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MainField Reports outside Thailand – CG brings a TG to Halong Bay Vietnam All Topics

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Upcoming trip to Thailand, 3 days free time for me, plan to take Dew somewhere away from Bangkok on the plane. Dew becomes unavailable, what to do? Change lady, no problem, this is Bangkok.

I met this girl last trip that was kinda fun and pleasant to be with, spent two nights with her. I went to Tawan Daeng with West and and his cute little handful, and we had a great time. I call her 'Snow’. I give her a ring from Amereka 2 days before I leave for Thailand.

CG: "How are you?"
Snow: "No good."
CG: "Why?"
Snow: "No have customer" (at least she in honest)
CG: "I will come to Thailand next week, want to have holiday with me?"
Snow: "yes"
CG: "where do you want to go?" (dumb question, as asking a BG this, the answer is always 'up to you'. But but she says...)
Snow: "Halong Bay, Vietnam"
CG: "Vietnam?"
Snow: "I see in the book, Halong Bay very beautiful, I want to go sometime. But up to you, I can go anywhere."
CG: "We cannot go Vietnam, you do not have passport.
Snow: "Have"
CG: "OK, I will think about it, I will send you message when I get to Thailand."
Snow: "OK, now very happy. We can go anywhere, up to you."

Where the hell is Halong Bay? Look it up, it is 3 hours from Hanoi. Do some more research and find out there are tons of trips from Hanoi to Halong Bay (1-day, 2-day, 3-day, etc.) All economical and they look OK. Call the Vietnam Embassy in Bangkok, visa can be arranged for me 24 hours after I bring them my passport, Snow does not need a visa, only a passport. Get a Halong Bay trip tentatively arranged via email and I get on the plane to Thailand. That was easy.

I never did ask Snow why she has a passport.

I am a day early coming to Thailand so I have no room for arrival night. My hotel has no rooms but I get a room at the Town Lodge. Arrive late night (I love the service and eye candy on ANA), get to Town Lodge about an hour before bars close and send SMS to Snow "now I arrive BKK, can you see me tonight after work". Her answer a while later "yes, I call you when I finish work."

Go down to Toxic and have a drink, say hi to RTB and a couple of cuties working there - one in particular has my eye. An Amerikan from Kansas City (I'll call him KC) comes in and he is 3 days here in BKK on his first trip, mentions BTF and both RTB and my ears perk up. No, he is not a member, just heard from a friend who is a BTF member. Not sure who. Anyway, KC is an OK guy, a bit of a newbie and he is showing some confidence. Good for him. Somehow, KC offers to eat the coaster (yes, you are reading this correctly) for money. I'd give him 100 baht if he'd eat the entire coaster but one of the Toxic girls says she will kiss him for 20 seconds if he eats the coaster AND buys her a drink (smart girl). Drink bought, KC rips the coaster up into very small pieces and EATS IT! WTF! ToxicGirl is in disbelief but she kisses KC for 20 seconds. I make a note that ToxicGirl looks like a good kisser. Then KC says his stomach is starting to hurt (duh, you just ate a piece of ink-filled cardboard you dumbshit!) KC asks RTB for some Alka-Seltzer - no have!

Meanwhile, Snow has called me and then shows up, nice to see CG again, and after a drink we go up to the room. Showers, a quick dip in the tub and off to bed, I get Snow warmed up and then I sneak off to get my "surprise from Amereka". I bought her a small vibrator. I pull it out of my bag, shit, I forgot a AAA battery. Search the room for something with a AAA, nothing. I remember I have a small plastic alarm clock with a AAA. Dig it out of my bag but it has a small screw holding the battery cover on, and I have no screwdriver. I find a plastic knife in my bag (the kind an airline gives you) and I try to get the screw off. No way. I am now trying to pry the cover off, and I send up smashing the back of the alarm clock to get the battery off. Snow is looking at me like I'm completely insane, bring the vibrator back to bed, turn it on, she has no clue even what it is or what it is for. I show her. Fun.

Time for sleep, I put the battery back in the alarm clock, but I smashed the clock getting the battery out and now the clock doesn't work. Go to sleep with Snow rubbing my balls. Welcome to Thailand.

