Ello lads pisspots sexpats and who ever . Well she is at it again, sounds like days of our lives and much thanks to you guys for the help in thoughts and in sites and variant translations of her sms ! Ok here we go again, had my beautiful Fiance on the phone again tonight yacking about her day ect ect, Just to clarrify won matter to all, she isnt a Bar girl ! but has been having fun with my English me Being Australian, and trying to cum to Terms with the way we speak and spew out our form of English. So be it. OK here it is, maybe this a personal one, I dont give a feck ! 1. I RUM KARN YOU ! 2.I LOVE YOU AND RUM KARN MY TEERAK MAK MAK I know Teerac, mak mak ect as most do but its " Rum karn" Again her spelling on sms. Once again over to you Guys, SeaJohn this one should be a brease for you,. ! Beretta
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:02 am on June 14, 2008
actually, "annoyed by"
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:30 pm on June 14, 2008
I like LY's a bit more in that the word is used as an adjective. Someone or some situation is annoying. I don't ever hear it as an active verb, such as I annoy you. But maybe it could; Thai grammar being as flexible as anything else when spoken. I'd like to hear some examples if that is the case. So something like this seems more common: You annoy me: Khun tum hai rao rumkarn. is rendered as "You make me (us) annoyed." (I don't remember how it's spelled in Thai) Or I make you annoyed, etc. So, yes, it looks like she is saying she loves you and annoys you. But of course her combining it with English in that confusing manner could produce a meaning like DrL's above too, conceivably. Well, Beretta, are you learning Thai yet?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:42 am on June 15, 2008