I've gone to LOS every year for 4 years in a row, and if I may borrow the perfect phrase from Martin Luther King, "I've seen the promised land!" In reading the Forum the last few weeks about pricing for ST and LT in Bangkok (especially at NEP), it seems that my favorite girls in the world are now demanding higher prices - and often getting away with it. I used to always figure 1500 for ST, 2000 for LT, plus maybe a little extra for good service, but it seems the BGs are now reportedly asking for 3000 or more at times. So here's the question: How do you politely, and hopefully with good humor and charm, tell her too much? If she's a stunner, I guess I'll pay, but advice from the boys in the Forum would be most appreciated!
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:11 am on Nov. 2, 2006
You can nip this in the bud just by telling HER the terms you would like (money, time) and asking if she agrees. If she doesn't agree, then she likely doesn't want to go with you so just move on. Asking "how much" is inviting a higher price quote.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:24 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Agreed. A good counter offer is to say, "if you make me very, very happy, if you take very good care of me, I will give you a nice tip." This gives them an incentive, obviously.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:33 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Quote: from ColoradoGuy on 3:48 pm on Nov. 2, 2006 Asking "how much" is inviting a higher price quote.
Yeah, and, if you're speaking in an unknown language, the rest of the conversation might be a bit difficult as well. This may be the best explanation as to why I don't speak any Thai at all.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:40 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Paeng (kern) pai (too expensive) Lot dai mai (what about a discount) Ngun yang mai ohk (my salary has not been paid yet) Pen Kon John (I am a poor guy)
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Quote: from Jingleballs on 3:35 pm on Nov. 2, 2006 I used to always figure 1500 for ST, 2000 for LT, plus maybe a little extra for good service, but it seems the BGs are now reportedly asking for 3000 or more at times.
Man, what are we talking about? Difference is 1000 B = 25 USD for a complete one night stand experience of even more... It's not worth trying to be slightly on the lower range of market prices, not in this case... It's your holidays, make it a thing to remember, and make her happy too - it will pay off. I ended up constantly trying to save money on everything and spoiling the whole night by doing so. I learned not to save my money but to look for good opportunities to spend it... At the end of the day my time in BKK is more limited than my money... It's much more important to detect the greedy starfish bitches, but that's another story... And yes, for the runners who pretend to go LT but don't really mean it and leave early with stupid excuses: cut the money you finally throw at her and be harsh, it's betrayal and must be punished... Therefore always have your change (500 B. notes) ready.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:31 am on Nov. 2, 2006
doc forgive me newbie questions.. Paeng (kern) pai (too expensive).....why's? the (kern) in brackets?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:56 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Jingle...many girls still do the 15/20, it is not worth paying 3k or 4k for your stunner if she is not into it with you to have some fun a frivolities. However, it may be worth the 3k if all you want to do is touch, see, feel and shag a real hottie and you do not really care if she is any good or not. But just do it the once and then move onto the real ones.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:57 am on Nov. 2, 2006
Mel Gibson
Paeng maak maak, Phom farang,mai baa baa bor bor. Too expensive I'm a foreigner NOT crazy. Follow this with the good advice above, of counter offer and tip for "make me happy very much". Through in a 'your so beautiful but I'm poor", always worth a try Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:49 am on Nov. 2, 2006