Get yourself cleaned in one of these soapy massage parlors. |
Hmmm... maybe the Thai guys I go with are idiots. Or maybe you were made to believe it was 500 but never got to know it was 1,000 as at the end -as Pinga says, we get an all-inclusive price. Or maybe my friends are just colluding with the mamasan. Or.... ... I think that if any is loosing sleep over this, we better test the place one day by going together (but not like scrambled eggs). Sit at different tables, and compare quotes for the same girls from different mamasan.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:49 am on June 3, 2003
If you bargain hard enough, they may waive it. I remember one poster who bitched and moaned about it, and they finally let him off without paying the surcharge.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:00 am on June 3, 2003
The one thing I have heard from a couple of girls is that they get paid the same -farang or not. If true the surchage goes fully to the establishment. I find that a bit hard to believe, but ....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:06 am on June 3, 2003
Interesting topic. According to my experience the girls receive a fixed amount of money per service provided. In most of the cases the figure is close to 50% of what the locals pay up front. This amount is considerable less in case the girl is managed by an agent, who bites a lot from what the establishment pays the girls. That's why quite a few chicks are very happy with the tips they get since that money goes straight to their purses. Of course, depending on the condition of the girl i.e. fishbowl regular, sideliner, model, etc. a TG will get different fixed amounts: MP fishbowl regular will receive B/. XXX MP sideliner will get B/. XXX + a MP model will get B/. XXX + a + b (a) and (b) are figures managed through a "contract" the girls have "agreed" with the establishment before hands. Therefore, if you are overcharged at any MP it is almost sure that the "extras" are going to the pocket of the unscrupulous papasan/mamasan.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:33 am on June 3, 2003
Specific cases I have in mind are 3rd floor girls rated at 3.4k for Thais -they get 2k per service. If going with farang at 4.4k, they still get 2k (if what they told me is true).
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:40 am on June 3, 2003
heard that too, not only in poseidon but other mp's too! the amount for the girl is always the same regardless who much surcharge there is! that is why many mamasans are asking the girls upfront if they are willing to go with a farang as for them it does not necessarily mean extra money!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on June 3, 2003
Can anyone tell me if the gals in Model Lounge and Venus showcase worth it? whats the difference between model lounge and Venus showcase? How about the second floor? whats the best time to visit? what does the word "farang" mean? POiseidon is too far from my hotel. any good MPs near Sukumvit road?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on June 3, 2003
First, a bit of background. I'm an american born and raised thai who just moved to bangkok a year ago. I'm basically what Thai's would consider upper class as i make a good salary even on US standards and western educated. I think i can provide a different perspective on this. My first two trips to poseidon i can only call a dissappointment. The beautiful models were always taken and I didn't feel it was as good a value as say Caesars. However, over time i've made quite a few connections in bangkok. I personally know partners at Orbit (a coworker), Piano, Champs Elys'ees and Poseidon. Actually, a couple of the Mamasans at Poseidon are equity holders. There's quite an advantage of being thai and knowing mamasans. The really good girls get booked a week in advance and when new girls come in, the mamasans call you and let you know. As for taking a girl out, its not going to happen unless your willing to spend lots of bank. A model that goes for 4500, poseidon takes 1800, girl keeps 2700. A girl can easily do 3 tricks a night and make 8100 baht a night without tips. I've made side arrangements with girls there before and met them outside, but I paid 10,000 baht. And they most likely will not go out with a Fahrang. If you really want to get the most out of poseidon, you need to find a thai who has connections there and can make arrangements in advance.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:47 am on June 7, 2003
So far my hit rate is 3 out of 4 tries when it comes to meeting 3rd floor girls outside (as in different girls). And I have managed to stay well way way below the 10k mark -I guess due not to interfering with their work schedule, and also only MT (if there is something called long term, which I would define as a very slow ST -only one shot on goal, but no time limit for superflous activities like talking, watching TV, etc. However, yes, lots of advantage being local, like anywhere else. But besides a few exceptions on some girls that would not entertain farangs, I have no complaints. I have always got what I wanted out of Poseidon. Yes, sometimes I go with Thai friends. But I get the same treatment when I go alone. Maybe because they know me already? Maybe.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:03 am on June 7, 2003