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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Dong Juan's Asia Tour All Topics

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Hello brothers! It's been a while, but DJ is back in the house!  I've received some e-mails from fellow brothers wondering if I was still alive as I believe my last post was back in summer of 2002.  I also appreciated the 'how you doing?" query from my idol and Jedi Master himself - BK.  I will admit that I've been consumed by work (business took a hard hit due to the dismal world economy last year), but I have been following the forum from time to time, and my, my how things have changed.... More on that later, but let me provide a synopsis of DJ's Asian tour as my 'out of LOS' composite field report.
While business interests have kept me from LOL since last summer, never let it be said that Dong Juan did not take advantage of gathering pertinent 'on the ground' info from other destinations visited.  Rather than put each of these reports in to  separate threads, I've compiled a brief summary of my experiences in each destination.  The trips spanned November 2002 - May 2003 and, as in the case of China and Korea, I wasn't in each destination more than 6-8 days (with maybe two-three nights on average to get away from business contacts to go prowling).  So, if some of the accounts lack specific details, do bear with me, as I hope to follow up next time I am back in these areas.  These accounts should be taken as an outline rather than a Fodor's indepth report, so if that's what you're expecting, read no further.

Alright, enough of the intro,  for what it's worth brothers, hope the below is useful to some, and amusing to all.  

1.)  China -  (Beijing and Shanghai) - there are MANY places to find working girls here, but I decided to try something other than going straight to the usal MP's, karaokes/night clubs and escort services etc.  In short, my goal was to look for non-working girls and the occasional, rather than full time working types.  

Places - Grand Sheraton Hotel disco and Hard Rock Cafe Beijing - I've heard from friends and contacts here that these two places (which are adjacent to one another) were becoming popular hangouts for college girls out for fun/money and the usual professionals.  WHY? Well, because they know that the rich foreign businessmen and tourists like to haunt the two places.....    

Suffice it to say, when I walked in with my friends to the Sheraton disco, I thought, "Whoa Mama!", it reminded me of CM2.  Wall to wall people, and lots and lots of beauties. There was no cover charge when we went, although I understand now they do charge cover (which unfortunately does not include a free/discounted drink like in CM2).

Anyway, there were a lot of honies in there that night (went on a Wednesday) and we decided to order a few beers and head out to the dance floor. One bud stayed behind to watch our beers etc. and another friend and I were dancing to rather bad techno/hip hop mash when one of  three honies dancing together behind us started rubbing up against the back of my friend.  I knew this because of the look on his face everytime she "grinded" him (he was facing me and had his back to them) and the wicked smile she gave "ME"  everytime she did it!  My friend turned to face her and immediately got sandwiched by her friends doing the dirty dancing to him.  What am I chopped liver? So, I joined them and invited them to drink a few beers with us.  The agreed and as their story went, and the limited English (on their side, not mine/ C'mon guys) they were students at Tsinghua U. It never surprises me that wherever you go, they are ALL college students and "marketing" majors , oh, and just out for a night of harmless fun, mind you.  Yeah, and I'm sure all Chinese college students have pierced belly buttons and can bump and grind like Long Gun show girls....

Anyway, the one I had a fancy to was named "Sophia" (again, I'm sure Chinese college girls all have western names too), and there was enough to go around since there were three of us and three of them.  The chicks did really get into dancing though pulling us out on the floor several times til we were soaking in sweat... To cut to the chase, the conversation turned to the inevitable "you like me?", "I like you, I want to be with you" b.s. and we eventually got down to the price.  I nearly shat a brick when she asked for 500Rmb (which is only about 63 U.S.).  Suffice it to say, I was surprised because I heard that the pro's will sometimes charge a foreigner up to 200 U.S.  This got me thinking that maybe she wasn't a pro and she appeared nervous even suggesting the lower figure to me.  I also hoped that it wasn't cause she was carrying something (if you know what  I mean).  Anyway, I decided to test the waters and 'negotiate', and she eventually agreed on 50 U.S.  To make a long story short, I took her back to my hotel (no problems getting her in), did ST and she was about a 7 out of 10 (good audio).  

