I have left Luang Pabang and arrived in the capital of Laos Vietenn a french colony . The french had left there mark and French was everywhere. I had a junior suite at the Lane Xang. Lovely old hotel and reccomended. Having been out of contact for a few days decided to seeif I could find a internet cafe. Came out the hotel and the heat was just bearable , but soon started to sweat, Saw an old sign and scribbled on said Massage. I looked towards the shop and there at least six m/c there ,and a young girl came out and said ,Those lovely words"you like massage mr." I was wet through and looked in and saw some girls andsient girls seated on an old settee.Oppisite sat two girls chatting like two bloody old women.I could do with a shower I said to the first girl,walking through the door. What made me walk in there in the first place. Was it that hunter feeling one gets. The Chinese papasan. ask "what you wont" and hands me a card. 2hrs oil massage $10. " have some of that" I said pointing to the line for the massage. First girl waves me to follow her and of course noticed that she has a lovely arse as she went up the stairs. "you take shower,someone come soon.I bloody well hope so I thought.Turned round and those darn curtain cubicles.. The shower was held type, where you wash your hair , no where to hook the rose up. Evrywhere seemed reasonablely clean. undress and laid on the fourth in as there appeared to be someone in the far end. Was I suppose to be naked leave my pants on, well was soon going to find out as low and behold one of the two chatty ones came up. "You turn over " and as I did she gave my butt a light smack,I smiled and did as I was told.I have to give a name and it will be Nat for natterer . She started the massage in the normal way and being knackered I just laid there. Not long after I shall call her Mad for she turned out to be just that,came up with i think was a German, and came to the cubicle to my left. Nat and mad chatted away why he undress and had a shower.he came back very quick probally just wiped his bolloks.He laid down and mad started on him. These girls never once had the curtain drawn fully . Nat was doing my shoulders and back in the usal way, when I felt someone massaging the bottom of my leg. f*** I thought , I can feel two hands on my back, I thought for one horrible minute ,it was the germans. But, then saw a cheeky looking face half peering round the curtain.She took her hand away, and said something to Nat , I tried to turn my neck but got thecreek in my neck and had to give up Nat now moved over to the other side,so she was now close to mad on the other side of the curtain. Whoosh, the curtain came back so the girls could seen one another. Could these to talk, I supose they were good mates. Nat reached for the oil which she had left on the other side and gave no thought to her movementsI was just glad to be having a massage. I felt her push the cheeks of my arse together and thought Nice Nice,The hands came up and under my stomach and moved all over my chest, I moved slightly and half turned to get a reaction from Nat. Nat it was f***ing Mad , they had changed places when she got the oil. I let out a great big laugh,and the finger came up to her lips ," no talk "she whispered, they had changed places and the friend next door must have only had an hour because he was soon turned over. I had to sit up I got the cramps.Nat made her finger motion again , she was not to bad about a six,and had lovely long hair. I motioned would she take her top off,Yap Yap to Mad She loosed the top three buttons and I could see nothing only a piece of a small blue bra.I whispered"I give you tip",she looked as if she did not understand me ,then got the message. and took her bra off which was a bonus and undid two more buttons . Mad looked round the curtain and said somethingto Nat and waved her finger saying klike you naughty boy.No bra was needed here they sat up with two little nipples that were just longing for my tounge, but I was in Laos and had a big red red flashing. I was on my back by now and the German had gone . The ones at the far end were long gone so I had Nat to my self. I ask her where she come from and she said here, so was not Thai.I leant up and just so lightly brushed my hand on her breast ."no good she said and made a motioned toshow me how open these places were.. I did her blouse up not wanting to embarres her and she gave a smile which said Thank you. I flopped backwards and thought sod go to sleep. She knew her job and I was laying there enjoying it when I saw someone approaching the room. Shit it was Mad. but she smiled a sat down taliking to nat. Nat was doing my left knee and leg and Mad put her hands to my leg to say I do this one,I could not believe this here I was having a threesome, Up till then Johnboy have remained asleep, But, now I felt stirrings, and he just started to make movements, Nat laughed as Mad just lifted it with her finger,and let it drop back.I think Nat was a bit worried because she got up and pulled the curtains all round. Mad looked me straight in the face and said "you give tip " ,making the HJ sign, I didnt for one minute hesitate I just nooded. I realised we were cocooned in our own little worlds and having had enough of the massage just leaned back on the wall. I ask Nat to come up a bit ,and I just undone the middle two buttons on her blouse, she was hestent at first but when i slid my hand in side an nearly fell over and Mad lost her stroke , we just had a laugh. Its very hard to try and watch some one giving you a hand job and try and feel these lovely plums. I ask nat if she could go to hotel. Only after 12 o/c. I ask If I could meet her Nad again ask mad.Was this her sister I wondered . Nat said " Us two you like" "not you "I said ,Mad looked at me and in her face I saw dissapoitment and I gave in. Not tonight I said as I would be nogood ,Ok they noded. I had long cum in her towel and gave then 500 each, they were delighted , Thing was that Nat gave the money to Mad, which I felt strangeI gave them both a big hug patted their bums and went to pay the Papasan, no Papasan, Mamasan, paid 10$ and she said "you like come again I find you nice girl, How could I tell her I had found the nice girl................................. Sorry if this was dry but I can assure you you havn't heard the last of these two girls
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:49 pm on May 21, 2003
Quote: from peterpan on 6:49 am on May 22, 2003 I had a junior suite at the Lane Xang. Lovely old hotel and reccomended. Having been out of contact for a few days decided to seeif I could find a internet cafe. Came out the hotel and the heat was just bearable , but soon started to sweat, Saw an old sign and scribbled on said Massage.
