Walking down Suk this afternoon, I was stopped by a respectable looking middle aged Thai man and attractive thirtyish woman. After some idle chat, where I revealed I was from San Francisco, the man told me his twenty year old daughter was going to San Diego for six months to study, and that his elderly mother was very worried that it would be dangerous for her there alone. He bought me a soft drink at a nearby cafe, since he wanted me to tell him more about California. As a favor, the man asked if I would speak with his mother, in order to dispell her fears. Sure, I thought, I'm not doing anything at the moment, and it would be interesting to be invited into a Thai home. The three of us got into a Taxi and drove about 10 km to a respectable looking house. They made me coffee, and introduced me to other members of the family. It seems grandmother had gotten ill and had to be taken to the hospital. Another middle-aged Thai man entertained me with stories of his experience as a dealer in Cambodian casinos, and how super rich Japanese and Chinese businessmen would lose thousands of dollars, and not even care. He even claimed he could control the game, and would flash hand signals to other players to reveal the values of face-down cards. He invited me upstairs for a demonstration. We sat at a table, where he taught me a simplified version of blackjack, where one of the dealer's cards was hidden. He told me the distinct hand signals for each card, and we played a few hands until he was satisfied I had all the signals memorized. Just then, his cell phone rang. It seems a 'high roller' had just arrived at the airport and was going to stop by. He asked if I'd play for him, while his daughter would pretend to be my girlfriend. I just sat there absorbing this, since I didn't exactly anticipate this turn of events. The daughter tried to slip me some money, Thai 1000s and US 50s, which I refused to take, just before a very well dressed Chinese-looking man entered the room. He pulled out a large wad of cash, and handed it over to the dealer. They kept trying to draw me into the game, but I refused, so the daughter had to play instead. After a few games, the well dressed man left. We went downstairs, and the dealer looked very puzzled. He said the apple was just hanging on the branch, all I had to do was reach up and pick it. Remembering how important it is for Thais to save face, I explained that cheating was against my moral principles, and I didn't feel comfortable participating. Obviously, I wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP, so the dealer called a Taxi, and the three of us got in. It seems they needed to go to the hospital and give blood for grandmother, because she was very ill. The woman asked if maybe I could help in giving blood, or maybe in buying some blood. Perhaps 2,000?...1,000?...500? I could only smile and say: "I don't think so." Then they asked the Taxi to stop, and they both got out. "You can pay for the taxi back", the man said. I smiled and thanked them both for inviting me into their home. As they returned the smile, I could see their teeth grinding. I guess they had a little gas.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:24 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Didn't we deal with this or a similar story before? And am I right .. you're going to be flamed in a moment to be to stupid so get in a taxi with total strangers .....? I couldn't find the other thread with this story by using the SE ('dealer')
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:29 am on Sep. 2, 2003
JackRabbit present... Definately a elephant-sized scam. I have heard the first part of the story 4-5 times , received an invitation once. End parts have been : "May I ask your name and where You stay , so we can call You out for a dinner later." "May I ask your name and where You stay , so I can send You a lady." (From stallkeeper I got a real bargain when shopping , I and my buddies almost emptied the stall.) "We are going to buy some gold at very cheap prices and wish to show You the shop , too" + diamond variation. JR
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:18 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Bok Hah
Very interesting story , fair play to you for keeping your cool. It seems these scam artists like the " Older Guy/ 30's attractive Lady ) combination. Hope no-one falls for these scumbags in the future.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:31 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Quote: from DrLove on 7:29 pm on Sep. 2, 2003 And am I right .. you're going to be flamed in a moment to be to stupid so get in a taxi with total strangers .....?
Don't worry about me, Doc. ÝWorry about them.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Thanks for the "heads up" on these scams. No matter how sharp we thnk we are we can get caught up in something that's more then what it seems. 33 days untill I'm reloaded into the Thai Matrix for 7 weeks.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:58 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Read this post! Possibly the same guys. Was the house near the airport?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:02 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Mr. Nado: It looks like you are going to not get flamed. Perhaps nobody is going to tell you how incredibly stupid you were getting into the taxi, how dumb it was to go to their house and how idiotic it was to get in the trap in the first place. ÝAnd then nobody will probably say it was dumb blind luck that you got away with your life in the end. I am glad nobody is flaming you. Ý
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:40 am on Sep. 2, 2003
ccvvbb, ROFL, that's the crew allright. ÝExcellent English, my 'player' was also from Brunei. ÝWasn't that white leather couch downstairs comfortable? Very personable, they even offered to put me up there next time I'm in town. ÝI think I'll pass on that. ÝLOL Sorry, I missed your thread. ÝGuess I thought it was about NOT getting laid, i.e. not very interesting. The woman and I exchanged email addresses before the shit hit the fan. ÝI'm anxious to see if she sends me anything. Lighten up, Chuck. I really don't think this group is dangerous. They couldn't have been that desparate for money, considering the bankroll they were flashing.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:46 am on Sep. 2, 2003
Quote: from thaiaficionado on 11:46 pm on Sep. 2, 2003 Lighten up, Chuck. ÝI really don't think this group is dangerous. ÝThey couldn't have been that desparate for money, considering the bankroll they were flashing.
Here's what I don't get - the moment you hit th e part of your stories that went about you talking to GrandMa, the words *card scam* flashed in my mind. Obviously, the flashing got brighter the moment grandma wasn't there. I mean, I'm a total greenie, having been in BKK only once, but dude, that was soo obvious.... Still, made for a great story, and I'm sure a great experience. Harry
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:01 pm on Sep. 2, 2003