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MainField Reports outside Thailand – Rembering the ones that got away All Topics

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As I sit here in Canada counting down the days to my next LOS trip. I wish that I could be creating an FR right now. But...that will come in another 22 days.

So meanwhile. Here is a old FR that did not have a happy ending. Of course it is not from LOS cause all of the FR's from there DO have happy endings.

Awhile back (actually quite awhile), Obiwan was a sailor in the Canadian Navy. My ship and two other Canadian destroyers cruised into Helsinki, Finland. We were the first Canadian navy ships that had been to Helsinki in 12 years. The press made a grand event out of that and the people (read girls) also made a big deal out of our being there. Everywhere that us Canadians roamed the girls loved us. Obviously this is a target rich environment that presents almost a once in a lifetime opportunity to score REALLY big. I was pumped and ready for action stations.

Of course this was not P4P and so the I needed a wingman cause the girls are not often in singles. Unfortunately my usual wingman had pulled port duty. But, as I was lamenting his unavailability two guys that I had never been out on the prowl with invited me to join them.

These two guys were fairly new to the ship, but not bad looking. I figured the three of us could score pretty easy. So, out we went.

The first, infact the only bar that we hit that night, was the Old Baily Club. It was bulkhead to bulkhead with women. Fabulous women, blonds brunettes and redheads, and their eyes turned as three strapping Canadian sailors strolled in.

I immediately spied three incredible blonds sitting by themselves at a table for four. As luck would have it there was another empty table for four right next to theirs. I steered us to that one.

They watched with interest as we sat down and all smiled. [PRIME TARGETS AQUIRED] Not only were they young and stunning but very friendly. I moved my chair closer and struck up a conversation.

I find that they are not Finish, but three lonely Swedish student nurses who are attending a course in Helsinki. I cannot believe our luck! This is a guaranteed orgy in the making.

The drinks and the conversation flowed. I had completely moved our chairs and our table over to join the girls. We were having a great time and much of the conversation was titilating with dirty jokes and sexy stories. This party is definatly headed in the right direction.

Later in the evening I asked the girls "so where are you staying?" 'Blond most fabulous' (BMF) with the most amazing rack, slim waist and almost athletic tight butt, who is seated next to me leans her lips close to my ear. Her hand slips onto my thigh. "we are sharing a suite". Her words in my ear are more breath than sound and it sends a wave of sensation over my entire body. My coxswain immediatly leaped to full attention to salute the ensign.

OMG we have hit the f_cking jackpot! Never in the history of recreational sex has there ever been a situation so perfect. Three Canadian sailors and three Swedish nurses bound for a suite in a luxury hotel. [BEARINGS LOCKED>>>FULL STEAM AHEAD].

At this point the girls get up to use the washroom. Don't they always go in a group. As they walk away BMF turns and winks at me. I know what they are doing right now. They are discussing who is going to take who...and I know that BMF is mine! I am in am in Davy Jones delectables locker. I am smiling like the cat about to eat the canary.

Suddenly, (remember this is not a happy ending story) my wingmen stand to leave the bar!
"Where do you guys think you are going?"I ask incredulously "what about these girls? ".
"Back to the ship" they answer.
"NO WAY!" I protest "There has never been such a sure thing! A person would have to be gay not to take advantage of it!"

Suddenly in the sheepish looks on their faces I knew that I had hit the nail right on the head. I was dead in the water, sunk by broadside of supposedly 'freindly fire' from my own squadron!

The girls returned from the toilet to a table of one. I saw them only briefly before I slipped beneath the waves. The night was lost. The three girls had made their choices, but now the two would have to do without. Try as I might to hold on, the magic of the night was lost. BMF pouted and looked back at me whistfully as her freinds lead her away to who knows where. Leaving me alone, amid the still flickering flames on the water where I had been brutally torpedoed and sunk.

I have never been homophobic, but that night I was Homofurious.

There is no moral or point to this story. It is just a sad tale of woe.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:21 am on Aug. 18, 2004

People do not realise that HSinki Finland is an undiscovered gem. National Geographic magazine stated there are about 80,000 more women than men that live in this city. If you do not look like the elephant man and have some personality you could have fun but with no P4P nothing is gauranteed. BKK is still the best since the elephant man can have fun there.

