Quote: from Abrak on 9:19 am on Dec. 2, 2005 Back to Scobie and TU's little tiff. One thing to remember is that any Thai girl who dates farang - p4p or otherwise - has, in many respects, already rejected many of the rigid social rules inherent in Thai society. Simply by going with a farang she is no longer considered a 'good girl' by Thai standards. As such, the Thai girl with a farang BF has already thrown the rule book out of the window. That said, the chances of having a successful and honest relationship with a non-bar girl or p4p must be infinitely better. Scobie is right to take the view that 'miles of farang cock' is likely to leave a girl 'emotionally scarred'. If you are choosing to have a GFE in Thailand I see little or no upside from choosing a girl from the p4p arena.
Completely agree on the first point she will be marked as damaged goods by the Thai's period end of story. But on the second point, it is really not the miles of farang cock that scars them, but besides the quick buck many girls really believe that they can find a rich farang to take them out of this business and take care of them and their family. The broken promises and lies told by their customers quickly take their toll supported by their co-worker's experiences. Once the realities set in that they are going to be providing a service taking miles of farang cock in their bodies they quickly turn into players that scheme how much money they can bilk out of their customers. I feel that this process happens in less than three months on the job. Now the problem with pursuing long-term relationships with "good girls" is once you reach the point when you are f***ing these girls and then realize for what ever reasons that you are not compatible, Look out! The clinginess of a "Good Girl" needs to be experienced to be appreciated. The stories depicting the wrath of a "good girl" who feels betrayed by her lover makes child's play out of P4P girls playing other guys. These "good girls" can create the worse havoc in short order whereas a P4P girl understands it is just one of the risks of the job and will move on and let it go. Scobie you can stick to your principle, but as Abrak points out once a Thai Girl decides to date a farang she is off limits to Thai's so the 80% that you are talking about is mostly off limits to farangs and the percentage of the 80% that is available to the farangs, on a percentage basis has a higher probability of working at some point in time in exchange for gifts or money. Coupled with the clingy factor, I myself think it is more riskier going after the "good girls" and would prefer hunting down newbie’s to P4P as these girls have taken the first step to becoming corruptible. Then I simply take over as the corrupter. I have seen many of these many of these “good girl” marriages and it is not my cup of tea. In fact, it is the reason that the huge Thai P4P industry exists in the first place and the farang frequented places are a mere micro-cosmism of this industry. So after some good sex the “good” husbands go back to their boring “good girls” I find the writings of Stickman very funny as he purports the virtues of his “good girl” but he still needs to visit NEP, Soi Cowbow, Patpong and Pattaya all in the name of reporting. Yeah Right! Now maybe if he was getting paid for his column I would buy that theory. I think the cost of boredom of the “Good Girls” is too high of a price to pay to try appear acceptable to Thai Society. So at the end of the day you have to realize what you want for yourself as goals and find a partner that best meets those goals. Now if you are influenced by what society dictates what is the proper thing to do then you are really living in as much as a fantasy as the P4P girl. I myself could not stand living with a “Good Girl” and all the trappings that go along with it. I am happy with my corruptible girl and find it very enjoyable that I do not have to go into the P4P scene for any sexual satisfaction. I realized that it would be a tough find to locate a “Good Girl” that shared my deviant behavior. So my principle is the P4P area is no better or no worse than finding a long-term relationship provided the girl is not hardened by the scene. To me the emotional mine field that exists in hunting down good girls is far riskier than locating P4P virgins whose physiological characteristics are aligned with mine. I have respect for guys that seek out “good girls” and then stay with them and do not seek any P4P action any further. I find it ludicrous of guys who purport the “good girls” and criticize guys for seeking P4P girls then at the same time use P4P as a sexual outlet. What hypocrisy! I find it a warped set of principles that you claim loyalty on one hand to your “Good Girl” then go out to P4P for sex then criticize other guys for seeking P4P girls as long-term partners.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:53 pm on Dec. 1, 2005
