Mel Gibson
The sound between the kh and the p/b is an a/u.Half way between an a as in bad and a u as in cup. Similiarly the ending is half way between "p" and " b". A few years ago I was having great trouble differentiating between khai and kai ( egg and chicken ), Lonely planet book changed there spelling for chicken to GAI,, ahh its more g/k, problem solved.Same thing worked for khao (rice) and kaew ( glass /cup) changed to Khao and GAEW. Always remember,,, you will spend hundreds of hours learning, practicing, learning then you will neet a great girl from Isaan, go to her home town and every bastard speaks Loas so you understand sweet F8ck all Illie ( jing jing). Cheers
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:29 am on May 24, 2006
the sound between the kh and the p has an R in it. Admittedly most people drop that R, but correct pronounciation and correct spelling undoubtedly include it.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:13 am on May 24, 2006
Mel, sorry if I'm pedantic, but was your problem there also a confusion of vowels (as well as with the consonants) ? The relationship English has with its vowels is much different to Thai's with its vowels: namely, Thai's vowels are more distinct. "Same thing worked for khao (rice) and kaew ( glass /cup) changed to Khao and GAEW" Yes, you're right Thai for glass uses a g. But if you'd confused the ae vowel with the ao vowel as well I'd say that would have confused Thai listeners more. As for the male polite word, the r inside should be used, though it's unstressed, in very formal situations. Don't know how many on this board will find themselves there though. As long as people are not saying Crap in any case.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on May 24, 2006
Yes, Tyfon, you're right--one has to be willing to move one's face and mouth in ways opposed to previous training, even to feel slightly ridiculous doing so at first. But, as you pointed out, of course one should not go on pronouncing words according to a book when it differs from common native usage of the language and is therefore inappropriate. Linguists put the h after k to indicate an aspirated k as opposed to unaspirated (such as in Kai, egg) --two different letters in Thai alphabet. It is possible to learn how to either unaspirate or aspirate a k. Put a sheet of paper in front of your mouth and pronounce each. English language teachers know the same trick when teaching students the difference between our aspirated and unaspirated forms of th (as in "there" and "thistle") All 6 Thai ending consonants are swallowed, so not pronounced strongly. The reason for all the spellings is not defective hearing but a lack of consensus in transliterating sounds which do not regularly occur in English. And rightly there should be a reluctance to end sentences with "crap" (with the American short a not the British short a--previously discussed) since that is not only incorrect but bizarre.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:48 am on May 24, 2006
And rightly there should be a reluctance to end sentences with "crap" since that is not only incorrect but bizarre.
You've completely lost me with that one?... You are saying there is no "roh rua" in the Thai spelling of the word? Is has, is and always will be spelt with an 'r' in it and is correctly pronounced with it.....British people drop the 'h' at the start of words, thai people drop the 'r' in khrap, but it doesn't make it correct. Your statement is so bizarre that I still think I have misunderstood it, if I have...apologies.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:25 am on May 24, 2006
Mel Gibson
The "r" is definately there,, but have you noticed as Thai people get to know you better the KHRUB becomes a ( my opinion) slightly less foormal and shorter kup. AHH it is obvious that I need to spend a long long time in Thailand to sort this out,,, now if I can oonly find a way to convinvce my ( thai ) wife that living there is good ( LOL )
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:51 pm on May 24, 2006
'Krap' is pronounced as: krap kap kaaaaaahp It all depends on the person talking.. even children might pronounce it differently than adults. It's the same issue as the 'r' and 'l' thing... I personally use the 'kap' thing... no 'r'...
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:43 am on May 25, 2006
Fellas, this is like a convention of pedants arguing about the nuance of politeness. 'Khap' is less polite than 'khrap' is less polite than khaphom. Yesterday I actually got a khraphom. Khap and khrap are interchangeable and up to the speakers' discretion.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:31 am on May 25, 2006
Skip is it about politeness?..or the spelling and correct pronunciation of a word? we are not talking about 2 different words here............
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:07 am on May 25, 2006