PP: I assume that the name of the hotel was Lane Xang and it was along Lane Xang Ave? Any clue to the name of the MP? Or any other clue to navigate from that Lane Xang Hotel. Was your hotel anywhere near the Morning Market?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:25 pm on May 21, 2003
PETER i love your stories! Hopefully someday soon I will have some to contribute.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 pm on May 21, 2003
you were quite right on the ave . If you walk out of the hotel front. turn left. the firdt road you cross has a exchange shop, carry on and cross the next road. now as you walk look for the Massage sign. at the next corner is a internet cafe, good one. Now if you walk out the back way a young gourgeos security guard will salute you every time you pass her. walk straight towards the fountain and carry on in five mininutes you will see the day market on you right. you should see the french arc de truimph in front of you. if you now come back to the fountain at eleven oclock as you leave the fountain is another mp. didn't try it. Know this is off thread but will if I may BK use the old mans tale as a my story page.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:05 am on May 22, 2003
Quote: from peterpan on 6:05 pm on May 22, 2003 you were quite right on the ave . If you walk out of the hotel front. turn left. the firdt road you cross has a exchange shop, carry on and cross the next road. now as you walk look for the Massage sign. at the next corner is a internet cafe, good one. Now if you walk out the back way a young gourgeos security guard will salute you every time you pass her. walk straight towards the fountain and carry on in five mininutes you will see the day market on you right. you should see the french arc de truimph in front of you. if you now come back to the fountain at eleven oclock as you leave the fountain is another mp. didn't try it. Know this is off thread but will if I may BK use the old mans tale as a my story page.
PP: Yes, thanks for the directions. I think the MP that you went to was diagonally across from the Morning Market. I think that part of Lane Xang Ave is still under the expansion phase if I am not mistaken.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on May 22, 2003
once again a great read. thanks Peter. BTW how did you transport the iron lung?.....
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:03 am on May 22, 2003
Adhoc. the Mp I went to was directly across the road from the river. walk out of hotel front door to the main road with the river on your left, walk for 300 yds. no where near morning market. pm me will send you map
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:22 am on May 22, 2003
I find it hard tp start part two .As so many things happen in such a short space of time I have to try and piece the pieces in an order .I write this part to show how life can kick you in the face, This is just a poignant story, there is no sex in this story. It was dark when I got out the door, cars on the rd and M/Cs but the place was dead. The heat had gone and I thought Iwould stroll back to the hotel,and have a late meal. What meal "we close at nine Sir". "you what" I exclaimed, "I havn't eaten yet". I thought of room service . But thought there must be somewhere. I walked to were I had lunch with a friend .It was still open but the clientelle was four people. I was seated and told . "we close at ten". I now realised that this city shut down at ten max. I had a nice enough meal but was not as hot as I would have liked. BTW it was packed at lunch and served a mean Buffet. I lay on my bed museing over the nights events and suddenly thought .There was no way those girls worked after ten at night, and no way they would come to my room.Was this I wonder to stop them losing face. My tour guide came after breakfast and took me to see the temples.I had, had enogh of temples.All in the same style and I had been on the road for eight days. I rounded a corner of a temple and was confronted by the little shit staying at my hotel, who had let the door go in my face,that morning. As they got closer the younger of the two women, smiled,I smiled back expecting a apolgy.Nothing"Where are you from" I said. I had already made my guees, and she said " Korea You know of Korea" "I was in Korea in the war"She looked at her mother and looked back at me ."What war"? "I was a prisnor of war in the Korean war"She turned to her mother and in the machine way they talk,I presume she told her about me. The old mother came close and bowed a real reverant bow, she held it there,and spoke to her daughter. "MY mother thank you for our lives and thank you for her granson".I put my hand out and just Lightly held her hand.Her daughter put her hand on my ,and for a few moments It some seemed alright . the tears started to stream down my face and I was not alone the daughter was doing the same. I sqeauzed their hands ,turned and walked away. The guide was playing with the lad, and just looked at me in disbilief.I tried to tell him what had happened, but It was lost on him. I just told him to go for lunch and I would miss the afternoon.I had to go to the toilet and wash up before I could sit down, lunch over, I was driven back to the hotel, the driver was pissed off because he had no job for the afternoon. I was low, memories were going in and out my brain things one never want to remember.I pushed the front door of the hotel open and walked inside to the cool air. The little Korean boy came straight across, put his hand in mind and walked me to the lift.I ruffled his hair got in the lift ,pressed the number and slid to the floor
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:50 pm on May 22, 2003
I expected to get my arse kicked for writing that piece Thank you Bros. It happened and was something I needed to get off my chest. will write the follow up on the girls next week
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:04 pm on May 24, 2003