haam sup
"I must have missed you 30 years ago during my year in Saigon when I was on a nightly prowl for culture and pussy (think humor here). That's why I'm able to comapre bg from two countries. Matter of fact I can compare bg from S'pore, Cambodia, Bali, NZ, OZ, Germany, Mexico, Turkey, South Africa and a few other's. Guess what, the girls are very simuliar. " BigDUSA, Yep, you missed me, because I wasn't there. İBut I have traveled a bit since then, and I still disagree with you. I honestly believe that Thai girls are different than any other BGs I have seen. İMind you, I am not as accomplished an international pussy hound as you are. İBut in 20+ years of traveling to Thailand, and a few other places around the planet, I have yet to find quite the same experience. I know for certain that you and I value different things, and have different MOs in Thailand, and that's great. İYou always seem positive about your experiences in LOS, and it seems to meet your needs. İThat's great, too. İBut, tell me, if they are interchangable, why do you consistently (and apparently frequently) visit Thailand? İTell the truth, now... Meanwhile, Arcadius notwithstanding, I DO think it has changed in the last 10 years, even in the last 5. The end of the old Thermae was a milestone, among others... haam sup
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:18 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
haam sup
BTW, BigDUSA, I thought we had you weaned off Annie's in favor of CP2! I mean, you're already pushing the envelope by adding Gulliver's to your 'bag of tricks'... If CP2 relocated to Soi 3, 4, or 5, I'd bet you be a goner in a heartbeat... haam sup
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:33 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
Haam Sup....Great post...sure you didn't cut and paste it from a 'real' journalist???? Personally, and I think is a lot of what HS's piece was alluding too, the quality of the foreigner has dropped. There is still the same number of good guys coming here who love Thailand. There is just a lot more people coming and hence their %age has decreased. Same as my theory of attractive bar girls. Thai women haven't decreased in looks, there is just so many more girls in the farang sector that the %age of great looking girls has decreased. The one great example I can give as a Brit is as follows. Our wonderful cute phenomenom known as the football hooligan. This sick breed used to troll the shores of Benidorm drinking piss all day and night and having a good fight to cap off a great holiday. We are seeing more and more of their like here....and half of them think they can f_ck for free. I got into an unavoidable conversation with a group lately....they made me sick, it's embarrasing to think we can breed these people let alone let them loose on the world. And inevitably as the quality of foreigner drops so does the attitude we all receive. It's funny, but I notice no drop in attitude in the people who would maybe not come into contact with the 'hooligan'. In fact I find Bangkok a far more pleasant place to exist in on a day to day basis than say 15 years ago. There are a lot of people coming here and even on this board that do not give a hoot about Thailand or it's culture. Some may even think they do....but what else do they do other than f_ck and drink?....not a lot.....I'd love to quote some things here but I don't want to be seen to highlight any one individual. I have never paid for sex in any other country than thailand....why?....I think you all know why!! . Of course having said that as time goes on my attitude has changed...I still love drinking, I still love gogo's.....but I have very little inclination to have anything to do with BG's...the problems that go with the association are too tedious to want to deal with, the inane conversation and playing connect 4 does tend to tire after a decade, the childish mind games are just too much as I finally have started to 'grow up' at last, I mean f_ck...what 40 year old should tolerate being called a butterfly by an 18 year old prostitute with no clue about 'life'????? Sometimes we all check the brain into the hotel deposit box with the passport!! Anyway...I hate long posts so I'll terminate this rambling mess....I don't really believe it's a whole lot different to before....I've changed and it's just got a whole lot bigger and maybe a little less intimate.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:52 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
Quote: from BigDUSA on 4:02 am on Mar. 22, 2003 Can't wait till I get off the plane and head over to the Majestic Suites and on to Annie's. Damm, my head feels like it going to EXPLODE, naw, it's just gas.