Hard Rock Cafe Beijing/HRC: Next night we checked out HRC Beijing and sat at the bar.  As usual, there were the older, quite obvious pro's there, you KNOW, the ones who give you the knowing smile, hoping to catch your eye etc.   We came in around 9:45pm and were contemplating leaving around 10:45 when in walked two babes, who looked like they were just returning from a modeling shoot. Tall, light skinned, decked to the T's, especially one wearing a body hugging cat suit -  hot as hell!  They sat at the bar and my friend beat an American guy to scoot over a few seats to offer to buy them a drink.  Something told me though, by the way they were acting that these girls knew that the mostly male customers there would be honing in on them.  I let my friend do most of the leg work (he speaks decent Mandarin, I don't) but he came back with a look of disgust on his face. Apparently, he was trying to slyly negotiate ST with one of them and she flatly told him "300 U.S. and nothinh less".... I'd say they were close to 9's but shit, I've seen/been with Thai girls who could hold their own with them.... 300usd would buy me several days of happiness in LOS, so we left and went back to the Sheraton (where we luckily didn't run into "Sophia" and had a good time with a new duo....;-)

Shanghai:  (Xien Tien Di, Rojam Disco, HR Shanghai):
Rojam (Sp?) : With only two nights to do the research, we went with a friend to Rojam disco.  Just ask the hotel bellman, he can give the taxi driver the directions as it's a fairly well known disco.  After paying the cover a rather steep (about 12USD) per person, we were given a free beer coupon.  We walked into this small hall and out into what looked like a rave club (bleachers on the right), bar in front, and a MASS of people on a fairly small dance floor. Immediately upon walking in to this area, we were approached by three women, one of them came straight up to me (her face inches from my face) and said, "Hi, my name is Apple. I want be your girlfriend tonight."  Before I could even respond, she had one hand on my balls.  The sensory impact of the loud music, having just walked in, and getting my cahoneys grabbed by a chick wearing a black mini-skirt was almost too much to bear.  (I was tempted to reply, "Well, hello Apple, my name is Mango and I believe you are holding my walnuts...." )

Anyway, I smiled and politely told her we had just arrived and wanted a beer. She offered to get it, took our coupons and told us to sit at a table.  When she arrived, she and her friends  gave us our beers and again, within moments, she was straddling me, grinding her butt into my crotch and saying things like, "I want to be with you all nite, I love you, make you happy all nite".  Her friends kept trying to get my friends to go "upstairs" with them (apparently there were rooms up there). But something was not quite right here.  There were men, dressed in suits, watching us from the second floor balcony and they kept talking into walkie talkies etc.  Anyway, the scene creeped me out for some reason.  For those of you venturing there, believe the quoted price for ST offered was 280 Rmb (about 35 U.S.) , but I would definitely bring a translator or local to ferret out what is really going on upstairs etc.   As a veteran of the night life in LOS and many other places in Asia, I don't usually get spooked, but something made me uncomfortable in Rojam, despite the girls looking fairly decent (6's-8's).

Hard Rock (HRC) Shanghai - As if Rojam wasn't "in your face" enough, when we got to HRC,  before we even got our drinks at the bar, we were accosted by several working girls.  Granted, none of them grabbed my nuts (I kept self-consciously keeping my beer bottle near there though to block, just in case), but they were touting the same lines, "how are you? what's your name? you are here alone?"  etc.  

The quality of these girls were lower - about 5's-6's but the ones hanging out in a small seating area (adjacent to the rest rooms) where I guess the smoking section is, looked pretty hot - 7's-8's.  We know they were working girls as well, cause in the course of an hour, we watched guys walk up, talk them up, buy them drinks, then one guy eventually took one of them out.... (to buy them ice cream, right?)   We also managed to talk up one of the HRC guys taking our drink/food order.  He said, they allow "certain girls" to come in without paying the cover charge and allow them one free drink.  He also says, that while HRC does not allow in "professionals", it was clear the management was looking the other way when these "certain girls" were leaving with foreign customers.  We decided to skip the ones at the bar, but there are some lookers who do come in here.  My guess is however, that the ones who come in and hang out at/near  the bar - where the foreign businessmen, particularly the stag ones mostly tend to hang out - are most likely pro's.  

