I don't really understand why you make such a fuss out of this thread. All solutions and its phonetic equivalents given by me, are as I see them. There are several ways to write it in phonetics and even several ways to read them back and pronounce. Your solution: His wife has a lover My solution: This guy has a wife who 'butterflies' So your solution is accurate, while mine is not? There are many solutions to the poster's question. Furthermore, 'tsu tsu' is used as a verb, as your 'choo' is used as a noun. It seems we have another member who tries and likes to shine in 'superiority'. Although my Thai is in general better than most of bkktonight's members, it's by all means not perfect and I will never claim it to be so or try to outdo any other members. That perhaps as a newbie, Sorapong, is something to remember.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:46 am on Dec. 18, 2003
no particular interest here, other than in climbing up your ass and building a matchstick effigy of Nigel's disease-pimpled johnson. and ok there champ, you go ahead and use a noun as a verb, why not? i've been lurking here for two years, posting for about one; how's that stack up viz yr own newbie status, doc? and your "solution" does not translate as anything remotely like "This guy has a wife who 'butterflies'." what you took a rubber knife stab at is something rather more like "boy marry with girl lover lover." (nice refusal to deal with that naw-ngoo, by the way.) smooth moves, Ex-lax.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:47 pm on Dec. 18, 2003
Dr. Love Like Sorapong's ex-wife-bg my Thai sucks, but I do know Cuckold=OldCock as Sorapong=SoreDong and I like take out my hammer everytime SoreDong raises his head from lukedom usually once every 3-4 months to spout off his superiority and his great wit and hit that dong on the head so it keeps him sore. "smooth moves, Ex-lax" Hardee Harr Harr ROTFL...... NOT That was funny when I was in the first grade. Smegs not enough irritation to get an award.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:27 pm on Dec. 18, 2003
Amusing to see the flamefest that has erupted here. Haven't checked this thread for a few days. I always enjoy trying new phrases on my TGF, so I tried the two solutions posted here by Doc Love and sorapong. She always listens with a bit of dread when I annouce, "have new thing I learn in pasa Thai..." Anyway, she translated these back to me pretty close to what Doc Love described above (though more literally) : "His wife has a lover This guy has a wife who 'butterflies' " - DocLove She wasn't quite sure about my pronunciation of the word butterfly, as I was too lazy to x-check the tone. But she did get it. So we have the results of at least one field test... - Balls
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:41 pm on Dec. 19, 2003
Sorapong, sorry for you but reading your last post I wonder if you're really sound of mind. Is seems that your level of knowledge of the Thai language is not up to par to understand what I am talking about. I linger for the days when 'Haam Sup' and 'Smegma' made some kind of sensible and enjoyable remarks. Perhaps we could meet up on one of the RT and battle it out with Thais as jurors. I am one of a few who earns ladydrinks by translating services for other members Now how's that,soradong? As you are so friendly to attempt to teach me some Thai I will kindly reciprocate the gesture: tsu tsu (or choo choo as you prefer) can be used as a verb 'to butterfly' (to keep the local flavour), or cheating. Your solution 'Mia korng khao mee choo' is what you learn in schoolbooks, but it's actually too long. 'Korng' is actually very seldom used in day-to-day conversation. 'Mia khao mee choo' would do. And if you know who you're talking about: 'Mia mi choo' would suffice. 'Korng would be used in the folllowing situation: Who's is this? (Korng krai) His! (Korng khao) Another freebie from'DrLove's Thai Clinic'..... Oh, yeah, and then another of your excellent teachings: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 've been lurking here for two years, posting for about one; how's that stack up viz yr own newbie status, doc? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I classifiy newbie's to their number of posts (as the script used to do) and not the time that you've registered or 'lurked' in the background. I took 5 minutes to seach on username: The results: sorapong - 2 posts (December 2002) DrLove - 800+ posts (May 2003) You draw the conclusions about that remark. To be honest, the search engine might not be accurate as there are already more than 2 soradong posts in this thread, but probably pretty close. BTW I hope to see more of your mindblowing posts in 2004 This is my last post in this thread. Goodnight...
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:16 am on Dec. 20, 2003
Quote: from sorapong on 5:47 am on Dec. 19, 2003 no particular interest here, other than in climbing up your ass and building a matchstick effigy of Nigel's disease-pimpled johnson.
That was a tough one. I had to read it again to half figure what it was about. I am still a bit confused about the "climbing" (do you mean climbing like in climbing mountains?) and the "building" part (as in building a building?).
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:29 am on Dec. 20, 2003
Doc: look in any Thai-English dictionary -- Mary Haas’s still-definitive volume, for example, or even the fairly reliable and recent pocket-sized one by Benjawan Poomsan Becker -- and you will find that the word I choose to transliterate as “Choo” is a noun. Period. Haas goes on to provide that the term I used in my construction, and that I transliterated as “mee choo”, is a verb, though her examples play it both ways: “ (a married woman) to be adulterous, have a lover” -- neither of which quite makes it as a verb. She also lists what I would transliterate as “jao choo” -- a term no doubt familiar to most members here as “butterfly”, though “playboy” is rather closer -- as a verb, “to be flirtatious, to be a flirt.” Obviously these constructions also somewhat fail the verb test. I would be very interested to see any sort of evidence that “choo choo” (or as you would, “tsu tsu”) is used, commonly or otherwise, for “cheating.” Some people may use it that way, but I’ve never encountered it as such. Yes, my use of “korng” is a bit academic, though that particular bit of Thai possessive linguistic logic has always intrigued me -- referring to one’s wife or children as one’s possessions -- so I adhere to it. Yes, in context “Mia khao mee choo” is perfectly workable. Doc, I will not question your skills for earning ladydrinks -- when you drink them, does that make “ladydrinks” a verb too? You have succeeded in proving that your Thai language skills are somewhat more accurate than this website’s search engine -- the count you came up with is rather off, as those I’ve aggravated here on several occasions would no doubt attest. By the way, the Thai word for butterfly is “pee sua”. That’s a noun, by the way, though common usage here makes it somewhat acceptable as a verb, but only when you use the English word “butterfly” in the context of an otherwise Thai sentence -- and then only in constructs particular to the neither-here-nor-there Thai/English zones where bar girls who stopped going to school when they were twelve have taught themselves to converse with foreign men whose Thai language skills usually stop at “kee niao”. You know, Doc, those places where you claim you are regularly rewarded with “ladydrink too much.” Or places where someone might actually reference, with some sense of superiority, a conversation in which they had prefaced an enquiry about the finer points of language with a statement like “have new thing I learn in pasa Thai.” Now that’s pillow talk; honey, come to dread. Smegma, your confusion is understandable, and long-proven. Yes, I mean climbing as in climbing, as when one climbs up a mountain, or up an ass -- the pertinent qualification here being that directional, “up.” And yes, I mean building as in building, as when one builds something out of matchsticks -- a replica of the Queen Mary, for example, or of Nigel’s legendarily pimpled rut-wand.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:08 am on Dec. 22, 2003
Quote: from Hugh G Rection on 5:20 pm on Dec. 9, 2003 Does anyone know the Thai word for a boyfriend whose girlfriend has turned him into a cuckold (ie the Thai girl friend slept with another mans friend making a fool out of the unknowing boyfriend).
Not quite the same meaning, but seems to fit the description: Sa-pong-ngo (stupid sponsor!)
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:24 am on Dec. 22, 2003