no luck with p4p in India. until I experience it, I dont believe any of the BS about having to know someone, etc. I am willing to pay top $$ for a "model" but where to go, who to call? I still say that top quality p4p in India is a myth.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 am on April 11, 2005
If anyone wants a good lay in Bombay, it is not so difficult. I am from Bombay and I have done many times in this way.
Pick up "Mid-day" an afternoon newspaper. Go to "
Friendship or social meeting " etc.section. Call that number and they will charge Rs.500-1000 for some 50 contact numbers. You dont need all of those. Only a few phone calls, and you will get a girl at your door, depending on the girl from Rs.1500-3000 per hour. This may involve some time being spent on finding out who is good and who is not. Many have their places also.
[2] Go to Sea princess Hotel in Santacruz area. Walk opposite the hotel for sometime, somebody will approach you and that will be broker. Pay him some tips of Rs.100 or so and he will take you to a nearby joint. Ranges Rs.1500-3000 per hour. Place may not be that great but then you can negotiate to take them to your place.
If you know how go around, I feel Bombay is equally good for P4P actions.
Dont bother to call those Massagers advt that come in Times of India. They are just ripp off nothing else.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:43 am on April 11, 2005

Quote: from bangolfer75 on 9:33 pm on April 11, 2005
I am sick of hearing:
-- blab blab BS

the bottom line is: top quality p4p in India is very difficult for a farang, an NRI, or even an upscale local.

It is available. But as you say, difficult for a farang or an NRI. Dont know about upscale locals. They probably have no problems at all. They just wave their hand and a dozen or so hotties via for their attentions.

I agree with Marad39. There is no shortage of p4p in Bombay or Delhi. It is just a question of who you know. It is underground and not so easily visible except in the red light area. I would refrain from mentioning exact locations because that is a sure fire way of getting those places raided.

I know it must be frustrating when you see advises like the ones you mention. go to the poolside of such and such hotel blah blah blah. But there is an alternative. The forum has members who are willing to help. All you need to do is look for the helpful ones. I know you will probably get a few negative responses or perhaps dead silence from some. But there are those who will be helpful.

When I wanted contacts in india I just posted that I was looking for some contacts and I got at least a dozen pm from members. Most of them gave me their numbers. I called and chatted with them, met a couple of guys for lunch, one in Delhi and one in Bombay. The others wanted to meet as well but I was there for a very short time and our timings did not jell.

So dont give up on indian p4p. Have patience and I am sure you will be posting about your experiences there in Bombay pretty soon.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:25 am on April 12, 2005
UK Shaga
One of my friends does allot of trade out of Iindia and gose there allot. He was telling me about a place called Hiramundi. The way he was talking about it, it sounds a bit like Phnom Phen but cheaper. Alot of the local's do not like the place so if you ask where it is they do not like to tell the visitors etc. You have to get the right taxi driver to take you there.

I am not saying this from 1st hand knowledge but my friend has come to see me here in Bangkok and he tells me I would love this place in India.

Hope this helps.

Who's buying the beers.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:28 am on April 12, 2005

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