Get yourself cleaned in one of these soapy massage parlors. |
Well I'm dutch, and this is my opinion. For the price of about 12 (single) hours f***ing a cabdriver (watching the meter) in my country, I can live in thailand for a month with 24/7 a really nice girl on my side including everything even the planeticket. So guess what my choice is? ( Yeah, I know it is a difficult question, but I'm a bastard so I will let you hang there without answering it. ) The only reasonable priced fun is the swingerscene where you can have an evening of fun for something like 100 euro/$$$. Only, as a single man, you can enter these clubs only 1 or 2 days per week. There are dozens of thai houses in all the major cities here. The prices are something like 100/150 euro per hour. And an hour still means 60 minutes or less, but the girls still have a bit of the GFE from home. You can have that also with the other hookers, but then you have to be really good and a longtime regular. Never been to Rio, but safety is a real issue here. To the poor your life is worth less then nothing. For a budhist life is sacred so no hard choice there either. (I would not hesitate btw if I get bored in thailand to go to Rio, but that is just me.) Drugs. Well I don't use them, but like most dutch I could not care less if you do. The only thing we ask is don't let us step in your dirty needles. (Yeah, I know, you only smoke.) We have a bit more realistic view on drugs and sex then most of your uptight countries. These things don't dissapear when you outlaw them and this way you don't drive the criminals way down in the underworld. At least they pay taxes now. So if the girl wants to work in this business and pays her taxes, its ok. (We had a major uproar last year when a Jobcentre sent an unemployed woman to a brothel because there was a vacancy ) As for drugs, you can smoke grass, you can have grass (small quantity), but you can NOT grow grass or transport it. So coffeeshops are built on places where it magicly falls from the sky like manna from heaven. Alcohol and tabacco are legal drugs everywhere and far more lethal then grass, so we have have some difficulty understanding why your countries make such a big fuss about it. So you want a conclusion? Well you choose between a week here or a month in BKK. You choose between pussy and drugs. I have made mine. The rest is, like the thai grls say : UP TO YOU! (And if you want pussy and grass and cheap then visit Cambodia for a week during your month stay in thailand. If you are a bit like me you can even have atleast $500,- still in your pocket after a month of fun.)
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 am on Nov. 21, 2004
Oh! And I forgot about the weather. One is miserable, cold, wet and gloomy. Two are bright, hot and sunny. Again a difficult choice. I don't know about you, but the weather is a big influence on the mood of most people. Warm and sunny weather tends to give people an open and fun loving mood. Wet and cold weather makes people closed and rigit and generaly unfriendly. This forum seems obsessed with P4P and I think one of those P's stands for Pleasure. Guess again which country is more likely to give you the most pleasure? For the mentaly handicapt I will give a clue : I need a plane ticket to get there! Hey, I'm a beer bar pro now. So I'm not a virgin anymore. Well call in the grand jury, I have a statement to make : "I did not have sex with all those women!!!!!"
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:52 am on Nov. 21, 2004
bs, very nice post, I agree with you that holland is a very advanced country. it is a shame what happened lastly. so the unemployed women get offered quite interesting job opportunities in your country. peace bux
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:44 am on Nov. 21, 2004
Mark Pressure
For me A-dam is more of a 3 day trip and Thailand for 2 weeks.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:35 pm on Nov. 21, 2004
A few word in defense of Amsterdam from someone who has been a regular visitor to both AMS and BKK over the last 15 years. The two cities are offering two different sexual experiences. Anyone might reasonable prefer one over the other, and the advantages of BKK are well laid out in this forum. But a couple of AMS points to consider. --Sure Western currency goes a hell of a lot further in BKK. But it does raise issues of economic exploitation in certain cases. And a bit of the difference is "packaging". In BKK you are paying for a lot of foreplay/non-sex time. In AMS you are paying for orgasm. Different products. --More importantly vis-a-vis exploitation, in AMS, since everyting is legal, all your money is really going to the girl and legit expense (rent, doctors). In BKK much more goes to the bar owners, corrupt cops and other middlemen who can exploit girls just in from the provinces and their "illegal" situation. -- I have always found BKK quality much more variable than AMS. Can be much better, but also greater risk of being much worse. Sure there are well-run, highly-dependable places like Eden, but