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MainField Reports outside Thailand – The FlipSide All Topics

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Another well organised and immaculately planned adventure to the ‘other’ sex capital of the world, for a visa only of course.
All this after a few days in Pattaya just 3 days prior, returning to Bangkok in a taxi with a snoring passenger and taxi driver and finding the girl of my dreams, the other dream, the girl I had been searching for amongst all of those failed and less favourable encounters.

I failed to tell my friend that on the return drive from Pattaya while he was staring at his penis and snoring in the back seat, the driver was also having a little nap in the front seat. He was nodding off and I felt his foot come of the accelerator at one point, he was only doing 60 km’s on the tollway and that alerted me to it. I kept my eyes on his eyes in the rear vision mirror from then on and noticed him nod off once more, so I slapped the back of the seat. If he had done it once more, I was going to make him stop and either I drive, or we get another taxi, luckily we hit Bangkok outskirts and another toll gate and he seemed to wake up somewhat from this point.

Anyway, onto Manila. I bought a ticket for 12,000baht, could have got one for 9,500b but the departure and arrival times for both ends were crap, and so paid the extra. In my highly organised schedule, I waited until the day before departure to book the ticket. Also had no accommodation booked in Manila and arrived the day after a ‘coup’ in the financial centre of Manila where the military took over the Glorietta shopping mall and Oakwood apartments and planted bombs and booby traps around the perimeter, this was just around the corner from where I wanted to stay, excellent planning, arrived when all is calm and peaceful.

I set my alarm the night before to go off at 8am, have a shower, finish packing, have breakfast and a play with my little boy and be in a taxi at 9am, at the airport by 10am for an 11am departure. I think my little boy has thrown the alarm clock across the room one to many times, because the bloody thing goes off and I jump in the shower and casually take my time, get downstairs and its f***ing 9am already, shit. Get all my shit together, walk up the street and in a taxi and tell him ‘louw louw’ (quickly quickly), the prick takes a right hand turn instead of a left which would take us almost straight to the highway. Instead we are into Sathorn Rd and morning traffic, the idiot obviously does not know any English as I said to go left, I think, and I think out loud ‘you unbelievable idiot, why you not turn left and go to the highway instead of into this f***ing traffic you dickhead’, he said ‘I am so sorry mister’ ooops. He now knows I am running a tad late and he gets onto the tollway and he’s doing 180 clicks, shit and no seatbelt, but I say nothing, noooothing, we get there in 30 minutes, beauty mate, you little ripper, bloods worth bottling I tell him.

I check my passport on the way in the taxi while stuck in traffic and realise that my dates have been a little bit mixed up, my visa ran out yesterday, I could have sworn it was the 29th, anyway, just to add to the woes, I thought there is no way I will get this flight especially if I have to sit and wait for the pricks to pay the fine and blah blah blah. Also not sure on what effect this would have on my 12 month visa, good, bad, indifferent. I get directed over to the ‘pay fine’ bar and the little lass in the little bit less than cute immigration uniform stamps this and stamps that and hands it back to me, I pull out some baht and she says ‘no no, not pay for one day’, I say ‘wow, free, thankyou very much bye bye’ something for free in Los, I made it.

Arrived manila about 3pm and the taxi pirates on the ground floor wanted 450peso  (exchange rates were 34p to the Oz dollar and 54p to the US dollar) for the trip to Makati, decided to go upstairs and look for an arrivals taxi, I knew it was not that expensive to go into town, but could not remember exactly how much. The pirates told me that a meter would cost me 250/300p anyway, the actual meter taxi cost 91p, so be wary of the pirates downstairs, just head up one level and wait a minute or 2 for an arrival.

As for hotels, the place was empty after the bomb mishaps and although there were no real bargains, they were offering some discounts, but I still found that the web travel booking sites were a little cheaper. I stayed at the ‘Citadel’ apartments/hotel in Burgos St for 1900p for a 1 bedroom apartment, it was a bit old and tired, but clean and on the 30th floor, so had great views, good for rooting on the balcony. I would recommend however the ‘city garden’ hotel if you want to stay in Makati, their rate as a walk in was 1900p for a standard and 2500p for a suite, over the internet they had a rate of 2300p for a one bedroom suite. Their rooms are great and the pool and restaurant on the roof are excellent, I was going to move here after the first night, but then laziness took over and I could not be stuffed for just 2 more nights. There are plenty of other prices about and deals for various hotels and they say Pasay city area is the best choice for reasonably priced and cheap hotels.

