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I ask people to send all packages to my office. 100% success rate so far.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:29 am on June 25, 2007
*****Retracted*****See Below
Early this month (june) we used the Post Office at Central Bangna to post about 10 small parcels to Oz. One arrived intact. One arrived having been opened and some items removed, the other 8 are unaccounted for and presumed lost (over 3 weeks now since the first arrivals).
The sisters-in-law send parcels all the time from the same post office or another post office near their home and previously, never a problem - all parcels have arrived.
The only variable this time - one farang seen posting said parcels. IMO that made the difference - made the parcels "worth" stealing. Should have registered them...TIT...we let our guard down....serves us right...Enjoy.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:29 pm on June 26, 2007
I can't write a word of Thai. I had my gf write the info in Thai and sent it to my family. They then scanned it onto some sticky labels and used the labels on the packages. I also had money dissapear a couple of times (after repeatedly asking people NOT to send cash) but it could have been stolen by the Post Office or other residents of my apartment, since the mail was just left in a pile in the front to be picked through by all residents. Once, I asked my sister why sent me money when I had asked her not to. Her reply: "Well, I hid it in a book". How incredibly crafty!! Somehow, they saw through the subterfuge and I got neither the book nor the cash. I'll bet for many of the postal workers, the only time they will touch a book that isn't a comic book is in the hunt for cash.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:01 am on June 28, 2007
nyc boy
I've had zero problems with the post in BKK with packages received and sent. I normally use the Post near Thonglo Station, normally a lot of Foreigners due to the proximity to UNESCO up the road.

Obviously if you can use a business (friends, yours or whatever) that will help when sending out, since most of the packages are used for business, and Thai Post/EMS tends to view them as business.

For larger packages I always send via carrier, DHL is decent. When I moved a lot of stuff from here to a friend. I just told them to send me a "Jumbo Box" flat rate pricing with pretty hefty weight limit and marked "personal effects" on the customs. Good way to lessen the customs charge. Mind you that when you fill in the packing slip for customs, be sure to itemize the items. Never had any loss.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:27 am on June 28, 2007
The previous post is retracted with full apology to the staff at Bang Na Post Office......

Minder Posted on 8:23 am on June 27, 2007
Early this month (june) we used the Post Office at Central Bangna to post about 10 small parcels to Oz. One arrived intact. One arrived having been opened and some items removed, the other 8 are unaccounted for and presumed lost (over 3 weeks now since the first arrivals).
The sisters-in-law send parcels all the time from the same post office or another post office near their home and previously, never a problem - all parcels have arrived.
The only variable this time - one farang seen posting said parcels. IMO that made the difference - made the parcels "worth" stealing. Should have registered them...TIT...we let our guard down....serves us right...Enjoy.

These parcels contained DVDs and were seized by the Post Office -slash - Customs people at the Airport Postal Centre. My bad. I should have just paid the excess baggage costs....Enjoy.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:02 pm on Aug. 13, 2007
Interesting - so you were saying you mailed out bootleg DVDs and they were caught and confiscated?

Not that you sending bootleg DVDs was surprising, but rather that customs took their alleged job seriously.

How did they find out? How did you find out?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Aug. 13, 2007
Guilty as charged Mr DD - Bootleg DVDs one and all! Probably sent too many parcels at the one time and got noticed.

The sister-in-law had packed them up for us and put her senders address on the back of the envelope. Hardly master criminal types are we?

The rather formal looking letter she got told her that she was suspected of breeches to export law and to present herself at the address at the airport within 15 days. She wasn't too worried but the parents (my in-laws) were a bit upset. Rather unsettling at first. Like you, I couldn't believe this incredibly errr "un-thai-like behaviour"...

Faith restored a little bit when the wife rang the number on the letter and was told - translated version - "Nah, don't worry about coming to the airport, we'll be throwing them in the bin regardless, sorry but we have to do this now and then otherwise we get complaints from other countries that we are not doing enough to fight bootlegging. Better luck next time." Enjoy.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Aug. 14, 2007
China Sailor
I am afraid that if I were going to the US, putting them in the baggage would not work for me. Damn TSA opens my bags each time I enter the US (probably because I am a anti-merican treasonous bastard because I live in Singapore) .

On the other hand I have never had any parcel opened or questioned by the USPO...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on Aug. 14, 2007

Quote: from China Sailor on 3:18 pm on Aug. 14, 2007
Damn TSA opens my bags each time I enter the US
Customs or TSA?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:12 am on Aug. 14, 2007
It's the customs doing the opening and searching of baggages, but I guess accusing the TSA of it serves China Sailor's persecution complex, or something...

Your baggages are being searched based on your stated itinerary, by the way. The last couple of times, when I gave 'Thailand' as my prior origin, I got searched regularly.

Then I asked the *customs* guy doing the searching, in conversation, what was the deal with these searches, and he explained that it had to do with the country you come in from, and, as he explained, Thailand is a 'target' country... Once I started listing 'Taipei, Taiwan' (as that's where I'm flying through) as my prior origin, I have had no further searches. Who knows, maybe Singapore is on a list as well.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:14 am on Aug. 14, 2007

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