When the hell are you going to move to LOS, the amount you must spend in airfare would buy you an apartment there.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:56 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
haam sup, The real deal; why I'm willing to endure 24 hours in cellblock 36B. I like the look of asian women. I was stationed in Vietnam and fell in love with the look and attitude the women have. Why Thailand? Almost a first world country as far as travel, roads, atm etc. LOS is a SAFE country to travel to. Over the last few years travel has become cheap and with my elite status with United when I make two trips the third is free. Gotta love those frequent flyer bennies. I pay around $650 to $750 per trip. Once I arrive I can have a great time on $100 to $125 per day and have money left over most days. I could go to Mexico but I don't feel safe. Thai women; I enjoy the illusion of the Thai girl friend experience and the girls enjoy the illusion of the American boyfriend experience. Considering that I'm balding, bearded, fat and 56 y/o. Women in my home country (non working girls) bg around the world seem to like being with me. I don't pay the girls as much as soom guys do but they are more then willing to go for round two. I don't kid myself that the girls are hangen with me cause I'm hansum man, sexy man. Considering that in high school, I couldn't buy a date. I was pleasently surprized that when I got out of the army my sucess rate with women went up. As I have a family in th US, I'm not looking for a girl friend in the states. I come to LOS a few times a year. I treat the girls with respect have a good time and when I leave the illusion goes poof. ccvvbb, I'd like to live here but.....
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:26 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
I've always had the impression that BigD has the perfect attitude.....old, ugly and 'khii niew'....but always has a great time.....I live here, am young, rich and handsome......and most of them hate me!! All in jest...but then again....many a true word said in jest!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:01 pm on Mar. 21, 2003
I think Yurune puts his finger on this. It's not so much the changes in BKK or LOS which matter, its the changes in ourselves. OK, so Yurune grows up and loses interest in BGs - fair enough. This seems to happen to a lot of people, and I think that (unlike Yurune) they start extrapolating their personal disillusionment to the P4P scene in general, or to Bangkok or to LOS. As others have noted, the "it's all gone to the dogs" syndrome is especially virulent among foreigners in Thailand, and it's as old as the hills. Somebody like me, who's lived life the wrong way round and is delighted to immature with age, is completely immune to it. I enjoy the BGs more than ever, silly mind games and all, and I have NO sense that BKK or LOS is going down the toilet. Long may this continue. I don't WANT to get disillusioned and start lecturing newcomers on how they've missed the good ol' days. If this starts to creep up on me, I will fight it tooth and nail.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:28 am on Mar. 22, 2003
I'm just being a cultural tourist and wish I had seen Bangkok in a different light. i.e. Canals etc etc
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:46 am on Mar. 22, 2003
Arcadius...i always had views of you as a young 'un....LOL......oh shatter my illusiions you....believe me I still enjoy the bars some nights nowhere near girls and some nights surrounded byy them...but I find no knee jerk reaction to leap into bed with them any more...and the odd occassions I do....I'll have chatted to them for a while.....I'm 38 by the way......but made my first trip here very young...and didn't get laid til my third....(apart from a few aussie chick....but they are easier and free....) Hermanlobo....point taken and I agree.....I'd like to have seen it when BigD first...I may have been here for a long time....but there's plenty who've been here longer....I knew someone who first visited in the late 1930's I believe...fascinating woman. (no she didn't do P4P!!)
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:02 am on Mar. 22, 2003
We tend to look at the past thru rose colored glasses. When I was in Saigon 30 years ago, I knew at the time I was living the best YEAR of my life. I was young, my dick got hard whenever I needed it to. I was making a ton of money. The work was easy and non demanding of my time. I had 24 hour use of a van. The women are beautiful and the price was cheap. I had the best pot in the world $17 for a key, Walker Black was $3.25 a liter. f_ck, I didn't want to leave when my year was up. Fast forward 30 years; I can look back and still say that my year there was the best year of my life but I've had other years that come very very close. IMHO the reason the past looks so good; we were young. Now I'm not. PS: In Saigon, I was the boss of my unit. Think mellow. Sgt BigDUSA
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:26 am on Mar. 22, 2003