You got it Mr China Sailor..." Rugby is a rougher game, so says the American Insurance Companies." The only pain those Cowboy fans know is when there is no more beer in the fridge.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Oct. 7, 2003
no problem fastmover. where i stay is so cheap it only has 3 channels and nothing to interest the girls,so no need to hide the remote..... i hate Rugby,was forced to play it at school and as i was small i was out on the wing and clattered all the time.....it f_cking hurt i can tell you. American Football is just a nancy boys version of Rugby,all that protection......give me a break. as for Baseball....
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:43 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Nokna...you are right...rugby does hurt, I've recently played my last game..hurts even more on the hard pitches of Thailand, and recently when playing a side consisting of Thai Internationals I knew they were too fast for me. To say the NFL is for nancy boys however is ridiculous, these guys are huge and fast, and believe me, half the padding only serves as weaponry. The physical beating the body takes is possibly greater than rugby as it was, but the new professional era rugby players are big and fast as well. Note Jerry Collins recent hit on Colin Charvis. The average life span of an NFL running back and it takes a superb athlete to survive in that environment. There are just two words for me to sum up the special type of athlete it takes to play that game. Walter Payton....
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Posted on: 2:53 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Well, my last post got some adrenaline rushing through some of you athletic wanna-be's. Ý FM: ÝPshaw on you, I say. ÝContrary to what you say, it takes a REAL MAN to say Pshaw. ÝSomebody with the utmost confidence in his masculinity. ÝI are just such a man. ÝA real COWBOY fan never lets the beer run out either. Yurune: ÝYou seem like a sensible person in that you have agreed with me on part of my previous post. ÝI will, therefore, treat you with the appropriate respect. ÝYou are correct in that much arm tackling is required. ÝThat is why they kicked me off the rugby team since I was using my athletically toned body at the time and it hurt them when I hit them. ÝI am on this macho kick since I have been reading DG's posts lately. Now, wasn't I nice? Sailor Man: ÝYou defeat your own argument when you claim the Insurance Companies don't want to insure yet you say there are fewer injuries. ÝIf there are fewer injuries, then why are the insurance companies turning down business? ÝStrange argument. I like the Texans also since I am a red-neck Texan. ÝShit, I still kinda like the KC Chiefs since they started in Dallas. My two favorite teams are the DALLAS COWBOYS and whoever is playing the redskins....and a partridge in a pear tree. Nokna, Nokna, Nokna: ÝWhat are we going to do with you, son? ÝYou just don't understand the dynamics of playing the "nancy" game and the way people are hit. ÝTry getting hit with a helmet in the ribs if you want "hurt"? ÝYurune is correct (see, Yurune, I am still being nice.) half or more of the padding serves as weaponry. And as for baseball: ÝDid you happen to catch the collision at home plate in the last game between SF Giants and Florida Marlins? ÝNow THAT was a contact. Keep playing soccer. ÝJust be sure your shoelaces are tied. Ý If I left anybody out, let me know and I will try and piss you off also. Ý
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:39 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Don't be nice to me..... Expatchuck.... Cowboys Suck.... Joe Montana to Ed Too Tall Jones as Dwight pulls the ball in. Respect that Mutherf_cka! Get where I'm coming from now?????
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:45 am on Oct. 7, 2003
I wonder why Americans think American sports are always so tough and difficult. Lets look at a little history.... First, baseball came from the English game called rounders... Tough people those British! Second, basketball was invented by a Canadian........ Tough people those Canadians! Third, American style football was developed from rugby, and the first game was played in Canada. Tough people those British and French Canadians. And even Canadian football has 3 downs. Three! That's because Canadians are tougher, whereas Americans need to take 4 downs to do the same thing. Why don't Americans like soccer? Because there is no commercial breaks in which they can relieve their bladders. Tough spectators those soccer fans. And what 'tough' sports have Americans created? Roller Derby, WWF, and of course Tractor Pulls! Man, feels good to be right! Time for a beer.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:03 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Yurune: OK. So you are one of the 49'er fans from gay old sf? ÝI remember well, "The Catch" as it is referred to in gay old sf. ÝAt the time, it drove a stake through the heart of every COWBOY fan. ÝWe recovered from it and won some more super bowls. As I recall, we have even won since gay old sf has. ÝWasn't the last one for gay old sf number XXIX and the last one for DALLAS numbered XXX? Looks like it is tied with five wins each now!! Stick that up your ass and smoke it, Mr. nice guy. Ý
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:03 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Fastmover Well...most of that was nonsense......Canadian Football has one down less as I remember it..... EC.... hehehehe we understand each other....but I'd have Joe over Troy anytime, and Jerry over Michael....Emmitt Smith...I'll give you that one...wish he wasn't slugging it out in Arizona now. Now...Thomas 'Hollywood' Henderson......what a guy!!
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:16 am on Oct. 7, 2003
FM: I realize in your constant and never changing desire to be right and to be considered the ever present source of all information and knowledge, where in my previous posts did I mention the origins of the sports? ÝThe discussion to date has been on the roughness, or lack of same, of a few respective sports and your attempt to change to topic to an "origin" question is rather transparent. ÝSince you have mentioned the rough Canadians, I am surprised you failed to mention perhaps the roughest of all contact sports, NHL Hockey. ÝIn your zeal to change the topic, you missed an excellent opportunity to point out hockey, which, in my opinion, is probably the roughest of all sports. Your mention of Canadian Football is silly since most of the team members on Canadian teams are Americans that couldn't make it in the NFL. You again reference which sports have originated in the US but why was this reference made to originating? ÝAgain another blatant attempt to change the thread topic since your argument was weak. In closing, if it feels so good to be right, you must feel pretty bad about now. Ý
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:18 am on Oct. 7, 2003
Mr. Nice Guy: Thought that was where you were coming from. ÝI kinda like Roger the Dodger over Joe but it's close. ÝCan't argue the Jerry if for longevity reasons alone. ÝPlus he has a little talent. ÝAgree on Emmitt but Hollywood was my kind of guy. ÝHe hated the f_cking media and just showed up to do his job. ÝHe's doing counselling work in the Texas area now. So, are we friends again? Ý Going to lunch now. ÝWill return after my siesta and straighten any of you miscreants out again. (I'm talking to you, FM)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:27 am on Oct. 7, 2003