Wake up a few hours later with jetlag, Snow is more than willing for a "gallop" (did I just say this?). Gotta love this girl. I go to sleep again with Snow rubbing my balls. Wake up in the morning, Snow is still sleeping, make some arrangements for flights for both of us and finalize tour and tell Snow we are going to Vietnam in 2 days. Then she gets her test, I tell her I cannot give her the per-day amount I have been giving her as it is too much when multiplied by 3-4 days, what does she think of that? She says "up to you, I don't care" - I halfway believe her, good girl. (Later, she told me that she really doesn’t care because no matter how much she money she makes, she has nothing extra at the end of the month because she has to give the money to her sisters for gambling and drinking.)

Bye to Snow... spend 36 hours working and shagging. One of my regulars’ sponsor is coming into town so I some a quality night with her before her ‘fiance’ gets here. A day and a half later, Snow comes by about 7pm with her bag, I will see her 4 days but one day the bars are closed for the election, so I give Snow 1800 baht (3 days barfine, 600 baht for each day). Snow gives me back 600 baht! "CG, I take holiday today, you do not have to pay!" Nice touch, huh? I'm not feeling too well and I am laying down and Snow immediately jumps into bed with me. She won't take "no" for an answer, so what can I do but screw her. We get up and grab some soup at New York Deli on Soi 2. ThaidUp pops over and we go for a game of pool at Annies Bar near the Rajah. Taxi to GLOW for a drink (free drinks that night 10pm-11pm) and then back to the hotel. I try to fall asleep but Snow keeps trying to rub my balls. Normally, this is a good thing but I am exhausted so I throw her over to her side of the bed and pass out. Good sleep... until she wakes up in the middle of the night and rubs my balls again.

Wake up, sneak around the room quietly to get packed without waking Snow (if she wakes up and has time, she will start rubbing my balls again!). We are off to the airport for the 1.5 hour flight to Hanoi. No problems with Snow clearing Thai immigration (it is her first trip out of Thailand). If you haven't flown with a TG before, give it a try. Most fun is watching them hold their ears when you are descending. Show them how to yawn to clear it up, and they'll think you are the smartest man in the world.

We land in Hanoi. I send Snow up to the immigration counter alone and I go to another agent just to see what will happen to a TG traveling alone. The immigration guy just stamps her passport, same foir my guye, no questions. Taxi 40 minutes ($10) to the hotel through rice fields. Snow cannot take her eyes off the scenery "CG, not same Thailand". Get to the hotel in the Old Quarter, great value for $16, nice room - We are famished so we walk and look for food. Everywhere she walks, Snow is greeted in Vietnamese, they think she is a local! Finally go to a small street stand and have some rice and beef. Hits the spot. There is a small dog at the restaurant that keeps growling at me when I speak. But when Snow speaks Khmer to the dog, he just barks softly. Weird, huh? Maybe the dog speaks Khmer? We stop at a few shops and buy some DVDs and CDs (US$1 each). Back to the room, no sex this morning so Snow is itching for it (love this girl? or not?) OK, OK, can do! After sex, I try to sleep but Snow keeps trying to rub my balls. I turn her over and the ball-rubbing stops for a while. When it starts again, I awake and notice that Snow is asleep and rubbing my balls without realizing it. Weird, huh?

We both sleep for awhile and then wake up about 9:30pm. Wow, long time! Get dressed and get out, have a quick bowl of noodles and go for Bia Hoi. Bia Hoi is basically beer served out of a small shop on a street corner; everyone sits on these small plastic chairs and drinks and socializes. Beer is about 5 baht a glass (yes, 5 baht!) Some of them are good, some are just OK. The one we went to was good, backpackers singing and playing guitar, everyone talking about their travels. Snow is OK with this scene, although she does not drink alcohol whatsoever, she just has her Pepsi and takes it all in. 11:30pm, the place closes (and everything in Hanoi closes) and we walk back to the hotel. Into bed, then you know what happens - Snow rubs my balls! OK, maybe sex will stop her from rubbing my balls all night and keeping me awake. It works... for awhile.

Wake up, sneak into the shower to avoid getting my balls rubbed again, and we check-out and hook up with the tour operator to go to Halong Bay. I think I remember the cost being about US$28 per person - incredibly cheap.

ODC Travel

Get on a minibus with about 7 other folks and start the 3 hour journey to Halong Bay. We go through endless fields of rice paddies; Snow is constantly looking out the window, not bored at all. Stop for a toilet break and soon enough we are at Halong Bay. We have booked a cabin on a boat. The boat has 5 cabins and there are only 9 people total, so it is quite empty. The passengers are Snow, myself, 2 Australians, a girl from Holland, a guy from Sweden, and a couple from France with their 3 year-old daughter. Everyone speaks very good English except the 3-year old French girl, who only speaks French. (Snow's English is better than average)

The guide is university educated and speaks very good English. We board the boat and have a 3 course lunch on board. Delicious! Every meal we had here was just outstanding, no complaints from either of us. Get to our cabin and it is OK. 1-night only, hot and cold water, I think there is A/C but it is only about 75 degrees in the day and in the high 60s at night, so do not need A/C.

