I was. I was a dashing young fellow - I only got ugly when I got older Harry
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:40 am on July 24, 2004
Quote: from Black Jaques Chirac on 10:32 pm on July 23, 2004 Working ? What is this working ? I have never done any of this Working! English? - Heavens no perish the thought ! Harrybaybee - you sound the classic snob !
Reminds me of when I was dating a socialite gal here in Bangkok. We'd go to all the various openings/launches/events and run into all the same people every time. Anyway, we were at a party one evening in someone's house with miscellaneous socialites, models, etc... and the requisite amount of gay guys hanging around. One of them commented on my shirt (he guessed Prada... I replied 'how did you know?' when it was actually the Thai brand UFO) and then asked me what I did for a living. When I told him he looked confused for a moment and said, "Ohhh!!! You're an *employee*... how quaint!" What a line!!! Was at a loss for words as to how to respond... Only later figured out it was (probably) a joke as many of the Thais at the party held down day jobs.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:57 pm on July 27, 2004
Quote: from shark68 on 1:09 am on July 24, 2004 I think that it is a part of human nature-may it be a good or not a good part, that is another question- to try to differentiate themselselves from other individuals. With the various possibilities that we have to do so, some kind of concurrence evolves. The result is the already discussed vertical and horizontal division. I also agree with BKKBangers thoughts, that any sort of 'social classification' gives people a fixpoint for their navigation in life. Whenever we meet somebody new we will automatically make some kind of classification according to our own set of standards and values. ... Jafa IMO it is not about feudalism, this is just a way 'one' class tries to defend their advantages over another. Look to the US, wiktha chance for a new start 200 yrs ago, the way to equality is still a difficult one for coloured people. shark68
shark, I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying. In LOS the kind of class system is feudal (or semi-feudal if you prefer) because it is a monarchy (and no disrespect is intended to the person or the 'office' of the King or royal family), similar to say, Cambodia. The class system in some other countries are different because- 1. they have come out or are coming out of feudalism, or 2. they never had a feudal society (monarchy, nobles etc.) in the first place Ditto about having some sort of social classification or automatically, subconsciously classifying someone based on our own set of standards and values - of course this happens, but the difference in non-feudal societies is that the class system is based on a complex combination of things like money, education, culture/ethnicity, urban/rural folk, language abilities, international exposure, etc....and *not* on an entrenched social caste system like in India, Thailand, and possibly Cambodia.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 am on July 28, 2004
It's the same the whole World over ain't it just a crying shame It's the rich wot gets the pleasure and the Poor wot gets the blame
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:06 am on July 28, 2004
Quote: from hzink on 9:33 pm on July 23, 2004
Quote: from shark68 on 1:09 am on July 24, 2004 Look to the US, wiktha chance for a new start 200 yrs ago, the way to equality is still a difficult one for coloured people.
Only if they obsess over it, instead of using the same opportunities available to them as to everyone else. Harry
Hzink, you really are very ignorant if you think this way.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:09 am on July 28, 2004
Quote: from Jafa on 2:47 pm on July 28, 2004
is that the class system is based on a complex combination of things like money, education, culture/ethnicity, urban/rural folk, language abilities, international exposure, etc....
Jafa, This (above) would seem to best describe the Thai class system.... while this....
and *not* on an entrenched social caste system like in India, Thailand, and possibly Cambodia.
...doesnt seem too close to reality. I dont really see the 'entrenched social caste system'. A large part of hiso consists of 'people made good' - models, actors, singers etc.. Most of the 'families' have only been hiso for a generation or so - particular the Thai-Chinese... and just about anyone with money, manners and a good education is considered hiso.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:42 pm on July 28, 2004
BKK Banger
Hi-so Hi-so Si-so so-so. The real class sytem is out there with ordinary Thais in the villages, the towns, the housing estates. You see them at the wat, in the shops and hotels. Ordinary people who have their place in the society and do not want to socially climb. The overwhelming majority of Thais want to make life better for their family but in a material way, not the way of climbing social divisions. Buddhism and the Wat system teaches them to share, to give to the Wat when they can and to get help from the Wat when they need it. Their lot in life has been ordained by their previous life, it is not something a Buddhist decides for themselves. This may all seem strange but Buddhism as a religion and a philosophy teaches tolerance, putting up with what you have etc. It is perfect for a society where stability and social order is important over personal aspirations. To compare Thai society to the US is not particularly instructive as most posters start from the presumption that either Thais want American social mores and practices or that it is the norm from which Thai society should be judged. Why?????? Surely the Thai Buddhist society is a mature society which works as well as any.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:27 pm on July 28, 2004
one thing that Westernization has done is creating the drive for/to materialism. and that makes some of us see why they would prefer not to be Westernized in many instances... Some drive a Benz or BMW and can barely afford their house & car payments, but they look good to their peers... Once they wreck the car & stop maintaining their house, what's left ??
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:33 pm on July 28, 2004
We should actually define what is hiso and who is entitled to be classified as hiso.... I fail to see how that pack of ladymen, tomboy, 2baht actressess, half farang singers etc get to fit into this category.... At the best of my knowledge, hiso should be someone beloning to the elite in terms of financial power, academic record or noble titles.....and usually, in LOS as well in the rest of the world, REAL hiso people tend to avoid the spotlight and follow the rule "if you are rich and powerful, you don't need to show it"......
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:44 pm on July 28, 2004
true, true, BUT, for every Real Hi-So, there are 10 or more WannaBees... and some/many ruin their lives trying to be like their idols, and if they are as materialistic as all that, once they're ruined, then they truly are ruined (in their own eyes)...
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:48 pm on July 28, 2004