Ok, now let’s get down and dirty. It was good to get away for a few days and get some asian pussy, well some asian pussy that had a different flavour and spoke very good English most of the time, if not all of the time. It seems to becoming a sad pattern that most of the extra curricular activities I encounter wherever I go, have some kind of twisted detail about them, secretly I think it is an unconscious attraction. Not some twisted fantasy such as what is lived out as reality in the sick and twisted household of Sourone, such as a daily pissing shower, or a crap on your newspaper each and every morning, or electrodes permanently stitched to your testicles ready for any socket and an adapter up your arse on the ready for any countries voltage. No, just a slightly crooked, rather than straight forward approach.

The first night in town I wandered up to the ‘filling station’ to grab a quick bite to eat before the night’s adventure. Immediately I seemed to attract the desire of a billyboy who swathed across the floor looking all seductive and well, butch. She sat opposite  and kept making lovey dovey eyes at me, trying to get me to invite her to dinner, fat chance. I decided to head up to my favourite place, a place that had the object of my lust for many a visit a few years ago, a very attractive 19yo gal that would not go out with anyone and her sister guarded her there with an iron fist. I did not think she would still be there, but the dance show in here was good and generally there were some very cute girls. I walked in at 8pm and was the only customer, seems everyone was a little bomb shy around town. Two girls joined me and about 30 minutes later a very attractive and tiny little lass walked past and eventually joined us, they said I was the first customer in and that I would be the last one to leave, they were right. She had a face that I could only really describe as a cross between Flip, Egyptian and maybe some of those classic fine Greek features, got a clear picture now, anyway she was cute and 24yo. After talking to her for about 20 minutes it turns out that she knows some people I know on the southern island of  Mindanao and she used to work for them, she also knew another friend of mine from Oz that lived in Davao for awhile. He kept trying to root her, but she did not like him and my other friends kept telling her that he liked boys as well, so that did not help. I use the term ‘friends’ here very loosely, as they owed me a heap of cash and f***ed me around for almost a year before eventually getting my cash back. Only after tracking down his wife in Oz and kicking in her BMW door one afternoon, while she was still in it, that I finally got paid a few weeks later. Anyway, back to the babe, she was rooting this guys son when he first arrived in the Philippines and she was very good friends with the other brother and his wife, I also think she porked the father as he was a very dirty old man and got his fingers into almost everything. We spent another couple of hours chatting about all of this bullshit and all the saga that went on in the last few years since my last visit. Like the 45 million pesos he owes, the numerous lawsuits against him, the alleged rape of his maid that made front page news, partners returning home broke, the money laundering in Nauru, kidnapped by the MILF for a week until he paid the ransom and more and more. It was actually heartening to hear the troubles these pricks have had after the runaround they gave me, but it was kinda exciting thinking that I was going to pounce on the bones of a little babe that was friends of them all, twisted huh. She initially turned down my offer of a night of sexual fulfilment and drunken ways, but I persevered and eventually my charm, good wit and looks won her over, plus the 8500p worth of tequila I poured down their throats.

It is worth a little side note here about my first visit to PI 3 years ago, when a waitress in a hotel we were staying, asked me if I was Mr Bean and asked me for my autograph, I happily signed over a napkin to her with all my love ‘Bean’. This was to be the tragic start of many more sightings of ‘Bean’ throughout PI and Thailand.

Anyway, when I first walked into this bar on Tuesday night, one girl immediately called me Mr Bean, then another and another, eventually the 2 girls that were hanging about me plus the babe, all agreed I was Bean. As I got a little drunker, the impressions became better and better, these 3 girls, lets call them ‘Cumf***Me’ girl, ‘EgyptianGirl’ and ‘BellyLaugher’ and in particular one of them, CFM, were literally rolling around the floor laughing and had tears rolling down their faces. I don’t know if the impressions were that good, I don’t think so, it just happened to crack these 3 up more so than others. I was also crying from their laughter and everyone had pains in the guts from the hours drinking piss and laughing way too much.