The boat is about 100 feet long and has three decks. A sun deck with chairs, a main deck with the dining room, and the lower deck with all the cabins. Boat is 3 years old.

We ride about an hour to a site with caves, it is called Sung Sot caves. Really beautiful, Snow is so excited to be hiking through the caves, climbing up the steps, etc. She's never seen anything like this. The tour guide tells us everything about the caves. Really interesting. Every Vietnamese person who sees Snow greets her in Vietnamese language.

During the cave tour, the 3-year old French girl has hooked up with Snow, she wants to always be with Snow, have Snow carry her, takes Snow's hand to show her something in the cave. Snow walks to the steps with no shoes and the French girl does the same. This is a really cute contrast, this Thai girl carrying around this blonde-haired, blue-eyed, very cute girl.

Caves finished, back to the boat, we ride 30 minutes to Titop Beach which has a high lookout point. I’m a little lazy now so I say I’m not climbing, besides I see the view from the top will not exist because there is fog. Everyone else on the boat says they are too lazy too except the French couple and their kid, so Snow leaves me and goes with them to the view. She comes back and says she couldn’t see anything because it was too foggy.

We get on the boat and go to another area with these limestone formations much like you see in Krabi. Snow is still having so much fun with the 3-year old French girl. Snow is speaking Khmer to the girl is speaking French back. Snow knows some polite greetings in French. The French couple are amazed as they say that their daughter is usually somewhat shy! The boat anchors for the night and Snow and I kayak around for about an hour, through a few caves. Interesting and fun. She is excited to see everything and she never stops paddling. Good for me, huh? I can just sit back and take it easy until Snow says "Why I work boat alone, not fair!"

Back to the boat, showers some really good sex. Snow and I are starting to get to know what each other likes and this girl is happy to do anything I want her to and she is very, very good at everything she does. No complaints. If I can just get her to stop rubbing my balls when I want to sleep, she'll be a keeper for future visits!

Great 4-course dinner, some chat with a few of the others but, of course, Snow is quite reserved. She isn't as outgoing around others like Dew is. Snow's English is good though, and she seems to understand my conversations with the others. Snow and I rarely speak Thai.

Have a good chat with the guide and then we retire to the cabin early and we are both exhausted. Snow starts with sex and I ask her if it OK if we sleep. She looks at me strangely and says "really?" Really. I start to nod off to sleep and then she does something I don't understand and probably shouldn't think much about. She does her Buddhist prayers for a good 2 minutes (in Khmer) and my name is used about 15 times throughout the prayers. My name is NOT a Khmer word! Snow then lies next to me, gives me a sniff kiss then mumbles something in Khmer into my ear. I ask her what she said and she just ignores me and goes to sleep.

Wake up the next day and Snow immediately jumps on me and we have a very nice session. Up to breakfast of great coffee, tea, rice, eggs and fruit. Really good. Some of the people go kayaking but we are too lazy. We motor through the scenic bay and stop at Soi Sim Beach. We don't swim but we walk a little ways up the path on the island and get a great view of the bay. Take some great pictures of thescenery and of Snow. Back to the bop and we continue back toward Halong City. About Noon, we are back to the harbor. We eat lunch in a restaurant (again, delicious) and we get back on the bus for the 3-hour journey to Hanoi. Snow sleeps on my shoulder most of the way. We get back and we have about 2 hours to kill. We walk around and buy some DVDs and a few small souvenirs. We see the French couple with the 3-year-old girl and have a beer hoi with them.

30 minute trip to the airport ($10) and we get checked in for our flight back to Bangkok. Grab a bite to eat, board and we take off. I joke with Snow about how we should go to the toilet and I can screw her, and Snow gets this look in her eye. I think she might have done it, or it might have been an act. Anyway, I really shouldn't have sex in the lavatory of this airline and soon enough, we arrive Bangkok about 10:30pm. Snow goes to the Thai line, I go to the foreigners line, she meets me down at bag claim and we go upstairs to departures and get a taxi to the hotel. Snow is going on and on to the driver about Vietnam! For the first time in a long time that I can remember, the taxi driver purposely takes the wrong exit to go to Rama IX instead of Sukhumvit. I challenge him on this and he insists that this is a better way, of course it isn't. It is election day in Thailand so there is no traffic and it's not that bad.

