oh and about guns, Got caught at Bangkok airport this year with a gun in our hand baggage..leaving los.. A water gun it was just after Songkran, ha ha, my darling wife's family had put a bloody great water pistol in the hand baggage, I thought we were in for it but they all smiled and waied us on, what the guy must of thought looking through the x-ray thingy I do not know. This is typical though my missus thinks that the metal detector thingy's go pip pip pip if someone has crack with them so nothing suprises me. TIT
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:21 am on July 16, 2004
Get a connecting flight i.e thai airways to Dussoldorf germany, your luggage gets put in another plane in Europe without checking, no dogs can smell doggy dvds right. When you arrive in London just say guten tag they think you came from germany no sweat, like the boys said this is insignificant only if they are bored you could get screwed This works, I usually fly BA, so if I am asked, I just say I have flown in from London. Just remember to take your baggage tags off, because this will show your stop over points.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:57 pm on July 16, 2004
and be careful about what duty free bags you are carrying. No point in pretending you are coming in from Europe with 2 BKK airport duty free bags in your hands..!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:23 pm on July 19, 2004
At least when you travel via Germany you don't have to fear the customs. There is a special administrative regulation saying that copied products which are brought for *personal use* are exempt from being seized by the customs. I have seen the report on TV. So you can bring is as many illegall copies as you want as long as they are for personal use only. Of course, if you have 10 or more pieces of the same CD or DVD in your bag that argumentation will become difficult... The link is here (German only) : www.daserste.de/plusminus/beitrag.asp?iid=181
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:55 pm on July 25, 2004
dan the dodge
well I made it very scary walking through UK custems, you can see them all staring at ya, I just kept a cool smile and was ok, wasnt pleasant at all tho!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:04 am on July 27, 2004
------------------------------------------------------------------ At least when you travel via Germany you don't have to fear the customs. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, Latino, that's a great piece of info you give us there. Of course it matters where your end destinations is, not through which countries you travel. Unless you vote to settle in Germany in favour of handing over your fake DVDs to your local custom officer.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 am on July 27, 2004
dan the dodge
erm, do you not have to go through the same custems from whereever you fly from? there were loads of other people from many different flights walking with us, and they seemed to pick out the asian people,didnt really notice any white people getting searched.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:24 am on July 28, 2004
I'm in BKK about every 9 weeks and most times have taken back about 20-30 DVDs...never pornos though. Have always just put them in my luggage no problem...even keep a couple in my hand baggage with portable DVD player to watch on the plane. As for stun guns...have taken 3 back on separate visits, the ones that double up as torches. Just popped the pin out and put them in my hand luggage.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:08 am on July 28, 2004
If you live in Europe and call a satellite dish with two LNBs and the right equipment your own (receiver, CAM) you won't need to buy any more (porn) DVDs. The Digital+ package from Spain (Astra 19,2° east), the TPS packacke from France (Hotbird 13° east) and the SkyItaly package (Hotbird 13° east) are open now. Seca 2 is definitely hacked. The files and the codes are available on the internet. I have tested it. All channels are running on my TV. That means more porn and movies than you can possibly handle, and totally for free. During the daytime at least 4 X-channels, during the night time 20 or more porn channels. There is no need to travel to LOS to buy some old porn DVDs.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:41 pm on Aug. 5, 2004
For those of you who are planning an intermediate stop on the way home from BKK, another reason to add to the paranoia. Article from today's Gulf News, 23 Aug, page 3: ON VISIT: Tourist fined for carrying obscene CDs Dubai A tourist who brought 20 pornographic CDs as gifts for his friends has been fined Dh3,000. The Dubai Court of First Instance heard that the 31-year-old Briton, S.J., had intended to stay for only one night in Dubai. He was stopped by customs officers at Dubai International Airport after a flight from Bangkok on July 5, when a collection of CDs was spotted in his luggage. When he opened his luggage, the CDs were found to be pornographic. The 31-year-old told customs officers he had bought the CDs as gifts for his friends. He allegedly intended to use the CDs for himself rather than distribute them in UAE. 3000 dhs is $822USD. Notice he was stopped at the airport; for those of you who don't know, every bag is x-rayed on arrival in Dubai, UAE. So be careful what you have in your luggage, even if you're just passing through. Happened in Dubai, could happen elsewhere.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:35 am on Aug. 23, 2004