We talked up a Brit businessman there who comes to Shanghai fairly often and apparently is well known at HRC Shanghai (he even carried some silver colored HRC membership card for free drinks or something like that). He noted that most of the WG's that come to the HR early in the evening will talk up higher rates, starting at 150usd-250USD. However, after about midnight, they become more "amenable" to negotiate rates.  However, he noted that the pickings are not as good as those earlier in the evening (from 0930-1100pm) when the hotties come in and do their own trolling.  I also hear that in Shanghai, the girls (I'm talking free-lancers here) often ask for higher ST/LT rates than their Beijing counterparts.  However, will note from personal observations that Shanghai women do tend to be fairer, taller and generally more attractive than up North.  HRC Shanghai is a good place to prowl and size up freelancers if you want to avoid the usual escorts, MP's etc.

Xien Tien Di - PLENTY of places here to prowl.  We hit several of the bars and got shit faced. I forgot most of their names (only remember one that sounded like "Zen" and a bigger one, with a live band called the Arc or Arch or something like that). However, I'd say start with the coffee houses there because that's where younger, groups appear to hang out.  The bars struck us as more upscale places where couples, or mixed groups (guys and girls) appeared to favor and frequent.   Have to remember that the average Chinese makes less than 200 U.S. a month so paying six to seven bucks for a cocktail at one of these bars
would be seen as a luxury for some locals.   Didn't spend enough time here, but will definitely check it out again next time back cause I picked up good vibes here - and lots of cuties were spotted, apparently out carousing as well....

Miari (Seoul): This notorious, long stretch of several blocks in northwest Seoul feature "glass houses" (where you can see girls in sitting in the windows, with numbers on them)/just picture about 30 mini- CP1's and CP2's stretched along several blocks).  This is the most well known of Korea's red light areas.  Mention this place to any taxi driver and he will know where to take you. Would recommend that you go with a local or one who is familiar with Seoul as some of the houses have "no foreigner" rules (but one can negotiate with the mamasans to allow them).  Some of the houses also feature "special shows" - you know, the ones with the bottle caps being shot across the room etc.   There are rooms in the back (or downstairs) for ST - don't believe they allow LT, and the rooms are fairly small, dimly lit and have the usual mattress and tissue box.  Don't expect LOS' Posieidan or Ceasar's type room amenities here.  This place is strictly busines, no frills. Prices are usually negotiable but can average from between 50U.S. - 120 U.S.    Also, there are several other "mini-miari's" located in areas of Seoul, but they are smaller, less trustworthy (believe the cops keep the miari girls from missing health checks etc.) and may not be farang friendly.

Pusan (Miari):  Ask any taxi driver or make the finger in the hole sign (trust me, it;s a universal sign) and they will know exactly where you are talking about.  This place is an outdoor large two way street which has "glass houses" on each side some of these houses have up to 100 girls one can view.  My recommendation would be NOT to take a taxi through this street.  Despite stern warnings from a local friend, we decided to do it anyway, and quickly found out why. Just before we entered the street from the South, the taxi driver stopped, rolled up his windows and locked all doors.  He then said, "OK, we go!" and withing seconds, the taxi was "attacked" on both sides by mamasans descending on it from every direction.  They were all over the car, banging on it with rolled up newspapers, offering the driver money to stop and let us out.  It was so shocking, it was comical.  Apparently, if people drive through there, this is the normal practice, all mamasans come at the car trying to get the driver to stop and let the passengers out - upon which they will be pulled in seven different directions by mamasans vying for their business.
Incredible!  Lucky for us, the driver did not stop - but we gave him an extra tip as one of the mamasans even offered him 10000 won (equivalent to about 6-7usd).  
The next night, we decided to "walk" through (with our local guide) and sure enough, the mamasans couldn't care less and only a few stepped out to invite us to come in.  Facilities are similar to Miari, although the choice/quality of women are slightly higher than Miari.  Maybe it was the lighting in these places, gaudy pink borders with really bright while light, but most of the girls looked TOO fair and in some cases, almost ghostlike.... Some of them were wearing the traditional Korean dress so it was hard to see what their bodies were like.

