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MainNewbie questions – How accurate is 'Private Dancer' by Stephen Leather All Topics

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Hi aeroman,

you will find that most of the books unavailable at home or at Amazon can be easily found in BKK and BKK airport book stores w/o problems - at cheaper prices as well.

I think that Stick's list of favourite books is pretty good - Leather's  "Solitary Man" and the "Big Mango" are worthwile candidates - and there are some more good books written in other languages as well...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:21 pm on May 8, 2003
Thanks, Fritz!

I'm a big fan of Stickman's site. It is what lead to my reading the PDF of Private Dancer; he had a link on the main page. I've read some of his reviews. I am always interested in a diverse opinion. It helps to get more than one viewpoint. Could you suggest a good bookstore or two to peruse, when I arrive?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:29 pm on May 8, 2003
Private Dancer
A Woman Of Bangkok by Jack Reynolds
These are the best books for me !

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:10 am on May 10, 2003
OK so I had insomnia night before last and gave this a read... Perhaps it was the multiple xanex I had already necked but 90 minute read my ass !!!

My initial impressions are it was not particularly well written (trying to do a Transpotting but without the flair of the multi charachter interaction) and for me way too stereotypical in its charachters. The seem more like charicatures of punters and BG's than 'real' people..

The few parts that did ring true for me (apologies to thai nationals reading this that may / will dissagree) were some of the observations on 'face', not being able to offer advice (it must be the Thai way etc) and some of the comments Re xenaphobia against farangs... I hope that does not make me sound like a bitter complaining farang as I love living here but those are traits I recognise.

No one else seems to have mentioned.. The story starts with Pete killing Joy... Without spoiling the ending look where it morphs to !!! Did no one else seem to spot this HUGE plot f_ckup !!!! Makes no damn sense at all !!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:27 am on May 27, 2004
As every one know by now I writing some books. I am not that advanced as mr SL but one thing I noticed in the book I been reading trough (30 of them all about girls and bars) All of them have diffrent views about Thailand. Some of them things WAI is all about Thailand some think SANOOK is Thailand (maybe before they had money) for me Sannok is just a BIG problem when you deal with them. Some of the writers love the bar scene while some said they never have been in a bar (bloody lier) Some love to squat in a toliet in Isan and would never live in Sheraton. So I Think this book is HIS way to see the bar scene. And yes no bar girl have ever tried to kill me. Stab me but not kill me.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:24 am on May 27, 2004

Bookshops - IMHO the best stocked book shop in Bangkok is Kinokuniya on the 3rd floor of Emporium. On the same floor there is also Asia Books which has shops thoughout Bangkok and a reasonable selection of books relating to Thailand.

If you are looking for speciality english novels about Thailand that are only published in Thailand then try Bookazine (main branch is between Suk 3 and 5). Alternatively they can be ordered online from the following web site.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:55 am on May 27, 2004

You only have to read this forum to realise that guys take wildly different attitudes towards LOS, Thais, the bar scene, BGs, everything. I don't think these are just differences of perspective; the attitudes people bring along with them are likely to influence the experiences they actually have.

BGs can be anything from pitiable victims of exploitation, to conniving rip-off merchants, degraded little sluts or pretty ordinary girls just trying to do a job. Up to you, as they say.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:20 am on May 27, 2004
The book doesn't start with Pete killing Joy... it starts with Pete "thinking" that he's killed Joy. That distinction makes the ending logically consistent - and more interesting because you think you know the ending but you dont.

I liked the subject matter and plotting of the main story but it seems like there is an awful lot of filler in there. I started skipping the secondary character commentary after awhile and the recipes altogether.

I got a kick out of Leather's little comment at the end about the story being "perfect just as it is." And he wonders why no one wants to publish it...

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:03 pm on June 1, 2004
Quote from Arcadius "BGs can be anything from pitiable victims of exploitation, to conniving rip-off merchants, degraded little sluts or pretty ordinary girls just trying to do a job. Up to you, as they say. "

I like to find pretty ordinary girls that have degraded into little sluts before they become rip-off merchants so I can exploit them.

Some say this is a bad attitude.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:27 pm on June 1, 2004

I started skipping the secondary character commentary after awhile and the recipes altogether.

Yeah the recipes are dreadfull........

PD will be soon published in Bangkok minus the recipes and with some minor changes and an update on the life of the main characters since the events.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Jan. 10, 2005

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