Don't forget they often do weird things like name them the way they want them to be, not the way they are. Also see they could have been the youngest, not the smallest. Or they could come from extraordinarily large families, in which they are the smallest!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:20 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
A couple of things about nicknames. One strange thing that I heard was the belief of spirits coming in the night to steal beautiful babies. Hence the nicknames tend to be unflattering like pig, prawn, ant etc. Not beautiful, flower, gold etc. One other I came across was that a couple of girls I knew by their Sa and Nid names told me not to call them that in their villages but to use their real names. They chose "working" names so that they would not be easily identified to save a little face.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:01 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
Yup...seubeu's got it there and also they do sometimes use sarcasm...I know nicknames given as the total opposite of any characteristics....including one Lek *because I was a fat baby* @Edge....LOL...good choice of examples of beautiful things....however one of the biggest insults to a Thai Female is to call her a Golden Flower...don't make the mistake of putting them together
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:19 pm on Jan. 5, 2003
BK: So .. can you please address me as: YAI JEAB = Big baby chicken Oh .. you meant for us to chose a name for the females!! *wink* ha ha ha ha!!! Since I have not written any f.r's I guess I don't have this issue / problem!! At least not yet. ha ha ha!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:25 pm on Mar. 31, 2003
With regard to Thai names, Thais did not have surnames until the turn of the Christian century when the monarch decreed that this ought to be and communities were left to their judgement to choose what they should be. Ggiven names are suggested by monks on the birth of a child and the name is dependant upon the time of their birth. Nicknames, by which all Thais are known amongst their friends, are given by their parents and this is generally a characteristic of the baby or the birth (eg if it was raining fon(rain) or far(sky). Their is normally no relationship between their "official" name and their nickname, except when the parent chooses to shorten the given name eg given Watsana: nickname Wat.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:32 pm on April 6, 2003
Nicknames do not have to be words either. Sometimes they are just sounds or syllables. I have a friend named after the particular way he used to cry as a baby. You get your first nickname from your parents. Some familes choose to rhyme a generation. So you'll have bro's and sis and cousins named like mac, mic, may, man etc. Then a thai may get a second nickname in school. Perhaps they share a nickname with someone else and want to differentiate. And then a girl may get another name when they start "working".
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:43 am on June 7, 2003
Thought I would add a post here to help Y'all farangs. All thai's have nicknames to fool the evil spirits. They believe that if they use a false name "nickname" evil spirits (not just awipe farangs) will not be able to find them. Changing nicknames everyso often keeps the spirits confused.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:34 pm on Feb. 12, 2004
My mate, who is a mad liverpool supporter nicknamed his son after their home ground... Anfield; Anoher one is "Captain'... as in Khup, Tan...'Yes, Mister'
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:42 pm on Feb. 12, 2004
When I went to the RT at Priviledge Restaurant last October I sat next to a girl who told me her name was "Pin". I couldn't work out if she said "Pin" or "Bin" so I asked her to spell it and she said "P-L-E". I thought she was trying to be funny so I concentrated on fondling her backside after that. Anyway, it turns out that Thais pronounce "Apple" as "Appen" and so "pen" or "pin" is short for Apple. I found that most intertesting. I also met a pregnant lady the other night (no, she wasn't in a bar) and she told me she wanted to call her unborn son "forgut". I asked her to spell "forgut" and she said "F-O-R-G-U-T". I asked her what this strange name meant and she said it's when you have a camera and you turn it to make the picture clear. "Oh, focus", I said. "Yeah, forgut", she said.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:31 am on Feb. 19, 2004
Vancouver Jay
In BKK, it's not uncommon for a far-Issan kid to have a rather backwards Lao family nickname and take a new Thai one when arriving in the Big Smoggy.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 am on Feb. 19, 2004