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MainAnything else? – Motto Driver pissed, T- Bones my tgf `s Toyota Hilux All Topics

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Mate, she has the pictures to show me at x-mas,

She picks the Hilux up on Friday from the panel beater in Pichet.

She provided the police report to the insurers so they could authorise the work to start yesterday.

So all is cool JJ

I`ll tell you in Private some more info that you would like to know about I`m sure


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:55 pm on Dec. 3, 2007
I don't feel soory for the Thai's motto drivers at all. Just another incident of road kill. They have absolutely no regard for their own safety as in looking around, behind or any other direction except straight ahead. Most do not wear helmets or if they do they are not strapped on, many have non-exisitant lighting at night and help the matter by weraing dark clothes then for good measure alcohol is added to the mix. Just Darwin at work and kiss their sorry asses goodbye.

I never ride a moto taxi and my TGF is forbidden to ride one. Others can have their scarred up legs that will result over time by taking them.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:04 pm on Dec. 3, 2007
jingjo and I are on the same lines here,

alls well that ends well ! BOLLOCKS

if the police are after cash for the kid then that is what they want,

making merit does not cut the mustard in LOS,

it's easier to pay than togo about it the wrong way,

take advice from people that know LOS something is amiss here, what a kid dies and then I blink my eye and all is well,

HELLO only money could of changed handsto make this.

b rother were all in the same boat here and trying to help, don't take it the wrong way.

dig deeper and yee shall know.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:41 pm on Dec. 4, 2007
ok I`ll let you both into a little secret, she and I repeat she made merit, 15k of merit and it was all outa her own pocket.

She didnt even ask for one baht from me !
She doesnt need to btw.


That was the little secret that I was going tell JJ in private, doesnt matter now.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:07 pm on Dec. 4, 2007
China Sailor
It is interesting how everyone immediately jumps on the 'money-grubbing' TGF bandwagon.

In reading the entire thread I never saw once where she asked Beretta for money but everyone and their mother assumed she did.

Additionally no one except SW even cared to comment on the condition of the girl.

Damn, what a sad bunch of jerks you are ...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:44 am on Dec. 5, 2007
Yeah, you're so right sailor. The world is more easy if they are all bad...

The one BTF quote I never forget is out of a posting of Abrak about hardened BGs: "Worst thing is, that we get hardened too". it's their fault, he he he

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:59 am on Dec. 5, 2007
I'm sadder now. I think you make a very good point, two of them, China Sailor. Thanks.

I am not surprised in the least that many posters would assume she needs money, since it is so common; however, you're right, he didn't mention it. But above and beyond that, I would like to say that, concerning the actual shock of what she's gone through (the accident and the dealings with the grief-stricken parents, which had to be horrible), I hope that Beretta can forgive the insensitivity expressed here and the gross oversight (I speak for myself in particular) of neglecting to focus on her predicament.

Since this story is considered true--which Beretta had to unfortunately defend and prove--I would urge him to pay special attention to her feelings for a while. I don't know how Thai people react all the time, but I do know some people feel very guilty after they accidentally kill someone. She should take it easy.

Though I suppose one of the advantages of merit ceremonies in Thai society, or any society that practices them, is the assuaging of those kinds of feelings and the restoration of "karmic order", so to speak.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:13 am on Dec. 5, 2007
re: China Sailor

Sir I like Your ~ Style ~

though Some times U jump the GUN.

Thing is with our Mate Beretta he wears his Heart on his Sleeve! yes..

Read between the lines!

He is a Simple man with a Jai Dee

No ones jumping on A Bandwagon!

Please TRY and understand Aussie !

It's NOT the Queens English.

Or American either!

tHANK u Buddha


Falangs sometime with Your Uni Degrees and Collage

Education Have NO Idea!

I'm Not a falang I'm a BoxsCdar. sounds like it is.

Jing Jing Though it a Lao word for Falang

Understand ?

Again read between my Lines.