Take care

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:33 am on Aug. 18, 2004

Quote: from gymcgovern on 12:33 pm on Aug. 18, 2004

People do not realise that HSinki Finland is an undiscovered gem.

That is also a gem that I DID discover on that trip. I did have some truely great times there during the 5 days that we were in port. But this thread is about the one (s) that got away.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 am on Aug. 18, 2004
WTF Obi ??

You had a chance to fvck 3 Swedish Nurse students, and you blew it...

One on your face, one on your crank, and one to lick your ballsack and suck on her girlie mate's titties before rotation.

You could have probably even gone bareback like you love to do.

but who knows what you would have caught. Those 3 had probably been banging their brains out every night in good old Finland.

They sure do in Palma de Mallorca on holiday...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:05 am on Aug. 18, 2004
Ahh Palma....
THAT's another cool party place. A tad bit pricey compared to other spots but not bad. If anything it beats the piss out of the Seychelles.
That place is a complete dive that doubles as a supposed tourist trap.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:58 am on Aug. 18, 2004

Quote: from LocalYokul on 1:05 pm on Aug. 18, 2004

You could have probably even gone bareback like you love to do.

It would definately have been BB, as they all were back then. It was a different era. The worst STD a person could possibly get was Syphilis, and that was not very common. It was at the height of the cold war. The prospect of anihilation by nukes was a more prevalent and tangible concern than the risks of STD's

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:31 pm on Aug. 18, 2004
Quote from Obiwan

"NO WAY!" I protest "There has never been such a sure thing! A person would have to be gay not to take advantage of it!"

So you have met FM!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:11 pm on Aug. 19, 2004
Obiwan, That is a horrible story. The fantasy of a lifetime about to unfold and you get scuttled by turd burglars.....DAMN!!!!

I have a story from my last two recent trips to LOS. Last Oct and this past Feb. I was in BKK hangin with Thai traveller and a Brit guy. We went to Country Road 2 bar on Soi Cowboy. We were drinking and playing with some ladies...having a pleasant time but not seriously looking for any ladies at that time. The place was not really a great place to find quality until one lady came up.She was not a stunner by anyones stds but she had this smoldery,sensual look in her eyes that I found absolutely rivetting. She had a graceful, ladylike manner that was intense. I wanted her...unforunately she was engaging the Brit in conversation more than me. Basically he called dibs on her and as the gentlemanly wingman I bowed out. He did not take her...he was not sure if she went with men or whatever...I think he was shy or something. We went back again and the same thing...he did not even approach to close the deal...WTF????? I am gettin pissed off cuz I want her and if he is not going to take her than I will but he mentions coming back for her later...again I bow out.

That was the last I ever saw of the Brit and I immediately went to Pattaya and fell madly in love with another Tilac. On my next trip my Tilac was at Don Muang waiting for me and was surgically attached to me for the duration..I could not even fart without her knowing. No opportunity to visit CRII.....Damn it...I was too nice and that one got away..
I will be returning to LOS in November...guess where I am going to visit first???

Maybe this one does not have to get away forever...maybe I can correct the mistake I made of being too nice to my indecisive bro...Next time this comes up I will tell a bro...Take her now or I will.....dibs is only good until you walk out the door.

Geez..I hate it when I am too nice.

Bros, do you all agree that dibs is only good until he walks out the door or is there a different dibs rule I am unaware of? I cannot seem to locate my copy of the Dibs Rulebook.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:00 am on Aug. 20, 2004

Quote: from cyborg on 9:00 pm on Aug. 20, 2004
Bros, do you all agree that dibs is only good until he walks out the door or is there a different dibs rule I am unaware of?

You pretty much got that one right.

Your buddy is an idiot ("didn't know if she went with men" - well, she was on his table, wasn't she???)

The moment the other guy gets up to leave, the dibs are over. Heck, the moment she goes up on stage to dance, the dibs are over!

That's how I see it, having made the same mistake before.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:38 pm on Aug. 20, 2004
Mark Pressure

Don't be angry with those guys. In the Canadian Navy, if you don't like it after the third time you are not considered gay they might have been on number 1 or 2

MP (former US Navy)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:55 pm on Aug. 20, 2004

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