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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Forced Prostitution in Germany All Topics

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Dude, just drop it. Do you think a bunch of whore mongers like us really give a shit about some sue happy feminist chick in germany?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:08 pm on Feb. 1, 2005
This is a very interesting issue and we should not leave it like that. First I have to say that every particular point given in the article seems to be right as such.

The new regulations / laws referred to are in place only since first of January. So there are no experiences and thus no legal binding precedents yet. I assume there will be some within the next half year. It is to expect that many cases will be put to court rather sooner than later (to have a regulation for every bit and piece is what the Germans are famous for, no?).

Without being a lawyer I would:
- have a closer look at the individual work contract: Are there any regulations (or perhaps the whole contract) immoral - this is verboten! So. e.g if she is forced to have a number of customers (not like in LOS), this would come close to sexual harassment. Thus she could refuse to serve any single customer, waiting to get sacked.

- have a closer look at the basic constitution law - there is a (predominant for all codes of law) definition of human dignity (There is a long tradition about that in Germany.). I would assume that this job offer might (at least partly) not be in line with the constitution law.

- yes, there are new laws in place (legislation) but jurisdiction is not that far yet. It is the judges who have to apply the new laws and we have to wait for their opinions. It would not be the first case where jurisdiction deviates from legislation.

- have a closer look whether the new laws (and this contract particularly) interfere with the already existing pile of workplace-laws. Apparently you have to take almost any job, but there are many other rules, e.g. defining how far you have to travel to get there etc. - just like the Health and Safety at Work Act in the UK.

I assume lawyers will pour in anyway to take their stake as well, considering this as a promising new field of activity and having a far better knowledge about the surroundings and where to find the loophole.

So in the end I would propose to go for active and passive resistance. I do think that after a while the people concerned know how to handle and to find their ways around.

Then I tend to think it is one case among thousands and if it happens that is bad. But to expect a 100% solution from the very first minute is a bit overconfident.
There are other - even worse - shortcomings in legislation - this is one more. It looks ugly because particular names are given - there is a face to it!
Then one has to see it from the media point of view: It is an open issue which has arisen by now and has to be tackled, so of course it finds reflection in the media.
I think it will be ruled out by legislative amendments or by jurisdiction.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Feb. 2, 2005
dirty guru
I think its great f*** or else...thats more like it maties

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:37 pm on Feb. 2, 2005
I agree, I don't see a down side to this. More competition can only mean better variety, fresh product and lower prices.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:45 am on Feb. 3, 2005
Mark Pressure

Check this out..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:53 am on Feb. 3, 2005
Mr Alan

Quote: from Mark Pressure on 8:47 am on Feb. 3, 2005

Check this out..

Here is what that link claims:

“We suspect this is another case where, like a game of "telephone," a story has been garbled as it has passed from one news source to the next, and somewhere in the rewriting and translating process what was originally discussed as a mere hypothetical possibility has now been reported as a factual occurrence.”

Obviously whomever wrote the blurb above never read the original article, since it contains specific names of many individuals who are quoted. “Maybe” the article I posted is completely fraudulent and those people don't really exist, but it is not hypothetical. But no evidence is presented to support that theory.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:22 am on Feb. 3, 2005
Mr Alan

Quote: from csoday on 8:39 am on Feb. 3, 2005
I agree, I don't see a down side to this. More competition can only mean better variety, fresh product and lower prices.

Well, the downside is that if you happen to be an unemployed male living in Germany (currently about 10% unemployed), then you could be forced to accept a job in a gay prostitution business (if you have been unemployed more than one year), unless you want to give up your unemployment benefits.

Also, what if your mother, sister, wife, or daughter is affected?

No downside?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:33 am on Feb. 3, 2005
Mark Pressure
There is no evidence proving the story is real. Just some stories written in English about a German topic. Read the original German article. My German is not that good.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:50 am on Feb. 3, 2005
Broken Leg
Yes al man, understand what the piece on the link is saying, you can't be that obtuse. The English language piece you posted is not original it has been put together second hand from other pieces in the German press. There are no names or quotes from anyone connected directly with the woman in the English language piece. The only people quoted are a lawyer and a brothel owner neither directly connected with the story, that is why the article is suggesting it is hypothetical.

The english language piece is an amusing story written to cause a bit of a stir, such are the times that the Sunday Telegraph has become sensationalist it should know better. In reality the idea that anybody would ever be made to lose their benefits because they refused a position to f*** in a brothel is ridiculous, it aint never gonna happen. It may well be currently allowed in German law - these employment laws have just been totally revamped to try to stimulate the labour market and economy but as ningning pointed out it won't be like that for long.

why is everything such a personal crusade for you?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:13 pm on Feb. 3, 2005
Mr Alan
Not a crusade. I admitted that it could be a fake story, but I have not seen any evidence yet. Surely someone could try to track down the author of the story to see if she was a legitimate journalist. One would think that the number of reputable papers (and CNN) who published the story would have checked it out, but who knows? If they didn’t check it out, that just goes to show that you can’t trust any of their news stories.

Most of my previous posts in this thread were trying to get some people, who apparently had reading comprehension problems, to understand what the original story actually said, instead of what they thought it said.

If the story is actually fake, then that is a totally different issue than raised by most of the posters.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:35 pm on Feb. 3, 2005

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