CFM was a raunchy little thing, she would shove her tongue down my throat in front of the other girl, she stripped naked in a bar where you are not supposed to do that and danced on my lap and pulled out my dick several times and had my finger in her pussy to keep it warm. BL was always floating in the background just laughing, or on the floor just laughing, in between drinks that is. And EG was always sweet and well behaved until she hit about the 5th tequila, then she started to strip off as well and they dragged me back to the private room. Then they both got naked and pulled my little wicked willy out for a stroll, but that room was kinda boring as they had no music in there, so we decided to head back to the main lounge where everyone could see their nakedness. CFM was asking me if I wanted her to lick out EG fanny, I said maybe later, but you can kiss if you like, so instead we had a 3 way tonguey going on, hmmmm, my little pocket rocket was up and down like a firkin yoyo that night. Was not sure if I could keep it up after the flight, the booze and the late night, so decided to chew on the end of a Viagra I keep wrapped in a chewing gum foil for emergencies, that should do the trick.

Now the girl who I wanted to take home to spend the night, was being very sheepish most of the night. Started out by saying no, I cannot go with you, to after a few drinks and me asking her how much for long time and she would not answer, asked her like 5 times. Even one time when she went to the pisser, I said now make sure you think about it while you’re taking a piss and tell me when you return, ok, ok. Comes back and still no bloody answer. So I decide to use reverse psychology on her, not mention it again until she does and then keep repeating ‘but you don’t want to go with me’. This worked and eventually she was begging to take her home with me and no mention of funds required, so f*** it I will deal with that problem in the morning, besides we might not even do the dirty deed of sowing the seed if I, she, or both of us were incapable of fulfilling our individual requirements to carry out the act of ‘porking’.

So 4am rocks around and we head out, they want to eat now as usual and we get home about 5ish I guess. We both shower and fall asleep, she had big titties but, just thought I would throw that in. We also wake up around 8ish and my kissing her on the neck has aroused the sexual beast in her, the rubbing of her soft legs against mine has awoken a sleeping giant, maybe a midget giant and she is getting all horny, so we have a good little frolic in the quarter sized king size bed before she heads out for some seminar she had to attend around mid morning. Great, I get to sleep in peace for a few more hours. So, secretly, I hope the news of this little adventure seeps back to the boys in Davao, I am sure it will as EG was going to visit the wife of one of them in the next week or 2 and I told her to mention hi from Mr Bean, they will then realise I know all about their recent activities, perils and more importantly the little petal known as EG that I now know as well as they do, perhaps better.

The second night I decided after much hunting to stay alone, I needed the sleep. I had found 2 or 3 gals I would have jumped in the cot with, but decided to wait. I also visited the other gogo area known as EDSA, which is like a mini enclosed version of Nana, only much tamer. It was in here that I bought 2 tequilas for a very cute 18yo with a great body and very tall, that I would have taken, but it was wrong time of the month for her. Which I found out when my fingers went a wandering and she pulled down her bikini bottom to reveal an inner lining that was striped red and that was not a design fault from the manufacturer. Hmmm, very cute, very raunchy compared to all the others at least, put some effort into her dancing and seduction as well, but it would be even too twisted for me to take her knowing she was on heat.

Spent the daytimes wandering the malls and shopping, checking out the cuties doing their daytime thing. It would be very easy to pick up girls here from the Malls, English is widely spoken by everyone. Just sitting in coffee shops, restaurants etc and watching the gals wander by would get many smiles and second looks, if I had the time here to follow it up and not be worried about wasting essential rooting time, I would be here all day and especially after around 4pm. But I must say that Thailand still has the best looking and by far the most babes of any country I have been to. I have not been to South America yet, so cannot include that in my survey, nor have I been to Jakarta, but I have been to the outer islands, so leave Indonesia out as well for now. I would statistically say that 1 in 20 girls in Los that I see wandering around Bkk are in a range from cute to gorgeous. In Manila I would have to say that drops to 1 in 100 and for those statistically minded out there who wonder where I get my information from, it is a proven fact that about every 20 or so sightings in Bkk register an electronic penis pulse in my pants and in Manila this was severely reduced to the above mentioned figure.

