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PussyLover 69

You have not given us any field reports about Jakarta and Bandung. You seem to rave about these places.What's so great about Jakarta and Bandung ? Please share your experiences with us. If it is as good as you describe I might fly over there for a break - but you have to convince me first !

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:24 pm on July 11, 2002
The best thing about Jakarta and Bandung is the cover - the cover which shields it. The cover of being an Islamic nation. No offence to any religion, in that matter, but Politics has also played a major role.

If u've been to Indonesia the way I have been, well, you'd say its raunchier than Bangkok and yet without the professional attitudes the working girls there flaunt.

Being under the influence of Soeharto's rule for 33 years have lead these people (read girls) into a policy of "everything & anything goes". Remember how the Russians flocked to get outta Russia after the fall of Socialism.

Maybe that's a whole lot of "high spirited" info (HICCUP !!), but you gotta go there to find out what its like. As they say, the proof of the pudding is in eating.........

Bon appetit !

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:26 am on July 16, 2002
Deleted Member
Hi !

Me need help.

May be going to North Sumatra in mid August. This will be my first trip to this part of Indonesia. Me be travelling backpacking and will cover the following Medan, Bukit Lawang, Berastagi & Lake Toba.

Any brother care to provide any information. And foremost tips where to pick-up some cewek for company.

If any of you brother are in this region, may be we could join force to hunt down this cewek together.  

Thank in advance.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:59 pm on July 29, 2002
I've been going to Jakarta every month these days and there are some pretty good nightclubs to go to.  They are not go-go places, but more in line with CM2, Spasso, etc.   They are FILLED with women, mostly working but not all.   You will get tractor-beamed for sure in any of the places I will mention below.

Some excellent places include:

Retro - better late night..young techno crowd.  full of women.

JJ's -- better real late too.  crowded with nice outdoor area with pool table etc.

Tiga Puluh - good nightclub with cover band from the Caribbean.  FULL of working girls

Untitled -- similar scene to above but not as good.  Ladies night on Wed is packed with working girls.  You'll be a deer looking in the headlights.   Not my scense though.

Tanamar -- the most famous place but I haven't been yet.  Supposedly has a ton of women

Bats -- decent place, very popular, and PACKED with ladies.  I didn't like the scene though... too many old expats with young (too pretty for them) girls.  But hey, it's real popular so worth checking out..

Musicroom -- nice place (a little out of the way) with a band.   Only was there twice.  Can be dead on an off night but great on the right night..

Keep in mind that although you can go out most nights and find something to do, it isn't quite like BKK where things are crowded 7 nights a week.   You have to look for ladies nights, etc. during Sun-Wed or it is hit or miss.  On Thurs-Sat all of these places are  a safe bet.

And there are a ton more...these are just the one's that I've been to enough to comment on with confidence..

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:19 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
Old expats need love too. Gonna pack us off to a geriatric massage parlor are you, you 30 yr old git you?

"The old and sneaky will invariably triumph over the young and stupid."

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:43 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
Nah, wasn't bustin on old expats     -- I'm headin that way fast myself so gotta be careful  

I just meant the scene was a little to stereotypical for me.    

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:47 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
Never mind, zzzZ I was just having you on. And I'm not that frigging old anyway. It's the kilometers not the years.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:01 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
Deleted Member
Can you guys recommend any good hotels in Jakarta?  Nothing too high end, but close to the action.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:57 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
You should mention what you budget is.   For me hotels in Jakarta always cost more than other places, and that is largely because I try to stay in a 5 star in Jakarta just because it is safer/more secure/you get treated better and still not too expensive.   $100 gets you in a lot of nice hotels...Mandarin, Le Meridan, Mulia, Gran Melia, etc.   If you want to go cheap there are plenty of options, but I for one don't go cheap in places like Jakarta...

Also keep in mind that Jakarta is like LA -- very big and very spread out.   The area around the Grand Hyatt is probably the most central for going out, but that doesn't apply to everything (there isn't a real "downtown").

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:09 pm on Aug. 27, 2002
Deleted Member
I'm looking for something in the US $ 40-50 range.  I guy mentioned the Cempaka Hotel as a good place.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:15 pm on Aug. 27, 2002

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