Thanks all for the suggestions, I am aware of the scheme and situation. Real Thai ruby price is high indeed if its of a good quality especially. Hence my question on this forum. aesthete, you wrote: "go to a reputable dealer". I was asking for this info actually. Do you know a reputable dealer shop specializing in gem stones, Ruby especially? You can still find real thai rubies (old stock), I just wonder the place to get one without being cheated of course, and price (per carat for a 2-3 carat stone). Cheers! Ap.-
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:37 am on Nov. 9, 2005
Why would you like a thai ruby over a burmese one?? Actually mines by the cambodian border seem to be producing very small sizes nowadays, most of it with a very strong purple shade. Many guys around still carry stocks of old thai rubies and there's no premium on them, dunno why you're so hot about them but yes big shops around Silom/Maesak are allegedlymoreorless trustable. Ask for a certificate of origin from a reputable lab if that makes U feel better, although they're not 100% foolproof
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:07 pm on Nov. 9, 2005
"and price (per carat for a 2-3 carat stone). " I have friends dealing in 3ct rubies from price ranging roughly from 0.5$/ct to 50 000$/ct. Hope that helps. AP
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:05 pm on Nov. 9, 2005
Amores is correct, if you are looking for quality, forget about the concept of having a 'Thai' ruby and look for a Burmese one instead. A certificate from a reputable lab such as Gemresearch (20th Floor JTC) indicating origin Burma will automatically enhance the desirability of the gem.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:15 pm on Nov. 10, 2005