Mr Daddy
"I have respect for guys that seek out “good girls” and then stay with them and do not seek any P4P action any further. I find it ludicrous of guys who purport the “good girls” and criticize guys for seeking P4P girls then at the same time use P4P as a sexual outlet." Alright, but am I allowed to sleep with p4p chciks until my good girl is ready for some loving? I'll give her all the time she needs but I'm gonna need a release in the meantime.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:02 am on Dec. 2, 2005
scobie and TU's little tiff? I dont think so. Reading his last very articulate post I find myself in complete agreement with him.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:07 am on Dec. 2, 2005
dirty guru
Again I say Bangkok is like the mouth of a river, its a zoo, and the behaviour and observations made about working girls is seen through those coloured glasses of its inhabitates. (children visting a zoo dont see natural habits and real behaviour its all entrappment and false) I have seen where they return to and where they leave from. Its mostly countryside. Go look at the mas exodus on around Songran...mulititudes of girls heading home. (to the source of this river of p4p girls) The faces of these girls on arrival home is remarkably happy and fine. I watched and helped collect two girls from "phan" 80 clicks south of Chaing Rai (farming areas) at the Bus terminal with my girlfriends younger sister. They were beaming which left no doubt the old hooker saying "'OUR HOME IS OUR HEART" as being true. Naturally at 22 they had both collectively had a few years between them hooking already, one was 18 the other just 17 I was told. (one was gogo and prettier) the other beer bar girl, but really happy type and a good 6.5) The new mobiles (with picture and video features) Gold necklace, and the numbers of three or 4 potential husbands on the screen impressed the sister alot. (she was fat and worked cutting hair at 4000 a month) The first thing they did was change at our house into modest clothes, and remove the gold. (while the sister skipped breakfast and annonced her 100th diet attempt) My girlfriend abused both me for going to the bus terminal (knowing I was excited to meet hookers that far north in a rural area) And them for changing in front of me. ( gee that was a rush at 7am ) After breakfast we drove them to their near by village homes. To give you an insight here. In those parts its "'good girl"' ideal is so strong, everyone lies about what there daughters actually do. ( but everyone knows and accepts as often money is borrowed so naturally noi is a waitress who met a nice man) Its an offence to kiss publicly. (I once was riding a motor bike with no helmet and a beer in hand, but the 100 baht fine was for placing hand on girlfriends bum and kissing her ) Buddha and Temples are the rule. Up there people chase you when you over pay with your change. Tips are refused for charging up a mobile in their store. There are no westerners. Its bizzare. Sunday is Temple day at 4pm. Its a very straight social custom. But the hypocrisy is deafing. I soon discovered girls at Honda motor bike repairs (now theres a mechanic) Were passing at me heavey seduction Tactics. Bank girls. Even her cousin who sold insurance * (another scarred ex hooker)...................Not. What was staggering is those same two girls at a dinner (feast) 3 days later look and acted like butter wouldnt melt in their mouth. I have sat on a bus after dark to Chiang mai 5 hours away, and what I knew as a very decent girl working in the markets (see Ging my avarter) wasnt so innocent. She point blank asked me if I would be interested in having my cock sucked when we arrivved? She was working as a hooker a week later (but hadnt before)........after a year she is the proverbial "'happy hooker" Infact they all are! The only scar evidence usually comes from girls in Thai brothels. They are much uglier used as dogs. Ordinary Married Thai woman are the ones depressed (when the husbands a drunk and broke) These girls on return to village dont always disguise they occuptional sins. I wrote 7 months ago about a hooker in the local bank that attracted alot of attension in that small rural conservative towns eyes. Until the money on opening the account came out. It was so visible (the smirking teller no longer looking down at her) Money is the God. In Bangkok the comfortable middle class Thai s Play out this game of Good girl /bad girl. Some sucker Farangs (actually buy it) I have seen the rantings of Stickman, and his predictable stories. The truth be known, I have seen middle class aunties remark in Thai to another 40 year old woman. "These farangs would f*** a pig"'........ ( then continue talking about whether their daughter is doing anal, and insisted she never did when she worked) A second later she would be acting virtuously and scorning about mannersisms of another girl in the village, from a lesser family. sweeping hypocrisy! (from an ex hooker) whose daughter alternates between Uni and weekend tricks at night in Chiang Mai. Even alot of senior school girls in the most restrictive religious towns are these days more attracted to p4p over educational jobs.Its just f***ing insane to read this bullshit about good girls. (whats so f***ing evil about f***ing for money?) Go back to church you shallow shithead......if I were poor girl in Thailand I might consider the option. So what if they want a few Baht and do what otherwise they would for free, (or do you buy that virgin story?) These are just Thai girls/woman doing what woman have for thousands of years....open legs for gain. I have sat next to red riding hoods in Thailand a 1000 miles from Bangkok, and within 15 minutes they are squeezing cock under a blanket on the short drunken trip home from Chiang Rai (an hour) and giving me their number.....i dont accept half the time because they are doubtfully 19..... (but claim to be ) I would motor bike ride into their villages fields sometime later, and with no prompting they would suck cock well, swallow it, drip every drop out, suck your balls for ten minutes, and happily ask 300 baht tops. Even sound like an embarrased extortionist asking for that much) Its the good girls scobie that are doing it. I bet I could wrestle your so called good girl away from you. You sound like a shallow prick, and most likely have a small dick (you have previously said you dont particularly like bar girls) maybe they laugh at you mr scobie? Do you have a ladyboy walk? and that they tease you about? I am just intrigued that you dwell here on a pussy forum> Why do you and Daffy both resent the whores, but just love the attension and guys on a pussy forum? Are you both sweet? Why pretend to be better more class. (i wouldnt want to go where guru has, is that your excuse for rebuffing the 20% of Thailands girls "that they hook?"..................Shallow............But more than that.......................... Its just an breathtaking to read "'good girl shit here" Even a thai upper class * (had 3 businesses good house) woman. Not knowing I spoke enough thai to understand. She would scorn her daughters dress length about to go to the saturday night disco. Later I find out she hooked in Pattaya 20 years ago for a whole six months. The hidden fact is that many have worked short time. Uni girls in Chiang Mai flood the beer bars on Friday nights and saturdays......all good girls who will go on to meet Mr Scoobies idea of good girl. The trouble with Farangs that come to Thailand and live in the Zoo * and havent really been to the rivers source (where the hookers come from and return to) is their views are tainted. The horror stories overwhelm them. The christian associated views of sex intergrated with morals and emotions. Thai working woman see it as an itch a farang wants scratched. The noises and hugs are sure an act. But many are just fine dancing their little arses of hard at 1am looking for some cock and 1000 more baht to take back to the bank north. Its just a bumpy baht bus ride on sheets, and ten field days pay in the morning. This victimized idea, or never change scarred bullshit is foolish. Sure do YA ba get f***ed up. Do gangbangs get f***ed up. But the only difference between a western girl that gets screwed in pubs and bars 50 times a year, and feels satisfied. Is these girls are doing it with guys 3 times more and getting often a meal at midnight and 1000 or 2000 baht thrown in. They are woman, and frankly laugh at the girlie concerns here. But make no mistake.....give them a real shot at going straight and marriage many will take it. The very bottom line is even life with a scobie, is better than poverty and "not Have"' Trick is nuturing love........Financially dependant relations statically are the longest lasting. They have hearts, real tears. Treat them gentle and kind and its all very possible. The nay sayers are just living in the fast Rat race, and know not Thai realities. : :
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 pm on Dec. 2, 2005
Well, DG, gotta say this rings a resonant chord with me... see the same thing upcountry, goin' on 4 years now. It's a strange interplay of the good girl/bad girl roles, and it sure as heck ain't Western. Stick's living in a very specific world; I understand his POV but I think the reality goes far beyond what he's reporting. - Balls
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:38 pm on Dec. 2, 2005
Quote: from Abrak on 9:19 am on Dec. 2, 2005 If you are choosing to have a GFE in Thailand I see little or no upside from choosing a girl from the p4p arena.
