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Fact is--- I have been to Narita at least 35 times-(mostly on way to BKK) - but I have never been to Japan!

THE PROBLEM: I am kinky- I love the Japanese school girl fetish ( which the Japs seem to have in spades) - Tokyo is supposed to be so kinky- and I think Jap girls in their 20's are sooo sexy- but everything I read is dated - & most feel if you do not speak Japanese forget it-

I realize everything is crazy expensive and if I stay at my Shangri-La it will cost closer to $700- than $200 in Bkk- but I can stay at a Hilton for under $200 in the main sex area-

Can anyone please give me some hope that I won't leave Japan- wondering why I cut Thailand short- any current news on places that will make me smile???

This board knows all- helpful hints will receive 10 beers if overlap second half June in Bkk- Cheers!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:02 pm on May 6, 2009

can't go wrong in Roppongi IMHO

smile a lot & be ready for anything

a little starter with Mushi Mushi (Hello)
followed by Genki Des Ka (how are you ?) usually gets the ice broken

& what's odd is, the younger & whiter they are the more interested they seem in Western men
but I always went for the Okinawa look, darker skin
Some TGs can really look like Okinawans in the proper outfit & makeup

Used to be one at Midnite that I f***ed regular who looked like she could be from Okinawa
Her cousin worked at Suzy Wong & looked similar, pretty sure it was the one Tyler Durdin was into back then

ah, the mammaries

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:53 pm on May 6, 2009

Yes The Jap girls are a Real Turn on!

loud as well when they they f***

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:16 pm on May 6, 2009
Tokyo is an amazing city, and well worth visiting for the food and cultural variety. But is pretty much useless for the non-Japanese short-visit seeker of P4P or JG encounter. But if you don't expect much, you can have a very interesting time there, as an observer. And as LY intimates, I suppose you could get lucky if you smile at the right JG.

Places like Rappongi and Shinjuku have a lot of night life, but it is difficult to navigate without a native guide, and even then they won't let you into the most interesting P4p clubs (the "pink" clubs) if you don't at least pass for Japanese. As far as I can tell, the objection is that they don't trust us to behave. And of course they may not be far off the mark in general on that one. If I had a girl dressed up as Minny Mouse, I might not be able to control myself either...

Pink Box

It really is too bad that access is so restricted, because some of these places look like great fun to a pervert like me. I only wish some of this imaginative spirit would rub off on BKK. Well, of course, the Eden club would probably be willing to step up to the challenge of any of these concepts, with the number of girls being up to you. Hmmm, now there's a pleasantly perverted thought.

But back to TKY

There are plenty of aggressive African touts wanting to drag you up into some overpriced, boring strip club where the non-japanese dancers from Slovakia and the Ukraine will be more than willing to fleece you over a cocktail and a distant lap dance. I managed to have a fairly good time with a gorgeous Korean-American girl one evening in Rappongi, but for $150 for a couple of drinks and some minor molesting of her perfect ass, one visit was enough for me. Never did manage to find a club with Japanese girls stripping.

In Shinjuku some Japanese touts, for a change, lied to me about getting me into a pink club, only to deliver me to a dark little apartment with some partitioned-off massage tables and a few fat ugly girls of uncertain origin. When they asked for the equivalent of $120 up front, I turned and left, not even caring to know what was on the menu.

Somewhere in the area of Rappongi I did run into some Japanese street walkers, but they were 5s at most and I didn't bother finding out what kind of absurd prices they were commanding.

The language barrier is a big factor, so if you speak some Japanese it will be of great help. I found that some regular girls were approachable in the clubs around Rappongi, but that our conversations were severely limited by my severely limited Japanese.

Still, I recommend visiting the clubs just to take in the scene. But note well, IMHO, on average, the Japanese girls are far below the TGs in terms of looks. Sometimes it is hard to find in a crowded room even a single girl you would think worth shagging, but when you do, she will bowl you over with her sexiness.

I remember being in this one club in Rappongi, an all-night dance club that is part of a chain (forget the name), and the energy was great, and the eye candy, for once, was almost on par with a club in BKK, so I was staying late. Struck up a conversation with an Ethiopian guy who was working in Washington D.C. He showed me pictures of his stunning girlfriend back in Africa. But he was apparently determined to score in Tokyo, and soon he was distracted by this large girl dancing on the bar above us in a raunchy manner.

