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MainAnything else? – Motto Driver pissed, T- Bones my tgf `s Toyota Hilux All Topics

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Ok well I have great results for my Pi Bah ? Pi Pob questions, well here is another but not relating to Phrases but accidents and such.

My TGF and I talk and sms every day other than when she gets on the drink, Ive told her to turn her phone off and not to sms me, as Ive said in the past its like dealing with a 14 year old not 32 years old.

Well last night I tried to call, no answer, no reply to sms, so I thought oh well she is having a Sat night drinks.

Called her this morning to see how she was feeling ready to rag her about feeling crook.

She answered with my Darling I killed some one last night and I thought it was to late to call you.

Story has it that a pissed farmers son shot out of a sub soi on the major Highway that heads to Pichet and went side on into her Hilux, dead on Impact, no helmet of course.

Police attended ect her sister and Grand Father made statements all is good.

Well the Police called her this morning saying she has to come back to Police station to organise merrit with the young boys parents and work out compensation, well I said wtf, not one baht should be paid, his fault.

She just wants to pay and finish the matter up.

Question in a matter like this is how much would you guys think that the " poor sons " family would want, yes I know " how long is a piece of string ". ?

Maybe some others have been down this rd ?

I told her no more than 8 k for the family and to organise a temple for the young lad, to do merrit for the family does this seam fair ?

btw, the MIB said the young man was drunk and stank like it.

Your thoughts once again gents, over to you !


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:53 pm on Dec. 1, 2007
So did she finally ask you to come up with some cash?
If that's the case - to be honest, it smells like a rat for me. Same like the old buffalo sick story.
If not a fair sum certainly depends on a number of issues, but to provide for the burial the mentioned 8 - 10 k seems reasonable for me.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:31 am on Dec. 2, 2007
Question in a matter like this is how much would you guys think that the " poor sons " family would want, yes I know " how long is a piece of string ". ?


Brother if you cant see through this you need your head testing,

there is no dead boy on a motorbike, stand up and tell her sorry it was his fault out of principle you will not pay,

if you do pay then you will pay for the rest of your life,

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:24 am on Dec. 2, 2007

Quote: from issanking on 9:39 pm on Dec. 2, 2007 "Brother if you cant see through this you need your head testing ".
Hold on, your talking about my mate here. As a matter of fact he did have his head examined about 3 weeks ago and the head is OK. The neurosurgeons report stated it was a 100% negative result.

Not too many people can boast a 100% medical result.

ISK. Why would there be a dead boy on a motorbike. That would be some pretty fancy riding, IF, that is the case or was it Pi Boh or whatever (the friendly ghost).

Surely the rider would have been a live boy.

Just joking to the pair of you.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:59 am on Dec. 2, 2007
All she does is call him names anyway... 5555

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:09 am on Dec. 2, 2007

are you serious? and did she actually ask you for the money?


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:34 am on Dec. 2, 2007
Shredded Wheat
I hope your TG has recovered from the shock.

To my mind, if your TG can afford a Toyota Hi Lux she can probably afford to pay the THB 8k - THB10K the boy's family are after. However should they not pay your girlfriend for damage caused to her car? Maybe that amounted to THB20K or THB30K so they should be paying her net. Did you suggest to her that she asks the police to extract some cash from the boy's family to pay for the damage to her car?

You may be able to find out if this is a scam by reading the next edition of the Pattaya Mail on line. It sounds like the type of story they like to cover: "Drunk motorcyclist crashes into car and kills himself". If he was on his way to a gambling den or fleeing from a robbery even better. If the PM is silent about it then I agree with other posters that this is a scam.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:17 pm on Dec. 2, 2007
Sounds like you need to know the meaning of into deep Pichet.

Have her send you a photo from her phone of the damage to the Hi Lux.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 pm on Dec. 2, 2007
Thanks for the replies guys, even the funny won Barra

Spoke to her last night, all is well no money was exchanged.She did volunteer to help with Temple and merrit.She has a good heart.
Police pointed out to the boys parents that it was the sons fault, thus no money was to be asked for by them

In regards to the Damage she has full insurance for the Hilux and will be getting it assessed today

Sorry no sick Buffalo story here.

So all ended well, thanks once again guys


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:12 pm on Dec. 2, 2007
SO5 (Beretta)

Mate theres Always THREE sides to a Story!

Theres, Yours and the Truth.

I suggest to You that you do some digging.

I'm not being a smart arse

Ask her for a picture and a copy of the police report.

To easy?

Like many punters that take care of a TG

Tell them you have to many bills and can't help out with $$ for a few months!

Then see what happens

Sweet mouths be Care full!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:13 pm on Dec. 3, 2007

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