I have found total duds (and girls who absolutely hated what they were doing) at the well known MPs. All P4P has a hit-or-miss element, but this is based on a large sample over many years. Obviously full-time locals have better info and odds, I'm talking about the odds that short-term visitors face. --for Westerners AMS offers an obvious language advantage. Easy communication makes it much easier to get the experience you really want, and avoid problems that can spoil things --Red Light district type setups allow for a bit of negotiation. You obviously can't judge sexual talent per se, but you do get some sense of the woman's basic attitude, and it is very easy to establish whether your special interests are on or off limits, and to resolve prices in advance. I have always found AMS girls extremely welcoming to experienced, knowledgable P4P customers (although probably more intimitating for newbies) Given a choice tonight, I'd head to BKK, but I think AMS is far and away the best Western P4P option, an excellent choice for anyone who enjoys BKK.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:14 pm on Nov. 21, 2004
Ok, I agree with you that there are 2 different things on offer in both cities. But after that you went off the deep end. I hate to burst your bubble, but your post indicate your living in some sort of fantasy land. EXPLOITATION : BKK : Who do you think is exploiting who??? In BKK you are the one that gets exploited; mr. Walking ATM. On average a girl makes 2000 baht for an LT. The average hardworking thai makes that in a month. So a girl can make 30 times the average wages. They are f***ing rich. Now if they only were smart enough to bring it to the bank. AMS : If hookers made 30 times my average salary, I would grow tits and my ass would be yours. Some can make a good living, but the majority have to be glad if they even make the average wages here. And if you mean slavery with the word exploitation, then what makes you think it is better here then there. Hundreds of girls cross our border to work in bars, restaurants and hotels to find that the "guide" took their passports and dumped them in a brothel where they have to work or else....... The only difference here is that the police once a year can manage to catch 1 gang out of dozens. Where as in BKK the police are payed to look the other way. ORGASM : Yep, here you pay for your orgasm. But didn't your mother tell you that your hand can do that for free??? I like to pay for all the fun and games that lead up to the orgasm. The orgasm is sometimes even an added bonus. So AMS is not my favorite passtime. And I know some pro's from the swingerscene very well. So I have the time of my life, when I see some dope banging his ass off and the girl is shouting the place up, while she looks me right in the eyes with a look that says : "Jeez, what an asshole, is there no end to my suffering." I hope for you, that you understand that will happen to you also 99,9% of the time. That is why I prefer BKK, I may have had some starfishes, but I only suspect 1 girl of faking it. Here you get the real deal instead of a blow-up doll with a real pussy. If that is what you want, why travel all the way to AMS, you must have hookers in your own country giving you the same service? MONEY GOING TO GIRL : That is a laugh! In AMS the money goes to the house owner, bartender, house owner, bodyguard, house owner, the pimp, the house owner, the driver, house owner. If the girl gets half of your money she has a good deal. Then after all that she has to pay taxes. That is an other 1/3 - 1/2 of her money. Yep she will be rich in no time. Bill Gates feels her breahting down his financial neck. The illegal girl make even less, if anything but debts. Now in BKK all the money you put in her hand is hers (not counting drunken boyfriends). If you pay mamasan then she will get not more then half probably. So if exploitation is your thing, then go to BKK, there you are in total control of the level of exploitation. Here in AMS you will never know if had your dick up an illegal pussy. In BKK there are maybe girls chained to a wall (I don't mean an S&M club) but here in AMS the chaines are invisible. (BTW the doctor is probably the only free thing she gets There are one or two volunteer doctors running about) QUALITY : True here it is fairly similair. IT IS ALL FAKE!!!!! Let me go to BKK where I can have a beauty with an beatiful inside as well (LT ofcourse). And if I pick the wrong girl, I have only my self to blame. Better luck next time. Plenty of fish and so on..... And the only duds that I had were girls from brothels, the higher you get on the foodchain the better the service will be. Never had any trouble with a freelancer or a beerbar girl. But it could be I'm a better judge of character. As I stated elsehwere : I will skip a bitch 9 for a lovely 8 or 7 anytime. LANGUAGE : Yep, we dutch are not linguisticaly inhibited. But that is in your day to day routine. Now as to the working girls, more then half come from everywhere. Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and thailand. Yeah, realy easy communicating with a russian girl on your right, an angolan on your left and a columbian on your back. NEGOTIATION : Yes, you are right, it is a bit better/easier in AMS. It is just like a grossery shop. A pound of this, an ounce of that. But don't you hate it when you wife finds the itemized bill?? That is what I like in BKK, you pay the 1000 or 2000 and you take it from there. It adds to the GFE for me. And if you incist on something that she won't do, then skip her and BF the next girl. I can agree that AMS is the best in the west as to findng the girls. But if you mean service, then I don't see much difference with the hooker in your neck of the woods. Where ever you are. Expencive fake is expencive fake everywhere. Wow, all that typing really hurts my masturbating hand.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:07 am on Nov. 22, 2004
Ok, I have an update on the money part. A AMS hooker told on TV that renting a window costs atleast 150 euro per day-PART. Now she did not say how long a part was, but it is not hard to figure out. It must be something like 5 to 8 hours. As you said it is "orgasm" they sell, so I guess most men will take the half-hour-50-euro deal instead of the 100 euro 1 hour. Most men can't cum twice in an hour. It is also easier to skip an half hour on your wife/boss then an hour. So that means the girls need 5 Johns to make 50 euro. So for them to make more then 100 euro in 5 to 8 hours the men should be standing inline for their window. And I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing you will stand inline for 2 hours on a windy corner at freezing point in the pooring rain talking to the guy infront of you. "What number do you have?" I have number 53." What number is she helping now?" "Number 6 went in just 5 minutes ago." Still got your calculator at hand. Ok, let's do some more math. 1 window for let say 2 parts per day times 30 makes 9.000 euro per month for the house owner. I don't know about you, but it takes me a lot of months to make that kind of money. And this f***er has dozens of windows, and that is probably only the less lucrative part of his business. 1 girl renting 1 window for 1 daypart having 7 John's per day (must be a looker then) can make 3.000 euro per month. ONLY............. I don't believe that. The day's she will make more then 100 euro are far less then the days she will have to pay the window from her own money. If they were scrubbing floors they would make the same money. But now they have the false sence of freedom. Yeah, the freedom to be crushed by Fatty The German or poked by Stinkeybreath The Brit or fondled by Cheatinghubby The Dutchgit. So who is exploiting who again?????????? I hope this gives all you out there a more realistic view on the thai bargirls and their getting the short end of your stick bullshit. They are living like the proverbial queens of the night. Inside the bar they get a meager salary. And when you take them out of the bar they live on your pocket and for that you give them money as well. I wish I could find such a deal here.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:17 am on Nov. 27, 2004
Thanx for all the considerate replies. I gave up my plans for ams and rio and I bought a ticket to bkk from Dec. 22 ~~~ maybe 7-10 days...until $1,600 becomes 0...I've been to bkk twice this last summer break and I surely fell in love with her. Anyways, if anyone's around during my trip and if you guys like to chill with an Asian then give me a msg or mail. Thanx~
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Dec. 7, 2004
Quote: from bkkoneluv on 12:17 pm on Dec. 7, 2004 I bought a ticket to bkk from Dec. 22 ~~~ maybe 7-10 days...until $1,600 becomes 0... Anyways, if anyone's around during my trip and if you guys like to chill with an Asian then give me a msg or mail. Thanx~
I'm around cause I live here in BKK (lucky me!)
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:40 am on Dec. 7, 2004
I am currently working in the campos basin offshore Brazil, I live in Banglamung, I fly through AMS regularly. If you want georgeous girls with beautiful asses then by all means go to Rio, I found that after a day or so, when they figure you are not just a one night stand then the GFE kicks in, and it can be just as good as Thailand. However if you are seeking large boobs, then maybe better to head for Venezuela. Although I have seen ome extraordinary specimins on Copacabana opposite Mabs. Europe, is not for the GFE, although I hear Prague has possibilities ( I have friends who swear by the place). In the end its what you feel comfortable with, I feel comfortable in Thailand, but I never felt that in Rio, even local friends say dont go here, or here at night. I love Brazil and the girls are awesome, but I will stick with Thailand where I feel a little safer (although not much since Toxin and cronies started this stupid cleanup, which has just added thousands to those who wil try for a quick robbery). regards freddie
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:20 pm on Dec. 7, 2004