Just watched it. Really a must see fro anyone who knows southeast asia. Summary: a jewish new york documentary maker sponsors his doorman to receive a mail order bride. Doorman turns out tio be making sm porn in the basement. Filmaker takes her in and marries her. Then realizes he is way over his head with a burmese girl. so many things about this movie to amuse and inform and to scare. really pretty insensitive to southeast asians. but wtf classic finale with the cameramans father pretending to be a rich perspective husband. picks her up at the airport and then brings her straight to a hotel in violation of the planned script to trap and confront her on jose canseco's yatch. the jilted filmaker bursts into the room to find his friends father with his pants down. I could not believe it and was rooting for the old guy. it's available on file sharing ed2k networks
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Aug. 29, 2005
dirty guru
A state politician in australia just resigned after hitting the piss (alcohol) and calling the former leaders wife a "'mail order bride"'.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Aug. 29, 2005
I just had one of my neighbors in California ask me if I ever met my wife before we got married. What an idiotic question. I had know my wife for over a year when we were married last June, nevertheless you get these stupid comments from the uneducated occasionally. The funny part was the guy clearly couldn't imagine that his question might be offensive. It seems that a number of westerners believe that if you marry a native Asian that it must be mail order. This fellow that asked me was well traveled in Europe too. I guess there still is a small number of mail orders occuring relative to the whole population but as a % I think it must be small. In any case it is tough to think that a mail order has much chance to work.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 pm on Sep. 30, 2005
It all sounds a bit Woody Allen to me, does Mia Farrow adopt a vietnamese child and Woody marry it later? Bash
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:35 pm on Sep. 30, 2005
China Sailor
Torq, You would be surprised. Given that there are so many websites around now to match Americans/Oz/EU types with Asians, Russians, and Eastern Europeans I would suspect the total of 'mail order brides' is larger than you would suspect. For example, my Chinese ex-GF had many of her friends meet Americans through Internet sites and end up marrying them after one visit. Many would call this a mail-order bride (albeit high-tech). I guess it depends on your definition of 'mail-order-bride'...
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:36 pm on Sep. 30, 2005
Classic mail order is over in the US--for K-1/fiance you had to have met once over the past two years. Is this the same for oz and eu?
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:54 pm on Sep. 30, 2005
My wife is a mail order bride sorta. I placed an ad in a magazine and she and 36 other women responded. We been married 17 years and get along great. The quality of the women who responded was outstanding. Well educated, good jobs, nice personalities and good looking. I was surprised. They ranged in ages from 30 to 50. They were all American girls.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:16 pm on Sep. 30, 2005
Brown Eye
BigDUSA did you have to wine and dine them and spend lots of dough or you managed to have sex with many of them for free before deciding which one would be the wife. Could you please say what you wrote in the ad. I may try doing as you did and would like using a success proven ad. B.E.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:09 pm on Oct. 1, 2005
Quote: from BigDUSA on 2:45 am on Oct. 1, 2005 My wife is a mail order bride sorta. I placed an ad in a magazine and she and 36 other women responded. We been married 17 years and get along great. The quality of the women who responded was outstanding. Well educated, good jobs, nice personalities and good looking. I was surprised. They ranged in ages from 30 to 50. They were all American girls.
BigD, This is amazing. All the men I have known here have had mixed success with the ad thing, usually bad. But I am getting the snese that that is changing. A lot of women seem to be getting a tad more realistic lately, or that could just be me...However I think eHarmony and websites like that are giving men alot of quality choices. While I never had trouble finding a woman to date it wasn't always the best way I think to meet some one through the course of your life and ask them out. An ad here might have produced more quality results for me. My last marriage was a disaster I changed my process for this one and am pretty happy at this point.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:25 pm on Oct. 4, 2005
dirty guru
In north of Thailand, I placed an ad for fun (written in Thai in 5 regional papers south of Chang rai) I had University educated groomed 23 year olds that were stunning, all the way down to Market selling peasants. If you do this consider the woman who never ventured south, but are not stupid, and want an oppurtunity. I just got dumped by my Thai woman. So I am back in Australia, trying to work a solution about the house we built on her land. (i was at fault) I am glad I have so many details from woman that dont want you to send money, are not tormenting you with "'f*** work"".....And are clean cut straight bank workers, or Insurance sales, one air hostesses, even the shop assistant girls are good. You cant expect sex on first dates, but if your looking for a mail order bride, go north a month, and watch the responses.....i got 158. Ofcourse back in July I couldnt reply.....but can now. I am glad BIG USA found a good-en, he is remarkable in that he hasnt been caught. I got caught butterflying 5 times in 2 years. Last wife caught me also. Next time if she is good looking I might stay put. If she has a good heart too...that is. (well at least try) But no shit guys. Go north to remote rural towns of 5000 people, and place ads. South of Chang Rai and north of Chang Mai are good grounds to do this. Its amazing the responses and how attractive young and smart some are. Remember even professional people (nurses etc ) 9000 a month! :: We are a good alternative.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 pm on Oct. 4, 2005