For those of us who do not live in Thailand all the time, and have limited time, p4p girls are easier to meet as well as easier to get free time with (the don't usually have other jobs). Most importantly, the GFE is on YOUR terms without them constantly hassling you as to what you are doing when you are not with them - at least the ones I have had GFE with. And I have found a couple of very sweet-hearted girls (at least to me) to have lots of fun with, and not have to bear the hassles of having them interfering with my life and having the duty of taking any responsibility for theirs. And, in the long run, you probably spend less money. Not that this is a big deal, though. I am constantly on the lookout for new candidates for fun on my free time in Thailand. Found a great one just last month, now I gotta make some time for her. Or not. Up to me. Now finding good ones for GFE takes time, effort and dedication, and I am happy to undertake that task! Now we are talking about a GFE here, not a serious girlfriend or a wife.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:53 pm on Dec. 2, 2005
DG.. I'd love to read your novel, but your stream of consciousness style makes Virginia Woolf's stuff look sane. However, if you really believe (and you seem to be suggesting it) that every TG is either a hooker or a potential hooker, then it will be hard to disabuse you of that farcical illusion. And it shows a complete contempt of Thai people on your part. Yes, there may have been some desperate girls who you come into contact with offering to blow you on a bus or on a plane (another of your fantasies, remember?), but you will also have come across hundreds of thousands who didnt, who never will, and who would never contemplate it. As Dotcom once said: If you live in shit, it's hard to smell the roses. As many others have said: You're a fool. So let's make a deal. You stay in your world of getting girls to blow you for 300 baht and be happy ok? I'll stay in mine and be comfortable that the two will never mix.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:53 am on Dec. 3, 2005
dirty guru
Who is delussional now/ Why is it comptemptious of Thai society ? You convientally quoted the ordinary (non hookers who wanted to blow me for 300 baht as evidence of your superior viewpoint. But you didnt address the ordinary Bank girls, ordinary shop woman, and alike who never hooked, Yet according to you are living in shit (as I am ) for what ? Being interested in hooking/seduction? You take the cake with your high mighty "'good /bad girl shit. I illustrated clearly that perhasp (not all) but most Thai woman do have a sex for cash agenda. Sure wealthy Thais will say it isnt so. I know many (yes many ) uni girls that would swear blind they dont f*** for cash to the entire world. While I have put one up their tight arse in Chiang Mai plaza. I have been to the most hypocrisy filled places in ThaiLand (far from living in shit ) it was conservative, religious country. Some writers here back up what I say. If anything Bangkok is artifical shithole. What do you know of Thai society? They say one thing and as we all know do another. Any fool that enters walking street can see tourist police willing and able to assist organized prostitution. (by directing you, guarding you) ANother writer on this thread correctly identified you as a guy seeking middle class Thai approval. But I bet the "'so called good girl "' you seek out was possibly once doing tricks in CM2 nightclub while at UNI. You are completely naieve to the scale of it, and take the hypocritical line of Thailand. They know its bigger than Ben Hur (hooking) everyone goverment included want a piece of the action $$$ Wankers like you on a pussy forum, can discribe them as whores, and beneath you, but as I said mr scobie, you shouldnt be here, if you think so poorly of them. Smell the roses....in that shit hole (that is Bangkok?) Give me freedom and open northern countryside and a motor bike. I have lived with a Uni educated girl, in absolute bliss with her daughter on a farm, with rainbows, sunsets, and love all around. I almost made it (stopped butterflying) it amuses me some "hairdresser commentor type guy in Bangkok dares to even begin to evaluate middle class thai hypocrisy and values on a pussy forum. Your view is "whores dont equate more than shit" Go stick your roses up your bum and f*** off! :: : Lest you dwell here as a hypocritic and Bangkok As god knows what?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:39 pm on Dec. 3, 2005
Bangkok Chang
Wherther DG's posts are true accounts or not, they make amusing reading. I have this vision of everyone shoving their hands down his pants every time he leaves his apartment. A friend of mine has been seeing a female cop (some admin job) for a few months now. I'll tell him to shove it in her mouth and I'll let you know how things go. OK?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:42 pm on Dec. 3, 2005