So for the last night, I decide to head to EDSA again and do the rounds and if nothing fancies me, or the other way around, I would head back to Makati and then there would always be the Egyptian gal to give a passing shot to. I became comfortable with a tall girl who was very dark skinned, almost Polynesian islander dark and featured. She was 22yo and I would have loved to have given her a go, I decided to go say hello to the friendly ‘bleeder’ from the night before and then come back in an hour and take this dark one back for some fun in the dark in the dark, am I repeating myself.

The ‘bleeder’ was on stage when I wandered in, but it was perfect timing as she had just finished when I ordered a drink. She jollied on over and was happy to see me again, she was tall, about 5 feet and 9 inches and a great figure, very slender and soft skin. After just 2 tequilas last night she was pissed as a parrot and she did not hesitate when I offered to buy her another drink tonight, that is one thing great about here, I did not encounter one girl who wanted to just drink this ‘cola’ shit, they were all into having a real drink and loosening up a little, excellent. She was super friendly, puts on a sexy little private dance in front of you, on top of you, whenever her favourite songs came on and did I mention the English factor, you could have a chat with all of them, once the standard world wide wank was over, you know, how old, married, how long, first time, from where, blah blah blah. So ferk it, I decided to grab her and pay the bar fine, somehow I knew I was going back to this place to do just that, how sick is it taking a girl that you know is bleeding, especially if you knew the night before and you go back especially for it!! We went up to the ‘filling station’ and had a pizza, listened to a big black yanky dude complaining about his food, he was built like Mike Tyson and 6 foot 6 tall, but the funny thing was he spoke identically like Michael Jackson, the dear petal, just picture Whacko Jacko talking in his feminine voice, flicking his hair back and saying ‘I don’t want to get upset over my food’ and then picture a 6 foot 6 black dude doing it, well it was funny at 1am anyway, especially when the billyboys started giving him grief.

‘Bleeder’ was great, all I will say is that the smell down below the sheets was not enough to put me off the body and face and same same in the morning. That cute, slender, soft little body laying next to me all night made for a hard nights sleep I can assure you of that much, just looking at the shape laying on the white sheets and knowing it was just 18 years old would be enough to convince a ladyboy to change back. We said our goodbyes at about 11.30am and I headed back to pack, checkout and head off to the airport.

All in all, Thailand is much better than the Philippines. There are plusses and minuses for both, so at the end of the day it all gets back to personal preferences. Mine is currently Thailand with a side trip every now and again just to keep the mind stimulated and active, doesn’t need much.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:44 am on Aug. 2, 2003
ducks, you must have been in firecats in EDSA right? If so this girl you are talking about is a real gem and a good f*** too! i had her about a year ago when she was still 17!
on accomondation city garden is okay, but better try the palace on burgos which will offer php 1.700  / night for much bigger and quieter rooms as in the city garden!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:17 pm on Aug. 4, 2003
how do you know it was the same gal???, I gotta pic of her, although does not show her off in her best light.
Where is the palace, is it the one on the corner almost opposite the 7 eleven?? I had a look at the one opposite Bandidos, or near opp. and they were 1600p, but in the end I was to lazy to move, I mean I would have to kick the girl out early and pack and shit like that.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:08 am on Aug. 5, 2003
quite impressed that you barfined one of the customs women at the airport, but no FR? - slack....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:44 am on Aug. 5, 2003

i just guess! her name starts with J., right? she sometimes changes names a lot, may be you can pm me her pic, just out of couriosity!
the palace is just opposite the filling station, rooms are better as more new, spacious and quieter. city garden is okay but loud and small! the pool is better in there though!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:13 pm on Aug. 5, 2003
her name on the night started with 'B' and her real name started with 'H' and her story to me was she worked 2 months and just finished school. I can send the pic, but I did not know you can send through PM, if not, whats your email.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:08 am on Aug. 7, 2003

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