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Quote: from thaiaficionado on 12:33 pm on Jan. 9, 2006
Always bragging, and grossly exaggerating, his Thailand experience, in a vain attempt to elevate himself from the rest of the membership. I've seen postings where he claims 60 trips, then 100, then 80. Well, some of us live here. Heck, this guy can't even count that high!

Dumb people in this world generally make bad liars as they are to stupid to remember what they have said.

Whats the bet DG will retort along the lines of a bar girl or ladyboy whose been confronted with a lie.... (with a few gay references thrown in).

Lets see

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Jan. 8, 2006
If you don't accept DG's supreme wisdom, gleaned from his 8 zillion trips to LOS, then you must be an uninformed, shallow, gay-bitch, ladyboy wanker. Otherwise, he'd like to set you up with some 'airline stewardesses','bank tellers', and 'virgins' (depending on how much you're willing to pay), who just happen to have calluses on her hands from working in the fields.

Just shows how desparate this guy is to get back here.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:56 pm on Jan. 8, 2006

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 1:44 pm on Jan. 9, 2006

Just shows how desparate this guy is to get back here.

It just takes a while by Ferry Boat. [Insert Tug Boat Whistle here]

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:57 am on Jan. 9, 2006

Quote: from ThaidUp on 2:44 pm on Jan. 9, 2006

Quote: from thaiaficionado on 1:44 pm on Jan. 9, 2006

Just shows how desparate this guy is to get back here.

It just takes a while by Ferry Boat. [Insert Tug Boat Whistle here]

I always wondered what Dirty Guru 'Tugger' looked like ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:55 am on Jan. 9, 2006
dirty guru
You guys (all the fans I have repeatedly said are just bitches that need a smack in the mouth) are circling me, with your vile little snide crap.

I rate you arseholes (and I am well informed by others that you are) as unworthy of pissing on.

Appearntally you are as exciting to party with as a dislexic bible reader class on sunday.

None of you really do much else but scratch out eyes on the keyboard.
None of you would say anything to my face let alone meet me.

Well I stand by my accessment of you and your kind.
As many know I have averaged 4 trips a year last two decades, and lived there.
I didnt come back broke, and have two teen aged daughters in OZ to spend half the year with.
The other half is Thailand.
And what have you little brave boys on the key board ever done for thailand?
Donated computers in a poor school?
Employed poor families.
At least I have.
I still have 3 businesses I am sure you arseholes would laugh at (as they are cheaply bought )
But 12 people get income from them.
My daughters church sponsers kids in Northern Thailand as a result of her imput and my taking her there to witness the life they endure.
Dispite what propaganda you guys throw, many have seen I dont hesitate to jump in and help.
I (unlike you guys) have lived with these people in their communities, and though the relationship failed, learnt to respect Human poverty.
I am not the one calling all Thai woman whores.
I am the ones against you guys deaming them with that tag.
Anyhow until one of you has the courage to be man another to cast your spiteful catty scratches at me in person, and have your teeth belted down your thoart, go and f*** yourselves.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:18 pm on Jan. 9, 2006
Sums it up. Good on ya DG.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:45 pm on Jan. 9, 2006
Yep sums yourself up pretty good DG - keep up the good work.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:12 pm on Jan. 9, 2006

Quote: from dirty guru on 6:05 am on Jan. 10, 2006

I still have 3 businesses I am sure you arseholes would laugh at (as they are cheaply bought )
But 12 people get income from them.

Good for you - I'm sure that’s ALL the proof you need to convince yourself what a nice guy you are and to forget all the other stuff that you get up to.

My daughters church sponsers kids in Northern Thailand as a result of her imput and my taking her there to witness the life they endure.

Yes, and I recall how you were saying with much glee that you were bullshiting your way to encourage them to pay for you to go to Thailand. Hopefully they saw though your little scam, but I doubt they truly know how bad of a human being you are.

Dispite what propaganda you guys throw, many have seen I dont hesitate to jump in and help.

Not propaganda - other people who can remember past what they had for dinner the previous night remember what you write....maybe you should take a leaf out of CK3's book and delete/edit all your posts that haven't been quoted....that way people will forget what an absolute tosser you are. Well, in fact you are much worst, you are a predator on people who are less fortunate....

I (unlike you guys) have lived with these people in their communities, and though the relationship failed, learnt to respect Human poverty.

LOL - Thats about the funniest thing I read for a "respect" human poverty....and how does one actually "respect poverty" it by sympathy??? You surely aren't sympathetic to people in poverty as you are a loud proponent of encouraging minimal pay which doesn't allow people to escape the poverty cycle..... You truel believe (which is quite sad) that the best way you can help people is by only paying the absolute minimal wages possible....whether that be by way of non-p4p work or for p4p work. What was it again?? 300 baht of a country bbbj or was it less???

I am not the one calling all Thai woman whores.
I am the ones against you guys deaming them with that tag.

Actually, you do....You are “demeaning” of women generally. Any person who constantly refers to this forum as a pure "pussy forum" is being derogatory to women imho. You see women, or more specifically thai women as "pussy" an object to be f***ed....not admired as you wish people to think you are doing.... You really have one skewered outlook in life Mr DG….either get off the drugs or get on them….one thing is for sure, there’s quite a few cookies missing out of that cookie jar you call a brain.

Of course, lets not forget your encouragement of "uni girls" to p4p and providing a "service" to other members on this bored.....thats called pimping in a lot of places in this world.

Anyhow until one of you has the courage to be man another to cast your spiteful catty scratches at me in person, and have your teeth belted down your thoart, go and f*** yourselves.


Still with the personal threats DG.....its clear that you will never learn. Why on earth ANYBODY would want to meet someone who constantly threatens physical violence against other board members - is beyond me......

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:29 pm on Jan. 9, 2006
I simply can't stand all this anger and hatred.
I'm going of to another forum where there are people with manners and a sense of other people's feelings.
I think a few of you need to take a good look at yourself.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:37 pm on Jan. 9, 2006
DG is such an angry chap. Is he a little fella, by any chance?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:09 pm on Jan. 9, 2006

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