Good post from Dirty Guru, and nice to see the girl is doing the right thing. But it just shows you, doesn't it? Those 50 baht blow jobs you mentioned in another post turned out to be much more expensive than you anticipated. Actually, I'm interested what some of the guys who live here - but who have long term relationships - do. Do you all butterfly, and if so, how? I've been living with a girl here for 6 months, and I've known her for almost a year. While I like to wander into bars and flirt, I have absolutely no desire to butterfly - it just doesnt seem worth it. The only time I indulge is when I'm overseas - seems fair game to me.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:21 pm on Oct. 9, 2005
dirty guru
The Mai sai Massage (Burma Border ) is 200 baht baht. I copped alot of flank for the 50 baht (extra) she asked for to perform oral sex. Thats standard maties. Like 500 Pattaya. She want extra money to put in her bag. I actually paid 200 Tip so < maybe I aint so bad,. :: Ring the bells Thinks its a burma BJ...but Mai sai is Thai side.......But he is right about risk...... (were it sex) I got nailed In Pattaya.....I was meant to meet Duke. (ironically How last Marriage ended, orgy in Bayview Siam) Wife flew in girl still in room. This Time I didnt even get to hang out with him (caught with girl from walking Street) and in Bangkok. Double Whammy. I flew home. But I will sit and watch Northern Thai sunsets BallBustin, dont worry......might even patch this up.? Anyhow lifes an adventure...I am driving ferries again, and planning a get away in a while...... But we never escape the call......::
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:35 am on Oct. 14, 2005
and based on your hostile response
oh what a sheltered life you lead, wrapped in cotton wool are we pet?
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 am on Oct. 14, 2005
Quote: from humbug on 12:38 pm on Oct. 9, 2005 It is all so clear now. I can mentally picture many members on here and why they come to Thailand. Maybe I start a dating service/lonely hearts club..... call it maybe 'sad f***s in thailand' or 'desperate, dateless dorks' or 'suckers R us' or 'the reject shop' or 'personalities wanted' or 'small dicks for rent' or......
Humbug, I don't get the feeling that most of the guys on this forum are losers.I am not taking a shot at you either I just think you may just being overly critical on this point. I really have never had trouble getting a woman. I have certainly had my share of less than stellar relationships though. I think what draws a lot of us to this forum is that at some point we got hooked on SEA and like the BGs and the rest of them. In the west many women are confused about who they are and what they want in life. In fact the fact that I even mention something like this and its pervasiveness in the western female population is testament to the fact that many of them are so out of touch as to be unsavory partners. P4P in LOS is not like P4P in the US or Europe. There isn't the gritty dirty edge to it. In fact it strikes me a lot like speed dating. Most of th eBGs will tell you when they feel comfortable that that is what most of them are looking for anyway a husband. Like TPE says cunning like a fox with a mind like a goldfish. they are harmless for the most part as long as you pay attention to what's going on. I just saw this documentary on HBO on cable about that brothel in Nevada called the Mustang Ranch, could have been the Bunny Ranch, whatever. Anyway they had they hard edged middle age and somewhat younger skanks talking up their profession and some Gumba blackshirted man that was the manager going on and on like some lame gangster impersona. It was just lame. Contrast this with the sweetness and general naiveté' of the BG and you see the difference. Anyway just a few thoughts. Torq
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:39 pm on Oct. 14, 2005
Quote: from Torq on 2:07 am on Oct. 15, 2005 I think what draws a lot of us to this forum is that at some point we got hooked on SEA and like the BGs and the rest of them. In the west many women are confused about who they are and what they want in life. In fact the fact that I even mention something like this and its pervasiveness in the western female population is testament to the fact that many of them are so out of touch as to be unsavory partners.
I don't blame western women though they are just doing what's natural given the society and supply and demand. In the U.S. attractive females are a super rare commodity. It's like being a relatively well off guy in Thailand..you are the hot commodity with the options. In the west there are much more available men with good earning potential so the women can be very selective. When I see some guy getting dragged along by his bitchy fat ankeled suburban soccer mom style wife I wonder what the hell could have been in this man's mind to marry something like that. You have to realize that the options are limited unless you're the super rich elite in the west. Women in the west are just using their built in advantages. Also western society is highly feminist these days so women have long since shed traditional roles in favor of sex and the city nonsense. I had a cousin of mine (who is pretty average in Asia) come to the U.S. for graduate studies. She was chased and fawned over by a TON of guys. Some were insanely wealthy (this was the CA bay area), she wouldn't have gotten even 10% of the attention back home compared to what she received in the U.S. Before, she was a relatively shy girl but after all this attention she learned to become a typical manipulating western bitch .
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:11 pm on Oct. 14, 2005
dirty guru
I Have anger at times witnessing the emotional elitism western woman show and are taught, by contrast to South East Asian woman. Just a recent example, is a guy who was told he was the father of a (non existant child) on some 630pm current affair program. The woman who hadnt seen him in 3 years managed to somehow have him believe with photos, and documents forged, that he fathered the child, * (who had a liver condition). She was on prime time bragging how she got $50,000 out of this guy, before being caught out. Her sentence? 150 hours community service......No repayments to the guy. She was laughing at the camera. I would have given her address to convicted rapists and murderers about to be paroled, and spent the next two years planning adaquate revenge. The next show was "'a soapie"'... (with my daughter watching Tv) The guy has a problem in the show. He has cancer and 3 months to live. He doesnt want fuss, and decided to die quickly without chemotherapy, but have quality time and not feel sick. He told his young wife to keep his condition quiet, so he could avoid being the "'circus freak"" of attension from well meaning small town locals. What happened next was an example of shocking western woman values. She ripped into the guy with dogmatical preaching of how ""selfish"' he was for not considering ""their"" feelings in wanting to demonstrate how much they like him. It wasnt the script, but the way it was perfectly acceptable to emotionally attack a male, (even a dying one) Advertising complaints showing a woman hitting a man with a hammer on the head failed to remove the said adverisment. There is a dominant role in the west, woman walk with a "'get outta my way stance" They click the clack of high heeled shoes down a mall, with a gold visa card confidence. The show weight loss woman (after the program) still fat, but not monsterous.This is meant to be appealing? They tell us the avarage woman is a size 14 now? They expect a younger man of Tom Cruise looks to come along and swoon over them>...then when 35 and alone with justthe cat, ( and big bank balance) look down the camera, and tell the interviewer its because most men are taken or Gay. (its not that they are up themselves and slobs with attitude) "Its not that half of us have f***ed off on holidays three times a year to ASIA, and want Thai silk pussy that on a girl of 19-29 and weighs half as much as them?""...where its "'up to you"" Where a woman can sit on your back naked, massaging happily a tiny ache, (without busting 3 ribs, and collasping a lung from her weight) Where a 25 year old slim petite smiling woman will whisper little nothings, then suck your dick first thing at dawn smiling......not call you c***, and get you to eat her big smelly gash? Where she is not so complex (like a computer virus) as to go from one "'thought crime premise to another"' when your half hour late home, conclude Guilty verdict on your walking\ in the door and throw the dinner plate at you.......when all you did is work back to help a mate out.? Nope its foot massage...dinner...beers...gentle ::days...gentle woman...beautiful sunsets. I watch mates at work (divorced and down trodden ) reduce themselves to sucking up to some fat arsed 45 year old blond who is passing onto the boat. She of course is too good for him, and ignores him. I smirk, not because as she thinks I recognize some delussional class she imagines she has, but just because I am amused at the ""choices"" elsewhere. And only pity the poor guys who havent seen the "'promised land""::
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:24 pm on Oct. 14, 2005