Turns out she was from Brazil, which, when combined with her size, had my LB radar buzzing. I was also pretty sure she/he was on the game, given how forward and aggressive she was. She climbed down from the bar for a drink with my new friend and before long they were making out. When she left for the bathroom, he said something to effect that he thought he was "scoring." I couldn't bring myself to ask him if he realized that she was probably both a he and hoe... after all, I didn't really know him, and perhaps it was his thing. They soon left together.

I had my own JG from NYC with me that trip (she was on work assignment there, so I got to stay in her expensive hotel for free and sightsee while she was busy or asleep), and thus I didn't really mind not having any physical adventures. But my take away was that I would gladly return to Tokyo for the food and the many wonderous lights, but meeting JGs will require some language skills and/or luck, and as for the P4P, just never mind.

I do wish I had taken my JGF to one of the "love hotels" though, as that sounds like an interesting cultural experience. Next time.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:57 pm on May 6, 2009
Quim- you answered my worst fears- my Japanese language skill is 0----( at least I know maybe 400 words of Thai)

The image clubs- with rooms set up as schoolroom- or a subway car where you can freely grope a mini skirted JG- they so ring my perverted bell-

Somehow I am going to have to find an English speaking resident who will let me shadow him -

Local Yokul- is there any place in the world- you haven't mongered? cheers

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:04 am on May 7, 2009

Kuwait, Lebanon, & India

places I've been & didn't

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:50 am on May 7, 2009
As Quim points out the Roppongi and Shinjuku experience for a foreigner usually ends up being with a distinctly non-Japanese girl for very high prices and often ends up being nothing but a rip off with bouncers involved, particularly in Shinjuku. There is a strip in Akasaka. I don't remember exactly where that has clubs, restuarants and massage parlors. On one visit I found myself in this area and visited a massage parlor. I was treated kindly, has a Japanese massuse who did what she said she would do for the price quoted (she was older and would not have cut the mustard in LOS) and the place was not a rip off. I accidentally paid 1000Y too much at the entrance and they chased me to give the money back.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:58 am on May 7, 2009
Jingjo, yes, JGs are great fun in bed, and make lots of sexy noise...

Just don't call them "Jap girls "or "Japs", or you might never get them into bed

Of the five JGF I have had, all but one (who had been raised in Australia and Canada for the most part) made those lovely noises during sex. The funny thing is it always sounds to me like they are mildly in pain, and my last one even had this way, when things really got going, of saying something that sounded an awful lot like "hurt, hurt, hurt", with a Japanese accent of course. But every time I would stop to see how she was doing, she would always smile and say sweetly, don't stop, don't stop.

I find it very sexy. And in fact, I think only JGs come close to rivaling TGs in terms of their enjoyment of sex and their sexual appetite. One of them I remember wanted it so many times in a row that I had to ration her stay-overs at my place so I could keep up with her.

The only down side is that their English skills, even after many years outside Nippon, are often very limited and I find it hard to understand them. I also find the accent has none of the charm of the thai accent. But that's just MHO.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on May 7, 2009
Yes, by all means go to Tokyo. It is complex and intense -in food and art and sexual play and innumerable other cultural ways--and great too just for watching. About Japanese women, you can meet them in cafes( met a few there), in bars, in Ropp., and even in museums. There are lots of 'international bars' (look in Metro. mag for listings) where those with some language skills will hang out and try to meet foreigners. The thing you have to remember is that almost all of these women are not meeting you for the money but for the joy of the experience (a welcome relief from Thailand, by the way, where a flirtatious glance is too often a monetary calculation). If you have a measure of charm, a slight sense of innocence and play and are not crudely aggressive, you might find a lot more than you were looking for. Subtlety helps, and in any case, you will probably enjoy yourself for a lot less money than if you go the pink route.

By the way, in most of my experience, J-girls do not squeal. Some of you, I think, have watched too many av flicks.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:22 am on May 11, 2009

No Worries, Mate I would not talk like that

Same Same but Different.

I'd more likely say Drop your Dacks and I'll SUCK your FLAPS You Leaky Taps..........

Don't get upset ~Girls~

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:01 am on May 11, 2009

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