If U want 2?

EVEN IN THAI, I can make out the pilot's request to turn off computers for the remainder of the flight. I shut mine down and look out the window: The smog and skyscrapers of Thailand's capital have given way to the sawtooth mountains of Northern Laos, stacked to the horizon. The Bangkok Airways turboprop drops steeply into a narrow valley, skirting a temple-topped hill and buzzing low over stupas poking through a fringe of palm trees. As we angle toward a short runway, I pack away my laptop—most likely for the duration of my trip:
Luang Prabang, Laos

Luang Prabang isn't exactly a Wi-Fi hot spot. In fact, the tranquil town rides the trailing edge of urbanized, digital Asia. Which is precisely the reason I've fled Bangkok's chaotic hustle and 24/7 gridlock. I've flown less than two hours, yet it feels like I could set my watch back 30 years.

In this slumbering Mekong River valley, life flows at its own languid pace. Once, it was a matter of terrain—the jungle, rivers, and especially the ranks of mountains dissuaded European explorers until the 1860s. A century later, after Laos was swept up in the Vietnam War, the prevailing communist leadership banned tourism until the late 1980s. That cultural quarantine made Luang Prabang what it is today:
Considered one of the best-preserved traditional cities in Asia, Luang Prabang won World Heritage status in 1995. Today, the placid town draws an increasing number of travelers seeking that ineffable quality: atmosphere.
an enchanting townscape of lush foliage and ornamental ponds, centuries-old temples and moldering French colonial buildings, all in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

It was a no-brainer for UNESCO, which considers Luang Prabang one of the best-preserved traditional cities in Southeast Asia, to give it World Heritage status in 1995. The buzz has taken a while to build, but this placid backwater is drawing an increasing number of travelers seeking that ineffable quality: atmosphere. In 2003, the province counted 78,129 foreign visitors, up more than 200 percent since 1997 that was a Good time to see all the Shit hit the Fan!

Well I say U can't polish a TURD!

backpackers still come overland, but equally independent, far more upscale "flashpackers" now arrive on nonstop flights from Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand. Boutique hotels like Les 3 Nagas and the Pansea's La Résidence Phou Vao, which recently hosted Mick Jagger, bloom like fresh bromeliads. Earlier this year, Banyan Tree's Colours of Angsana brand opened the town's first spa, the sparkling Maison Souvannaphoum, in a former royal residence. Quite a capitalist makeover for a communist state with the official handle of the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

While Old Asia ambience is Luang Prabang's signature allure, outfitters have begun venturing beyond the city limits to survey the rugged mountains and rock-strewn rivers. It's now possible to balance a yin for soulful solitude with the yang of ripping adventure in places where falang (the Lao word for "foreigners") are still a novelty. Over the next week, I intend to offset indolence with activity in a spree of cycling, hiking, and kayaking that will make those Thai-Swedish massages hurt so good.

But first I need to decompress, and my huge room at La Résidence Phou Vao—a harmonic convergence of rosewood and hand-loomed textiles set on a hillside with a panoramic view of the sacred, dome-shaped Phu Si mount—looks like it will do the trick. I settle on the balcony with a cold Beer Lao, already quite fond of Luang Prabang.

Yea I a Rick and rightly So But theres Only One Jingjo.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 am on Dec. 5, 2007

Quote: from issanking on 10:56 am on Dec. 5, 2007
jingjo and I are on the same lines here,
Not sure what kind of lines those are, but looking at the above, I'd have to say that's pretty impressive!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:39 am on Dec. 5, 2007

Quote: from China Sailor on 6:59 pm on Dec. 5, 2007

Damn, what a sad bunch of jerks you are...
Took you a while.

Quote: from jingjo on 8:02 pm on Dec. 5, 2007

Falangs sometime with Your Uni Degrees and Collage
Education Have NO Idea!
...a group which you clearly don't include yourself in, thank goodness.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:42 am on Dec. 5, 2007

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