We get into the hotel and in the elevator, Snow says "I wonder who win election today?". Well, considering the opposition boycotted the election, I think I know the answer. BTW, Snow is a HUGE Thaksin supporter, just like everyone in her village. I decide to give her the piss and I say "who every pays will win in Thailand". Snow snaps back "Thaksin never pay, everyone else pay, everyone else is mafia, Thaksin not mafia, Thaksin good man." I actually don't have any strong enough opinions to make it worth arguing with her, so I don't continue. We get settled in, showers and guess what. More ball rubbing, a 45-minute blowjob (wow, she's good) and I sleep like the dead. I think Snow rubbed my balls that night, but even that couldn't have woken me up.

Morning comes, I KNOW we had sex because later, I had to cancel my afternoon soapy plans because I was soooo f***ed out and my balls ached (and I think the next night, I slept alone!). Time to say goodbye to Snow. Here is the test of her "clinginess". She says "when you go to Amereka?" I tell her the truth... in about 4 days. I tell her I have to work and I will develop the pictures tomorrow and I promise to talk to her before I leave. She gives me her address in Thai to send the pictures. She does not say "you have lady this week", "why you not stay with me?", "I want to see you every day," or other bullshit. Good girl, very good girl. I put some baht in Snow's bag and she takes off.

I never went with Snow in the next 4 days but I sent her the pictures in the mail. My final night, I went into Snow's gogo with another member and the minute she sees me come in, she goes over to the corner of the bar and she does about a one minute prayer to the Buddha. I don't think she knows I see her do this. Jafa and I sit down we start asking all the staff if "there is a girl in the bar that has been to Vietnam? We want to meet her." Huge amount of face for Snow, she comes over with the pictures (2 albums!) that I sent her and starts showing them all to Jafa and some of the other customers. Me thinks Snow very happy! I leave shortly with a smile on my face.

Maybe I ought to be extra careful of Snow's feelings. But, then again, she's a grown-up and she can take care of herself.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 pm on July 5, 2006
As always, CG, a very enjoyable read.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:49 pm on July 5, 2006

look at the bright side, at least you haven't suffered through 4 1/2 years of "mankeow balls!"

- Balls

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:43 pm on July 5, 2006
Great report ! I did the tour last year with a viet girl I pickup from HCM City. I choice to stay in the hotel in Cat Ba island instead of sleep on the boat, Same price.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:08 pm on July 5, 2006
Thanks for the report CG. I'm back in Feb '07 or quite possibly Aug '06. Would love to visit Halong Bay especially after seeing the pictures. Thanks for posting the links inside the FR. Awesome.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:05 pm on July 5, 2006
Another great story CG, thankyou.

One girl to Hong Kong and another to Vietnam. Well done mate, btw, I had a look at the photo's, she is a cutie..especially with the left jab, lol.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:06 pm on July 5, 2006

Quote: from Trieu on 6:10 am on July 6, 2006

I choice to stay in the hotel in Cat Ba island instead of sleep on the boat, Same price.
I considered the extra day on Cat Ba Island when I was looking at what ODC offered, but I didn't have an extra day and I had only seen Snow twice before so I didn't know if I could stand her for an extra day. She turned out to be good company. I find it hard to spend more than a few days straight with the same one anyway.

In the Old Quarter of Hanoi, there are many, many tour agencies that book 1-day, 2-day, etc. It is easily done the day before if you go to Hanoi on a whim. When we got the Halong Bay, in looking at the boats and talking to the guide, I got the feeling that the quality of the boats and the food differed greatly (usually higher price paid = higher quality boat and food, but not always). I found the ODC boat quite acceptable and the food good. If going in the summer, it would be important (to me) to make sure there is working AC in the cabins.

I found searching in this forum useful in reading people's opinions on these type of tour operators:

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 am on July 6, 2006
CG: Take the prayers as a BIG compliment, if a Khmer girl does that then you have realy done something right

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:17 pm on July 6, 2006

Really nice report and I am sure the girl was reciprocating the decent way in which you treated her. Hope she remains that way for long time in to future.

All the best mate and take care!


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:42 am on July 8, 2006
Thanks CG for another charming report. Miss Snow seems really amusing...but its your writing skill that really makes all your ladies so very human.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:36 pm on July 8, 2006

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