Prices here range from 40-100U.S. and again, I would recommend that you come with a local or someone who knows this area as English is not readily spoken, although better than Seoul as Pusan is a port city and am sure many sailors frequent the place.
Malaysia (KL):
I know others have posted about the Concorde and the Hard Rock KL so I won't repeat that thread.  This one is a bit dated, but there used to be a place near the Micasa Hotel called the "Health Club" which would allow call-ins (they come to your hotel).  You could also walk into the place - located across from the "Sweat Club" which is a real gym. They were good about asking you for the specific type of girl you wanted and 9 times out of 10, they would send you a good one.  It should be in the phone book.  There are also places in Bukit Bintang area which are in regular apartment buildings and bungalows.  Most of them are run by Chinese-Malays and are fairly decent.  Look around Imbi Plaza and the areas/streets behind Starhill Shopping Center/Lot 10.  Some of the "health clubs" offer turkish baths and other services - although these services are not usually advertised publicly.  Best sources of updated info are local contacts.  Prices for the most part - for in-call -from 40-130 U.S., for health club type mp's - from 60usd-150usd.

Manila: (HR Manila, PRAVDA, TGIF, Greenbelt Malls) :
Hard Rock (HRC) Manila & TGIF - these are two places (located across from one another) that have the best ratios I've seen of females to males. Whereas in other places/countries, the ratios at these places are usually hairy guys outnumbering women, here, especially, during lunch hour, the ratio is like 3 to 1 women to men.  

I've actually been fairly lucky here in Manila - without having to hit Burgos/Edsa as much, which I'm finding are getting too commercialized and not as fun as in the past -  in meeting intelligent, well educated and attractive women.  Thanks to the really dismal local economy, which prevents so many well (and over educated) locals from finding work, most women go back to school or hang out with their friends to commiserate. This is good news for people like DJ who carries around his pocket fisherman.....

Only problem is, I've found that the ability to communicate better in English with locals carries with it it's own headaches & drawbacks.  I find Filipinas (to avoid making a sweeping generalizations, I'm talking about non-P.Burgos types) quite clingy and possessive - more so than say, Thai's or other Asians.  They also believe, perhaps because of the deeply Catholic sentiments here, that once they do the nasty with you, you must be committed to them for life.... you see where I'm going with this brothers?  As a result, I've had some rather unpleasant experiences breaking off short lived relationships (I just have to watch my back when out and about in Makati  If you ask me, though, would I go back and change anything (e.g. go strictly for pro's etc.), my answer would be a resounding "hell no! Wouldn't trade my experiences for anything."

Some of the places where there are mucho, mucho hotties who are out and about and ripe for the picking are also in the new Greenbelt 3 Mall (in Makati) which has FOUR floors of nothing but restaurants/bars/shops etc.  I picked up a cute waitress at one of these restaurants and was with her with about three months, a real cutie and a great lay, but came with too much baggage, as I later found...  

Pravda, which is a hot, local bar/mini-disco, owned by a local actress and her family (she usually makes cameos there sometimes), is also a place where hotties go and like to be seen.  While I am not so sure about freelancers, (it's not a big place), you CAN pick up hotties here - some, of whom - do not care to wear ANYTHING - beneath their very tight leather pants.....;-)

So,  as an alternative to just hitting the pro-circuit in Manila, wanted the bro's to know that there are other fishing grounds where the school of fish are varied and plentiful......  

That's enough for now.  I've tried not to repeat what other brothers have posted, and my "research" this go around was to find non-traditional places where one can find prospects.  As noted, hope this is helpful to some, and amusing/enlightening to all....

Dong Juan

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 am on June 29, 2003

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